Personal Tutor Scheme
Every Stirling student is assigned a personal tutor. Your tutor is your main contact for academic guidance and pastoral support during your studies. For non-academic concerns, they’ll connect you with the right support services.
This page is information for students. Members of staff who are personal tutors should go to our staff personal tutor page.
Who is my personal tutor?
Your personal tutor is an academic staff member who normally teaches in your subject area. If you're new at Stirling or can't remember who your personal tutor is, just go to the Portal homepage. You'll find your personal tutor’s details in your academic history. Click the link “View Personal Student Tutor/Supervisor(s) Information”.
What is the role of my personal tutor and how can they help me?
Your personal tutor is your single point of contact for support and guidance in your academic studies. They're not just there to answer questions, they can help you thrive at Stirling.
Your personal tutor will help you to:
- discover and make the most of everything Stirling has to offer,
- review your academic progress, reflect on your goals, and celebrate your achievements,
- explore your options for further study or career paths after you graduate,
- address any concerns or problems that may affect your studies and refer you to specialist support services when needed,
- provide academic references for you if required.
Meeting your personal tutor
If you're new to Stirling your personal tutor will invite you to a meeting within the first week of semester. This might be a group meeting or a one-to-one. The meetings can take place in-person or on Microsoft Teams. At that meeting you can agree with your tutor the best way to keep in touch. Returning students will be invited to meet within the first six weeks of semester.
You will usually meet with your personal tutor once a semester.
However, you don’t have to wait until the next meeting if something is urgent and you need advice, you can email them at any time in the semester. Personal tutors aim to respond to your request within three working days. They will also have open hours each week when you can speak to them.
You can request meetings with your personal tutor as needed throughout your time at Stirling. Your personal tutor may contact you at other times too, so please make sure you respond if they do.
How to make the most of your time with your personal tutor
Meetings are informal and usually no more than 30 minutes. Let your tutor know how you prefer to meet. You can meet your personal tutor alone, or with a supporter, at any time. Meetings can also be held in a group with other students. Personal tutors will often invite you to a group meeting when you first arrive so you get to know some other students on your course.
Depending on your stage of study, your tutor will ask you things like:
- how you are getting on,
- what feedback you have received in the last semester,
- your goals for the coming semester.
To get the most out of your meeting, it’s a good idea to prepare in advance. Think about what you’d like to discuss or any questions you have.
If something is affecting your ability to study, let your personal tutor know as soon as you can. This way, they can help you find the right support. Personal tutors are not currently told about any particular learning needs and adjustments you may have in place. It is up to you if you want to share that information with them.
At the end of the meeting agree some next steps to help you stay on track. You can bring any outcomes ready for discussion at the next meeting.
Finally, don’t wait for a problem to reach out - stay in touch with your personal tutor, even when things are going well.
Changes to your personal tutor
You usually keep the same personal tutor throughout your studies. However, if your personal tutor is absent from the University for a significant period you'll be given an alternative tutor. If your personal tutor leaves the University you'll be allocated a new personal tutor by your faculty.
If you want to change your personal tutor for any reason or want to make a complaint about them, please get in touch with your Faculty.
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Faculty of Social Sciences
Stirling Management School
Faculty of Health Sciences and Sport