Leveraging the motivational effects of labels: Lessons from retrofitting
Comerford DA, Moro M, Sejas-Portillo R & Stowasser T (2021) Leveraging the motivational effects of labels: Lessons from retrofitting. Behavioral Science and Policy, 7 (2), pp. 17-25.
Life satisfaction and austerity: Expectations and the macroeconomy
Brown S, Kontonikas A, Montagnoli A, Moro M & Onnis L (2021) Life satisfaction and austerity: Expectations and the macroeconomy. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 95, Art. No.: 101780.
Effect of obstacles/tips card on breastfeeding drop-off
Comerford DA & McGillivray T (2021) Effect of obstacles/tips card on breastfeeding drop-off. British Journal of Midwifery, 29 (9), pp. 510-515.
Incentivising biodiversity net gain with an offset market
Simpson K, Dallimer M, de Vries F, Hanley N & Armsworth P (2021) Incentivising biodiversity net gain with an offset market. Q Open, 1 (1), Art. No.: qoab004.
Starting from scratch? A new approach to subnational public finance
Bell D, Sas W & Houston J (2021) Starting from scratch? A new approach to subnational public finance. Regional Studies, 55 (4), pp. 617-629.
From one pandemic to another: emerging lessons from COVID-19 for tackling physical inactivity in cities
McDougall CW, Brown C, Thomson C, Hanley N, Tully MA, Quilliam RS, Bartie PJ, Gibson L & Oliver DM (2021) From one pandemic to another: emerging lessons from COVID-19 for tackling physical inactivity in cities. Cities and Health, 5 (Supplement 1), pp. S181-S184.
Book Chapter
Jewell S, Reade J & Singleton C (2021) IT’S JUST NOT CRICKET: RULES AND THE GENTLEMAN’S GAME. In: Butler R (ed.) Advances in Sports Economics. Newcastle upon Tyne: Agenda Publishing, pp. 85-108.
Payment and policy consequentiality in dichotomous choice contingent valuation: Experimental design effects on self-reported perceptions
Borger T, Abate TG, Margrethe A & Zawojska E (2021) Payment and policy consequentiality in dichotomous choice contingent valuation: Experimental design effects on self-reported perceptions. Land Economics, 97 (2), pp. 407-424.
A meta-analysis of influenza vaccination following correspondence: Considerations for COVID-19
Murphy RP, Taaffe C, Ahern E, McMahon G & Muldoon O (2021) A meta-analysis of influenza vaccination following correspondence: Considerations for COVID-19. Vaccine, 39 (52), pp. 7606-7624.
A deeper struggle for the soul of economics
Dow S (2021) A deeper struggle for the soul of economics. Commentary on: Hoover, K. (2021). The struggle for the soul of economics. Journal of Economic Methodology. Journal of Economic Methodology.
Newspaper / Magazine
Vaccines are necessary, but not sufficient without better healthcare and ventilation
Sas W (2021) Vaccines are necessary, but not sufficient without better healthcare and ventilation. The Conversation. 09.12.2021.
Investigating the Effect of Restaurant Menu Labelling on Consumer Food Choices Using a Field Experiment
Erdem S (2021) Investigating the Effect of Restaurant Menu Labelling on Consumer Food Choices Using a Field Experiment. British Food Journal.
Preprint / Working Paper
Preference Conditions for Linear Demand Functions
Diasakos TM (2021) Preference Conditions for Linear Demand Functions. Working Paper Series.
Newspaper / Magazine
Big business and climate change: finally, sustainability pays
Anderson C (2021) Big business and climate change: finally, sustainability pays. The Conversation. 10.11.2021.
Stadium attendance demand during the COVID-19 crisis: early empirical evidence from Belarus
Reade JJ, Schreyer D & Singleton C (2021) Stadium attendance demand during the COVID-19 crisis: early empirical evidence from Belarus. Applied Economics Letters, 28 (18), pp. 1542-1547.
Newspaper / Magazine
Breastfeeding is tough: new research shows how to make it more manageable
Comerford D (2021) Breastfeeding is tough: new research shows how to make it more manageable. The Conversation. 15.10.2021.
Newspaper / Magazine
Climate change: convincing people to pay to tackle it is hard - treating it like a pension could help
Comerford D (2021) Climate change: convincing people to pay to tackle it is hard - treating it like a pension could help. The Conversation. 05.10.2021.
A comparison of visual versus non-visual representations of costs in financial decision-making
Erdem S, Li H & Campbell D A comparison of visual versus non-visual representations of costs in financial decision-making. Economics.
The U-shape of happiness in Scotland
Bell DNF & Blanchflower DG (2021) The U-shape of happiness in Scotland. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 68 (4), pp. 407-433.
Dynamically complete markets under Brownian motion
Diasakos T (2021) Dynamically complete markets under Brownian motion. Mathematics and Financial Economics, 15 (4), pp. 719-745.
Spatial clustering of willingness to pay for ecosystem services
Toledo‐Gallegos VM, Long J, Campbell D, Börger T & Hanley N (2021) Spatial clustering of willingness to pay for ecosystem services. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 72 (3), pp. 673-697.
Spatial Coordination and Joint Bidding in Conservation Auctions
Banerjee S, Cason T, de Vries F & Hanley N (2021) Spatial Coordination and Joint Bidding in Conservation Auctions. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 8 (5), pp. 1013-1049.
Newspaper / Magazine
Exposure of faked dishonesty study makes me proud to be a behavioural scientist
Comerford D (2021) Exposure of faked dishonesty study makes me proud to be a behavioural scientist. The Conversation. 08.09.2021.
Maybe tomorrow: How burdens and biases impede energy-efficiency investments
Lades L, Clinch JP & Kelly JA (2021) Maybe tomorrow: How burdens and biases impede energy-efficiency investments. Energy Research & Social Science, 78, Art. No.: 102154.
Newspaper / Magazine
Women may not be more pessimistic than men after all - why that matters for the gender pay gap
Comerford D (2021) Women may not be more pessimistic than men after all - why that matters for the gender pay gap. The Conversation. 20.08.2021.
Newspaper / Magazine
What can economics learn from cricket – and cricket from economics?
Singleton C & Jewell S (2021) What can economics learn from cricket – and cricket from economics?. Economics Observatory. 04.08.2021.
Apparent age and gender differences in survival optimism: To what extent are they a bias in the translation of beliefs onto a percentage scale?
Comerford DA (2021) Apparent age and gender differences in survival optimism: To what extent are they a bias in the translation of beliefs onto a percentage scale?. Judgment and Decision Making, 16 (4), pp. 1072-1096.
Putting your best fish forward: Investigating distance decay and relative preferences for fish conservation
Danley B, Sandorf ED & Campbell D (2021) Putting your best fish forward: Investigating distance decay and relative preferences for fish conservation. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 108, Art. No.: 102475.
Newspaper / Magazine
Tokyo Olympics without crowds: will the home nation’s medal chances suffer?
Singleton C, Schreyer D & Rewilak J (2021) Tokyo Olympics without crowds: will the home nation’s medal chances suffer?. The Conversation. 19.07.2021.
Conference Paper (published)
The Impact of COVID-19 Fear: Evidence To Inform Social, Health And Economic Recovery - A Healthy Ageing In Scotland (HAGIS) Study
Douglas E, Bell DNF, Comerford D, McCabe L, Pemble C, McGregor L & Brown T (2021) The Impact of COVID-19 Fear: Evidence To Inform Social, Health And Economic Recovery - A Healthy Ageing In Scotland (HAGIS) Study. In: Ageing Past, Present and Future: Innovation and Change. British Society of Gerontology 50th Annual Conference, Online, 07.07.2021-09.07.2021. Hampshire: British Society of Gerontology, p. 165.
Conference Abstract
PUK21 Patients’ Preferences for a Wearable Digital Health Technology to Support Self-Management of Chronic Kidney Disease
Gc VS, Iglesias CP, Erdem S, Hassan L & Manca A (2021) PUK21 Patients’ Preferences for a Wearable Digital Health Technology to Support Self-Management of Chronic Kidney Disease. Value in Health, 24 (Supplement 1), Art. No.: S237.
Do Women Directors Improve Firm Performance and Risk in India?
El-Khatib R & Joy N (2021) Do Women Directors Improve Firm Performance and Risk in India?. Quarterly Journal of Finance, 11 (2), Art. No.: 2150006.
Newspaper / Magazine
Is football coming home?
Krumer A, Reade J & Singleton C (2021) Is football coming home?. Economics Observatory. 11.06.2021.
Preprint / Working Paper
The impact of University reopenings on COVID-19 cases in Scotland
Gutierrez Rufrancos H, Moro M & Moore E (2021) The impact of University reopenings on COVID-19 cases in Scotland. Covid Economics: Vetted and Real-time Papers, Issue 80. Centre for Economic Policy Research.
The value of blue-space recreation and perceived water quality across Europe: A contingent behaviour study
Börger T, Campbell D, White MP, Elliott LR, Fleming LE, Garrett JK, Hattam C, Hynes S, Lankia T & Taylor T (2021) The value of blue-space recreation and perceived water quality across Europe: A contingent behaviour study. Science of the Total Environment, 771, Art. No.: 145597.
Evaluating strange forecasts: The curious case of football match scorelines
Reade JJ, Singleton C & Brown A (2021) Evaluating strange forecasts: The curious case of football match scorelines. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 68 (2), pp. 261-285.
Do economic preferences predict pro-environmental behaviour?
Lades LK, Laffan K & Weber TO (2021) Do economic preferences predict pro-environmental behaviour?. Ecological Economics, 183, Art. No.: 106977.
Newspaper / Magazine
Reparations for slavery and colonial abuses: how behavioural science can help
Comerford D (2021) Reparations for slavery and colonial abuses: how behavioural science can help. The Conversation. 28.05.2021.
Demand for public events in the COVID-19 pandemic: a case study of European football
Reade JJ & Singleton C (2021) Demand for public events in the COVID-19 pandemic: a case study of European football. European Sport Management Quarterly, 21 (3), pp. 391-405.
Newspaper / Magazine
New EU carbon tax: wrong rate could wreck net-zero goals – but right rate can help world’s poor
Comerford D (2021) New EU carbon tax: wrong rate could wreck net-zero goals – but right rate can help world’s poor. The Conversation. 25.05.2021.
Website Content
Measuring the impact of immigration on subjective well-being
Howley P & Moro M (2021) Measuring the impact of immigration on subjective well-being. University of Stirling Public Policy Blog [Blog post] 24.05.2021.
The influence of mortality reminders on cultural in-group versus out-group takeaway food safety perceptions during the COVID-19 pandemic
McCabe S & Erdem S (2021) The influence of mortality reminders on cultural in-group versus out-group takeaway food safety perceptions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 51 (4), pp. 363-369.
Does education improve financial behaviors? Quasi-experimental evidence from Britain
Gray D, Montagnoli A & Moro M (2021) Does education improve financial behaviors? Quasi-experimental evidence from Britain. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 183, pp. 481-507.
A creative destruction approach to replication: Implicit work and sex morality across cultures
Tierney W, Hardy J, Ebersole CR, Viganola D, Clemente EG, Gordon M, Hoogeveen S, Haaf J, Dreber A, Johannesson M, Pfeiffer T, Huang JL, Vaughn LA, DeMarree K & Collaboration C&WMF (2021) A creative destruction approach to replication: Implicit work and sex morality across cultures. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 93, Art. No.: 104060.
Preprint / Working Paper
Did Negative News Regarding the Oxford AstraZeneca Vaccine end in Vaccine Hesitancy? A Repeated Cross-Section Event Study from the UK
Comerford D, Olivarius O, Dawson A, Brown T, Bell D, McGregor L, Pemble C, McCabe L & Douglas E (2021) Did Negative News Regarding the Oxford AstraZeneca Vaccine end in Vaccine Hesitancy? A Repeated Cross-Section Event Study from the UK.
Website Content
AstraZeneca suspension increased concern but did not change vaccination intentions in UK
Comerford D (2021) AstraZeneca suspension increased concern but did not change vaccination intentions in UK. University of Stirling Public Policy Blog [Blog post] 26.03.2021.
Economic methodology, the philosophy of economics and the economy: another turn?
Dow S (2021) Economic methodology, the philosophy of economics and the economy: another turn?. Journal of Economic Methodology, 28 (1 - Economic Methodology and Philosophy of Economics: Past, present and future), pp. 46-53.
Preferences for coastal and marine conservation in Vietnam: Accounting for differences in individual choice set formation
Börger T, Ngoc QTK, Kuhfuss L, Hien TT, Hanley N & Campbell D (2021) Preferences for coastal and marine conservation in Vietnam: Accounting for differences in individual choice set formation. Ecological Economics, 180, Art. No.: 106885.
Preprint / Working Paper
Welfare and the depth of informality: Evidence from five African countries
Egger E, Poggi C & Rufrancos H (2021) Welfare and the depth of informality: Evidence from five African countries. UNU WIDER Working Paper Series, 25/2021. UNU WIDER Working Paper Series.
A rapid review of the development and validation of instruments specifically designed to assess or measure 'COVID-19 fear'
Dawson A, Pemble C, Brown T, Comerford D, Olivarius O, McGregor L, Bell D & Douglas E (2021) A rapid review of the development and validation of instruments specifically designed to assess or measure 'COVID-19 fear'. National Institute for Health Research. PROSPERO 2021, CRD42021250233.
Gender and cooperative preferences
Furtner NC, Kocher MG, Martinsson P, Matzat D & Wollbrant C (2021) Gender and cooperative preferences. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 181, pp. 39-48.
Obfuscation maximization-based decision-making: Theory, methodology and first empirical evidence
Chorus C, van Cranenburgh S, Daniel AM, Sandorf ED, Sobhani A & Szép T (2021) Obfuscation maximization-based decision-making: Theory, methodology and first empirical evidence. Mathematical Social Sciences, 109, pp. 28-44.
Extreme Wages, Performance, and Superstars in a Market for Footballers
Scarfe R, Singleton C & Telemo P (2021) Extreme Wages, Performance, and Superstars in a Market for Footballers. Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society, 60 (1), pp. 84-118.
Causal effects of an absent crowd on performances and refereeing decisions during Covid-19
Bryson A, Dolton P, Reade JJ, Schreyer D & Singleton C (2021) Causal effects of an absent crowd on performances and refereeing decisions during Covid-19. Economics Letters, 198, Art. No.: 109664.
Newspaper / Magazine
What we can learn about economics from professional sport during Covid-19
Singleton C, Schreyer D, Dolton P, Reade JJ & Bryson A (2021) What we can learn about economics from professional sport during Covid-19. VoxEU. 31.01.2021.
Underemployment in the United States and Europe
Bell DNF & Blanchflower DG (2021) Underemployment in the United States and Europe. ILR Review, 74 (1), pp. 56-94.
Book Chapter
European Football After COVID-19
Reade JJ & Singleton C (2020) European Football After COVID-19. In: Billio M & Varotto S (eds.) A New World Post COVID-19: Lessons for Business, the Finance Industry and Policy Makers. Venice: Fondazione Università Ca’ Foscari.
Going with your gut: The (In)accuracy of forecast revisions in a football score prediction game
Singleton C, Reade JJ & Brown A (2020) Going with your gut: The (In)accuracy of forecast revisions in a football score prediction game. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 89, Art. No.: 101502.
The use of latent variable models in policy: A road fraught with peril?
Campbell D & Dancke Sandorf E (2020) The use of latent variable models in policy: A road fraught with peril?. Bio-based and Applied Economics, 9 (3), pp. 305-324.
The role of credit in regional divergence: Spanish regions and Eurozone countries
Dow SC & Rodriguez-Fuentes CJ (2020) The role of credit in regional divergence: Spanish regions and Eurozone countries [O papel do crédito na divergência regional: regiões espanholas e países da Zona do Euro]. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, 40 (4), pp. 712-727.
Book Chapter
Money Finance And The Role Of The State
Dow S (2020) Money Finance And The Role Of The State. In: Dunn B (ed.) A Research Agenda for Critical Political Economy. Elgar Research Agendas. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 47-60.
Book Chapter
The methodological role of the history of economic thought
Dow S (2020) The methodological role of the history of economic thought. In: Marcuzzo MC, Deleplace G & Paesani P (eds.) New Perspectives on Political Economy and its History. Palgrave Studies in the History of Economic Thought. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 21-37.
Book Chapter
Financialization, money and the state
Dow S (2020) Financialization, money and the state. In: van der Zwan N, Mader P & Mertens D (eds.) The Routledge International Handbook of Financialization. Routledge International Handbooks. London: Routledge, pp. 56-67.
Book Chapter
Pluralism and heterodox economics
Dow S (2020) Pluralism and heterodox economics. In: Hermann A & Mouatt S (eds.) Contemporary Issues of Heterodox Economics: Implications for Theory and Policy Action. London: Routledge, pp. 275-281.
Book Chapter
Is macro in crisis?
Dow S (2020) Is macro in crisis?. In: Rochon L & Bougrine H (eds.) Credit, Money and Crises in Post-Keynesian Economics. New Directions in Post-Keynesian Economics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 231-245.
Diabolical dilemmas of COVID-19: An empirical study into Dutch society's trade-offs between health impacts and other effects of the lockdown
Chorus C, Sandorf ED & Mouter N (2020) Diabolical dilemmas of COVID-19: An empirical study into Dutch society's trade-offs between health impacts and other effects of the lockdown. PLoS One, 15 (9), Art. No.: e0238683.
Newspaper / Magazine
How to manage family expectations and avoid breaking rules this Christmas
Comerford D, Douglas E & Olivarius O (2020) How to manage family expectations and avoid breaking rules this Christmas. The Conversation. 22.12.2020.
Creative destruction in science
Tierney W, Hardy III J, Ebersole C, Leavitt K, Viganola D, Clemente EG, Gordon M, Dreber A, Johannesson M, Pfeiffer T, Hiring Decisions Forecasting Collaboration & Uhlmann EL (2020) Creative destruction in science. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 161, pp. 291-309.
Linking urban air pollution with residents' willingness to pay for greenspace: A choice experiment study in Beijing
Liu Z, Hanley N & Campbell D (2020) Linking urban air pollution with residents' willingness to pay for greenspace: A choice experiment study in Beijing. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 104, Art. No.: 102383.
Endogenous money, liquidity and monetary reform
Dow S (2020) Endogenous money, liquidity and monetary reform. European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies: Intervention, 17 (3), pp. 367-380.
Date of birth and selective schooling: Some lessons from the 1944 education reforms in England and Wales
Hart RA & Moro M (2020) Date of birth and selective schooling: Some lessons from the 1944 education reforms in England and Wales. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 67 (5), pp. 523-538.
On why the gender employment gap in Britain has stalled since the early 1990s
Razzu G, Singleton C & Mitchell M (2020) On why the gender employment gap in Britain has stalled since the early 1990s. Industrial Relations Journal, 51 (6), pp. 476-501.
Do High Wage Footballers Play for High Wage Teams? The Case of Major League Soccer
Scarfe R, Singleton C & Telemo P (2020) Do High Wage Footballers Play for High Wage Teams? The Case of Major League Soccer. International Journal of Sport Finance, 15 (4), pp. 177-190.
Daily emotional well‐being during the COVID‐19 pandemic
Lades LK, Laffan K, Daly M & Delaney L (2020) Daily emotional well‐being during the COVID‐19 pandemic. British Journal of Health Psychology, 25 (4), pp. 902-911.
Newspaper / Magazine
How is professional football coping with coronavirus?
Dolton P, Reade JJ & Singleton C (2020) How is professional football coping with coronavirus?. 27.11.2020.
Corrigendum to “Innovation modelling and multi-factor learning in wind energy technology” [Energy Economics,] (Energy Economics (2020) 85, (S0140988319303895), (10.1016/j.eneco.2019.104594))
Odam N & de Vries FP (2020) Corrigendum to “Innovation modelling and multi-factor learning in wind energy technology” [Energy Economics,] (Energy Economics (2020) 85, (S0140988319303895), (10.1016/j.eneco.2019.104594)). Addendum to: Neil Odam, Frans P. de Vries, Innovation modelling and multi-factor learning in wind energy technology Energy Economics, Volume 85, January 2020, Pages 104594. Energy Economics.
Newspaper / Magazine
COVID-19 vaccine: how the 'mum test' can help ensure take-up
Comerford D (2020) COVID-19 vaccine: how the 'mum test' can help ensure take-up. The Conversation. 13.11.2020.
Preprint / Working Paper
Goal Setting and Implementation Intentions to Improve Educational Outcomes
Cowell P (2020) Goal Setting and Implementation Intentions to Improve Educational Outcomes. Building Resilient Learning Communities: Using Evidence to Support Student Success. QAA 5th International Enhancement Themes Conference.
Preprint / Working Paper
Limited Attention in the Housing Market: Threshold Effects of Energy-Performance Certificates on Property Prices and Energy-Efficiency Investments
Sejas-Portillo R, Coemrford D, Moro M & Stowasser T (2020) Limited Attention in the Housing Market: Threshold Effects of Energy-Performance Certificates on Property Prices and Energy-Efficiency Investments. CESifo Working Papers. CESifo Working Papers.
Self-perception of overweight and obesity: A review of mental and physical health outcomes
Robinson E, Haynes A, Sutin A & Daly M (2020) Self-perception of overweight and obesity: A review of mental and physical health outcomes. Obesity Science and Practice, 6 (5), pp. 552-561.
Book Review
Review of A Fast and Frugal Finance: Bridging Contemporary Behavioral Finance and Ecological Rationality by William P. Forbes, Aloysius Obinna Igboekwu, & Shabnam Mousavi
Comerford DA (2020) Review of A Fast and Frugal Finance: Bridging Contemporary Behavioral Finance and Ecological Rationality by William P. Forbes, Aloysius Obinna Igboekwu, & Shabnam Mousavi. Journal of Economic Psychology, 80, Art. No.: 102278.
Freshwater blue space and population health: An emerging research agenda
McDougall CW, Quilliam RS, Hanley N & Oliver DM (2020) Freshwater blue space and population health: An emerging research agenda. Science of The Total Environment, 737, Art. No.: 140196.
Potential for Sustainable Aquaculture: Insights from Discrete Choice Experiments
Xuan BB & Sandorf ED (2020) Potential for Sustainable Aquaculture: Insights from Discrete Choice Experiments. Environmental and Resource Economics, 77 (2), p. 401–421.
It's Not All about the Economy Stupid! Immigration and Subjective Well-Being in England
Howley P, Waqas M, Moro M, Delaney L & Heron T (2020) It's Not All about the Economy Stupid! Immigration and Subjective Well-Being in England. Work, Employment and Society, 34 (5), pp. 919-936.