
BODIES IN TRANSFORMATION: An Interdisciplinary Symposium on Representations of Bodies on Screen



Elliott-Smith D (2016) BODIES IN TRANSFORMATION: An Interdisciplinary Symposium on Representations of Bodies on Screen. Bodies in Transformation, University of Hertfordshire, 06.05.2016-06.05.2016. https://bodiesintransformation.wordpress.com/programme/

Co-organiser of Academic Symposium: Bodies in Transformation. This one-day symposium at the University of Hertfordshire explored the ways in which screen culture contributes to ongoing debates about the changing relationship with our bodies and what it means to be human in our so called (post)postmodern world. While recent advancements in genetics, robotics and cybernetics offer a rich field of exploration, issues of the body are not just reduced to human/machine relations; they also reflect increasingly blurred boundaries between gender, race, sexuality and other forms of subjectivity.

Gender Studies, LGBTQ Studies, Film and Television Studies, Bodies, Phenomenology

FundersUniversity of Hertfordshire
Publisher URLhttps://bodiesintransformation.wordpress.com/programme/
ConferenceBodies in Transformation
Conference locationUniversity of Hertfordshire

People (1)


Dr Darren Elliott-Smith

Dr Darren Elliott-Smith

Senior Lecturer in Film & Gender Studies, Communications, Media and Culture

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