
Enhancing Self-Care Research Group


Mrs Lorraine Armstrong

Mrs Lorraine Armstrong

Lecturer in Nursing, Health Sciences Stirling

Dr Kathleen Clarke

Dr Kathleen Clarke

Lecturer, Health Sciences Stirling

Dr Nicola Cunningham

Dr Nicola Cunningham

Lecturer (MacMillan Cancer Support), Health Sciences Stirling

Dr Alison Hackett

Dr Alison Hackett

Senior Lecturer, Health Sciences Stirling

Dr Carina Hibberd

Dr Carina Hibberd

Lecturer in Acute Nursing, Health Sciences Stirling

Dr Ross Stewart

Dr Ross Stewart

Lecturer in Health Sciences, Health Sciences Stirling

Miss Ashleigh Ward

Miss Ashleigh Ward

PhD Researcher, Health Sciences Stirling

Professor Karen Watchman

Professor Karen Watchman

Professor, Health Sciences Stirling

Dr Joyce Wilkinson

Dr Joyce Wilkinson

Lecturer, Health Sciences Stirling



Joseph-Williams N, Abhyankar P, Boland L, Bravo P, Brenner AT, Brodney S, Coulter A, Giguere A, Hoffman A, Körner M, Langford A, Légaré F, Matlock D, Moumjid N & Munro S (2021) What Works in Implementing Patient Decision Aids in Routine Clinical Settings? A Rapid Realist Review and Update from the International Patient Decision Aid Standards Collaboration. Medical Decision Making, 41 (7), pp. 907-937. https://doi.org/10.1177/0272989x20978208


Watchman K, Mattheys K, McKernon M, Strachan H, Andreis F & Murdoch J (2021) A person-centred approach to implementation of psychosocial interventions with people who have an intellectual disability and dementia-A participatory action study. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 34 (1), pp. 164-177. https://doi.org/10.1111/jar.12795


Abhyankar P, Wilkinson J, Berry K, Wane S, Uny I, Aitchison P, Duncan E, Calveley E, Mason H, Guerrero K, Tincello D, McClurg D, Elders A, Hagen S & Maxwell M (2020) Implementing pelvic floor muscle training for women with pelvic organ prolapse: a realist evaluation of different delivery models. BMC Health Services Research, 20 (1), Art. No.: 910. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-020-05748-8

Book Chapter

Watchman K & Quinn S (2019) Down's syndrome and dementia. In: Jackson G & Tolson D (eds.) Textbook of Dementia Care. London: Routledge, pp. 178-186. https://www.crcpress.com/Textbook-of-Dementia-Care-An-Integrated-Approach/Jackson-Tolson/p/book/9781138229242

Book Chapter

Watchman K (2019) Where does dementia sit in modern society?. In: Jackson G & Tolson D (eds.) Textbook of Dementia Care: An Integrated Approach. London: Routledge, pp. 29-37. https://www.crcpress.com/Textbook-of-Dementia-Care-An-Integrated-Approach/Jackson-Tolson/p/book/9781138229242

Book Chapter

Watchman K (2019) Como disfrutar la vida al hacerse viejo [Ageing with Down syndrome]. In: Guerrero M & Brown R (eds.) Vivir con Síndrome de Down. Mexico City, Mexico: Independently Published, pp. 116-136. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Vivir-S%C3%ADndrome-Down-Manuel-Guerrero/dp/1796930512/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1553512235&sr=1-3


Farquharson B, Abhyankar P, Smith K, Dombrowski SU, Treweek S, Dougall N, Williams B & Johnston M (2019) Reducing delay in patients with acute coronary syndrome and other time-critical conditions: a systematic review to identify the behaviour change techniques associated with effective interventions. Open Heart, 6 (1), Art. No.: e000975. https://doi.org/10.1136/openhrt-2018-000975

Research Report

Stoddart K, Cowie J, Robertson T, Bugge C, Donaldson J & Andreis F (2019) The Scottish Ambulance Service New Clinical Response Model Evaluation Report [NCRM report for SAS]. Scottish Ambulance Service. Stirling: University of Stirling. https://scottishamb-newsroom.prgloo.com/news/scottish-ambulance-service-clinical-model-credited-with-saving-43-percent-more-lives


Perspectives of older couples with a learning disability when one partner has dementia: identifying support needs of carer dyads.
PI: Professor Karen Watchman
Funded by: The Dunhill Medical Trust

British Academy Writing Workshop (Global Challenges Research Fund)
PI: Professor Karen Watchman
Funded by: The British Academy

SCENIC: Surmounting COVID Challenges, Experiences of Nurses in Charge
PI: Dr Kathleen Stoddart
Funded by: NHS Lothian and NHS Grampian

Creating Safe Handover Systems In Pre-Hospital Care
Funded by: Chief Scientist Office

Improving the prehospital identification and care for people presenting with query COVID 19 symptoms
Funded by: Chief Scientist Office

Post-diagnostic support for people with a learning disability and dementia (funded through delegate fees)
PI: Professor Karen Watchman
Funded by: Delegates - Short Courses

Investigating pregnant women’s and health care professional’s views about knowing their individual risk of future pelvic floor dysfunction: a feasibility study for the UR-CHOICE Randomised Controlled Trial
Funded by: Chief Scientist Office

Learning Disability & Dementia training delivery (Hansel)
PI: Professor Karen Watchman
Funded by: Hansel