Stirling hosts 100th meeting of freshwater forum
The University of Stirling is hosting the centenary meeting of the Scottish Freshwater Group.
The University of Stirling is hosting the centenary meeting of the Scottish Freshwater Group.
The group (SFG) – launched in 1968 – promotes awareness of current issues and research related to the freshwater environment in Scotland. It consists of around 350 members from universities, institutes, government and non-government agencies, industry and interested members of the public.
Twice yearly are meetings are held, typically at Stirling, in April and October, consisting of around eight talks, including presentations from postgraduate students.
Supported by the Scottish Government, the 100th meeting – celebrating 50 years of the SFG – is taking place in Logie Lecture Theatre on April 19 and 20. The latest event will consist of 30 talks and a special exhibition of 20 posters.
Nigel Willby, a Professor in Biological and Environmental Sciences, is chairing a session looking at pressures on freshwater resources.
He said: “The association that Stirling has with the Scottish Freshwater Group reflects our historical and ongoing research strengths in freshwater science – covering topics ranging from fisheries management and river restoration to remote sensing of water quality – and our breadth of collaborations with external organisations and other researchers active in this field.
Professor Nigel Willby is chairing a session at the event.
“It is a pleasure to be able to pay tribute to the support this group has provided to generations of students and young researchers, including myself, over many decades. May this long continue.”
Find out more about the Scottish Freshwater Group.
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