Confirmation documents

Student records in paper format will be retained for 6 years after the student has left the University and then destroyed. The Core elements of the student record are held indefinitely electronically.

Apostille Stamp

Information authorising documents for use in non -EEC countries.

Apostille (also referred to as Apostille of Hague Accords) is a stamp or adhesive label, signed by the UK Government Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and applied to a signed legal or government document or commercial contract. It is internationally recognised as a means of verifying the authenticity of official documents.

How to get an Apostille

Apostille enquiries relating to transcripts or degree certificates are occasionally received from students from (or wanting to work/study in) non-EEC countries.

The University does not provide an Apostille service, so any students who need one should contact the FCO Legalisation Office.

Certificates of Enrolment

During your studies at the University, you may be required to provide information to confirm your student status to employers, employment agencies or banks.

Current students can request an official certificate of enrolment which is emailed automatically to your student email address via the student portal here

The Student Services Hub can provide you with a letter confirming your status as an enrolled student, and bank letters if you wish to open a student bank account. When requesting a letter please quote your student number and let us know if any special information is needed on the letter (typically we include programme start and end dates, enrolment status and mode of attendance, name and address).

We are only able to include information that can be verified from University records.

How much will a certificate of enrolment cost?

For registered students of the University, there is no charge for the letter.

How long will it take?

Once you have completed enrolment your certificate of enrolment will be emailed to your student account within 24 hours.

Embassy Enquiries

Confirmation of Academic Award for the Chinese Embassy

The University has agreed with the Education Section of the Chinese Embassy in London to provide them with direct confirmation of study dates and academic award for Chinese-domiciled students. We no longer produce letters for students to submit to the Embassy and instead email the Embassy direct, following the academic awards process, with award confirmation. Upon receipt of the University email the Education Section of the Chinese Embassy will then process the application of Degree Verification.

Notification Dates

Following academic awards, notification emails will be sent to the Chinese Embassy on the following dates:

  • to be confirmed

If you have any questions regarding your student record please contact the Student Services Hub.

Confirmation of Study Letter/Certified Documents

Students may purchase an official letter that confirms the degree they have been awarded or have official documents issued by the University of Stirling certified via our online shop. Documents can either be collected from our office or sent directly to the student or a third party.

Current students can request an official certificate of enrolment which is emailed automatically to your student email address.

We will aim to deal with requests within 10 working days. During busy periods, this may take longer. Only the person to whom the letter relates can make a request.

Reference Requests

If you have applied for a job or for a course at another institution, you may be asked to provide the Employer, Employment Agency or Academic Institution with the name of an Academic/Personal Reference.

Current students can request an official certificate of enrolment which is emailed automatically to your student email address via the student portal.

Academic Reference to Third Parties

Registry provides academic award verification to authorized third parties and employment agencies, free of charge. We can only confirm a student's dates of attendance, programme and result, as we do not know the students personally. It is University policy not to release details of a student's record which is not in the public domain.

The Employer/Institution should send their Reference request to must ensure they include a signed consent from, including a full date of birth from you, allowing the University to release your personal information to them. This is due to the UK GDPR/Data Protection Act 2018, which prohibits the University from releasing any personal information to third parties without the permission of the student.

Due to the high volume of reference requests which we receive on a daily basis, it is imperative that Employers/Agencies//Institutions send the Reference Request and the consent in the same email.

It is University Policy not to release information for students who have a debt to the University.

Academic References can take up to 10 working days to process. Due to the volume of requests we receive, especially around enrolment and graduation, we cannot entertain enquiries from third parties requesting same-day replies.

Personal Reference

Requests for personal/character references should be directed to an academic member or staff who knows you personally and is in a position to complete the reference. You should contact your Faculty for the relevant contact details.

Academic Syllabus

Current Students

Current Students requiring a syllabus can access and download the module information from the Degree Programme Tables on the Student Portal. The module information details will not be stamped with the official university crest.

Former Students

It may be possible to provide a former student with a brief outline of the modules and subjects covered during their studies at the University. You should allow up to 20 working days for you request to be processed as the information may have to be sourced from archives. During the enrolment and graduation season, syllabus requests will take considerably longer to process.

Only the person to whom the syllabus relates can make a request. The syllabus can be collected from Student Services Hub , emailed or posted directly to the student or a third party. There is a charge of £30 for this service which also includes a copy of the academic transcript. A syllabus can be purchased via the University's online shop.

Please note that Modules information is only included for the completed and passed Modules.  

There is an additional £5 fee for mailing the Syllabus to Europe and other overseas locations, which can be purchased via the online shop.

If you only require a list of modules and grades then please refer to the transcripts webpage.

Matriculated Student: Releasing Information to a Third Party

The University will not disclose your personal information (personal data) to your parents, relatives, friends or sponsor* without your consent. However, we recognise that there may be occasions where you wish someone to speak to the University on your behalf or you require someone else to collect documentation on your behalf from the Student Services Hub. Should you require the University to talk to a third party or release information to a third party on your behalf, you should complete the third-party disclosure for current students and email to from your University of Stirling email account.