Fees and funding
Funded places
Our Kindergarten is a funded provider, which means that we work in close partnership with Stirling Council to deliver the 1140 funding entitlement. From 1 August 2021, the funded early learning and childcare entitlement is 1140 hours per year for all 3 and 4-year-olds, and eligible 2-year-olds. See more about what your child is entitled to on the Stirling Council website.
Children over the age of 3 years
Your child’s pro-rata entitlement is based on the number of sessions you may choose to attend, and your child’s start date. For example, if your child turns three years old in October, they will receive funding from January onwards.
A funded day session is 9am-3pm. It is possible to combine your funded hours with unfunded hours or with more than one nursery setting.
Our fees
If your child is not eligible for funding, please contact us to get more information about our fees. Email psychologykindergarten@stir.ac.uk or call 07585 123430.