Professor Emma France


NMAHP University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Professor Emma France

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About me

Emma (MA, PhD) is a professor based in the Centre for Healthcare and Community Research (CHeCR), formerly the NMAHP Research Unit. She specialises in qualitative research methods including qualitative evidence synthesis. She also has expertise in quantitative-qualitative mixed methods approaches and intervention development. Emma is a co-convenor of the Cochrane Qualitative and Implementation Methods Group and an Associate Editor of the Cochrane-Campbell Handbook for Qualitative Evidence Synthesis (

Emma leads and collaborates on research grants from funders such as the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), the World Health Organization and the Chief Scientist Office in the fields of families and long-term health conditions and methodological research in the area of qualitative evidence synthesis, specifically meta-ethnography. She has won awards for her research.

Prior to her academic role, Emma worked as a researcher and project manager in the commercial and voluntary sectors including for a mental health service provider, a design consultancy, and a telecommunications company. Emma has an MA (honours) in psychology and French and a PhD in psychology from the University of Glasgow.

Current projects: -Price, J., Todhunter-Brown, A., France, E., (co-I) Keerie, C., Neilson, A., Campbell, P., Mead, G, Stansby, G. Theodoratou, E., Matthews, P, Cameron, S., Hill, R. Markham, S. Stewart, M. 'NESSIE' NIHR Evidence Synthesis Group, 1 April 2023 - 31 March 2028. £3,175,808. Grant NIHR153425

Past projects: -France E (chief investigator), Turley R., Forbat L., Uny I., Caes L., Jordan A., Noyes J. A meta-ethnography of how children and young people with chronic non-cancer pain and their families experience and understand their condition, pain services and treatments. NIHR Health Services and Delivery Research (HS&DR) Programme. £341,139. Dates: 1/8/20-31/01/23 . Grant no. NIHR128671.

-Fisher E, Eccelston C, Noyes J, Nevitt S, Zempsky W, Sethna N, Cooper T, Booth A, Henschke N, Villaneuva G, France E. A systematic review on effectiveness and safety of treatment of persisting pain in children and a qualitative synthesis of values and preferences on treatment of persisting pain in children. World Health Organization. US$125,000 (c. £102,595). Dates: Jan –September 2020.

-Turner S (principal investigator), Wilson P, Hoddinott P, France E, Lorna Aucott, Malcolm C, Kyle R. Understanding the flow of zero day admissions to hospital: data linkage to inform priorities for future intervention along paediatric referral pathways. Chief Scientist Office: £291,358. Dates: 1/1/19- 30/06/2021. Grant no.: HIPS/18/09.

-France E (principal investigator), Ring N, Maxwell M, Noyes J, Duncan E, Jepson R, & Turley R. Developing meta-ethnography reporting guidelines and standards for research (eMERGE). NIHR HS&DR Programme £298,450. Dates: 1 June 2015-31 May 2017. Grant: 13/114/60.

-France E (principal investigator), Hoskins G, Williams B, McGhee J, Treweek S, Hagen S, Dhouieb E, Cunningham S, Glasscoe C, Main E, Allen J, Rowland C, Hoddinott P. SCooP - Development of an intervention to increase physiotherapy adherence among young children with cystic fibrosis: a Medical Research Council complex intervention framework development and feasibility study. Dates: 1 May 2014 - 31 December 2015. -Chief Scientist Office: £188,690. Grant: CZH/4/1021 -Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Trust - £20,000.

Event / Presentation

Self-Identity, Gender, and Experiences of Coping After Stroke: A Narrative Analysis of Stroke Survivors' Perspectives. The 16th International Interdisciplinary Conference on Qualitative Health Research…-conference-2010

"Knowing People Are Coping With What You Have to Cope With Is Reassuring": Why People Use and Value Experiential Health Information. 16th International Interdisciplinary Conference on Qualitative Health Research…-conference-2010

Who has dreams fulfilled at end of life? An audit of a dream fulfilment organisation for children and young people. Help the Hospices conference: Hospice Care: Fit for the Future

Galinsky, J., Forbat, L., France, E., & White, J. (2013). P107 Who has dreams fulfilled at end of life? An audit of a dream fulfilment organisation for children and young people. Poster presentation. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, 3(Suppl 1), A48-A48.

The power of dreams: a grounded theory study, looking to explore the impact of dream fulfilment on children with life limiting and long term conditions and their families. British Psychological Society Qualitative methods in psychology conference

Jayne Galinsky, Emma France & Liz Forbat. The power of dreams: a grounded theory study, looking to explore the impact of dream fulfilment on children with life limiting and long term conditions and their families. Poster presented at British Psychological Society Qualitative methods in psychology conference. Huddersfield. 4 – 6th September 2013. Won first prize.

Chronic pain and the family - a scoping review. Scottish School of Primary Care Conference 2013

France, E.F., Farquharson, B. & Abhyankar, P. Chronic pain and the family - a scoping review. Presented at the Scottish School of Primary Care Conference, Inverness, 25-26 April 2013

The Power of Dreams, a grounded theory study into dream fulfilment in children and young people with life limiting and long term conditions and their families. 8th World Research Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care

Authors: Jayne Galinsky, Liz Forbat & Emma France. 

Symposium: Apples, pears and elephants: challenges and solutions to making systematic reviews more useful. Royal College of Nursing International Research Conference

Authors: Wells M, France EF, Harris F, Abhyankar P, Pollock A.  

What’s wrong with meta-ethnography reporting? A systematic review to inform meta-ethnography reporting guidelines. 14th Annual Qualitative Methods Conference

Emma France, Nicola Ring, Jane Noyes (on behalf of the eMERGE core group). What’s wrong with meta-ethnography reporting? A systematic review to inform meta-ethnography reporting guidelines. Oral presentation at the International Institute for Qualitative Methods 14th Annual Qualitative Methods Conference, Melbourne, Australia, April 28-30 2015.

What’s wrong with meta-ethnography reporting? A systematic review of published studies. . BSA Medical Sociology Group 46th Annual Conference 2014

Authors: Emma France, Nicola Ring, Rebecca Thomas, Jane Noyes, Margaret Maxwell, Ruth Jepson. 

Using a novel action research approach to develop an audio-visual resource to support children’s adherence to home chest physiotherapy for cystic fibrosis. 14th Annual Qualitative Methods Conference

Emma France, Karen Semple, Mark Grindle. Using a novel action research approach to develop an audio-visual resource to support children’s adherence to home chest physiotherapy for cystic fibrosis. Oral presentation at the International Institute for Qualitative Methods 14th Annual Qualitative Methods Conference, Melbourne, Australia, April 28-30 2015.

Developing an audio-visual intervention to support children’s adherence to home chest physiotherapy for cystic fibrosis. 38th European Cystic Fibrosis Conference

Research (7)

Experiences of health and illness; families and health; children's health; self-care; well-being and mental health; identity; long-term conditions; qualitative methods; qualitative evidence synthesis;  meta-ethnography; evidence based health care; multi-method research.


NESSIE - NIHR Evidence Synthesis Scotland Initiative
PI: Professor Emma France
Funded by: National Institute for Health Research

PRISMA reporting guideline and standards for qualitative evidence synthesis
PI: Professor Emma France
Funded by: Medical Research Council

A meta-ethnography of how children and young people with chronic non-cancer pain and their families experience and understand their condition, pain services and treatments
PI: Professor Emma France
Funded by: National Institute for Health Research

Qualitative synthesis of values and preferences on treatment of persisting pain in children
PI: Professor Emma France
Funded by: World Health Organisation

Development of interventions to increase adherence to physiotherapy among young children with cystic fibrosis - Medical Research Council's complex intervention framework phase I study.
PI: Professor Emma France
Funded by: Cystic Fibrosis Trust

Developing meta-ethnography reporting guidelines and standards for research (eMERGE)
PI: Professor Emma France
Funded by: National Institute for Health Research

Development of an intervention to increase physiotherapy adherence among young children with cystic fibrosis: a Medical Research Council complex intervention framework development and feasibility study
PI: Professor Emma France
Funded by: Chief Scientist Office

Outputs (62)



Munthe‐Kaas HM, Booth A, Sommer I, Cooper S, Garside R, Hannes K, Noyes J & The CAMELOT Development Group (2024) Developing CAMELOT for assessing methodological limitations of qualitative research for inclusion in qualitative evidence syntheses. France E (Research Group) Cochrane Evidence Synthesis and Methods, 2 (6).

Book Chapter

Booth A & France E (2023) Conducting time-sensitive reviews. In: Noyes J & Harden A (eds.) Cochrane-Campbell Handbook for Qualitative Evidence Synthesis, Version 1. 0.. London: Cochrane.

Book Chapter

Silveira Bianchim M, France E & Noyes j (2023) Using visual methods to support synthesis. In: Noyes J & Harden A (eds.) Cochrane-Campbell Handbook for Qualitative Evidence Synthesis, Version 1. 0.. London: Cochrane.

Book Chapter

Garside R, France E & Noyes J (2023) Conducting a meta-ethnography. In: Noyes J & Harden A (eds.) Cochrane-Campbell Handbook for Qualitative Evidence Synthesis. London: Cochrane.

Presentation / Talk

France E, Caes L, Uny I, Forbat L, Silveira Bianchim M, Noyes J, Jordan A, Turley R & Thomson K (2023) How children and young people with chronic pain and their families experience and perceive pain services and treatments and living with pain: a meta-ethnography. Lothian Health and Care Professions Research Conference 2023, Edinburgh, Scotland, 07.11.2023.


King E, France E, Malcolm C, Kumar S, Dick S, Kyle RG, Wilson P, Aucott L, Turner S & Hoddinott P (2023) Identifying and prioritising future interventions with stakeholders to improve paediatric urgent care pathways in Scotland, UK: a mixed-methods study. BMJ Open, 13 (10), Art. No.: e074141.


France E, Uny I, Turley R, Thomson K, Noyes J, Jordan A, Forbat L, Caes L & Silveira Bianchim M (2023) A meta-ethnography of how children and young people with chronic non-cancer pain and their families experience and understand their condition, pain services, and treatments. Cochrane Pain, Palliative and Supportive Care Group (Editor) Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2023 (10), Art. No.: CD014873.


King E, Dick S, Hoddinott P, Malcolm C, France E, Kyle RG, Aucott L, Wilson P & Turner S (2023) Regional variations in short stay urgent paediatric hospital admissions: a sequential mixed-methods approach exploring differences through data linkage and qualitative interviews. BMJ Open, 13 (9), Art. No.: e072734.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Silveira Bianchim M, Jordan A, Uny I, Noyes J, Forbat L, Line C, Ruth T & France E (2023) Co-producing with children and young people for a meta-ethnography on experiences of chronic pain, treatments and services.. Abstracts of the 27th Cochrane Colloquium. Cochrane Colloquium, London, UK, 04.09.2023-06.09.2023.


France E, Noyes J, Forbat L, Uny DI, Jordan A, Caes L & Turley R (2022) A meta-ethnography of how children and young people with chronic non-cancer pain and their families experience and understand their condition, pain services, and treatments. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2022 (7), Art. No.: CD014873.


Dick S, Kyle R, Wilson P, Aucott L, France E, King E, Malcolm C, Hoddinott P & Turner SW (2022) Insights from and limitations of data linkage studies: analysis of short-stay urgent admission referral source from routinely collected Scottish data. Archives of Disease in Childhood.

Conference Abstract

France E, Turley R, Uny I, Forbat L, Caes L, Jordan A, Noyes J & Bianchim MS (2022) 522 A meta-ethnography of how children and young people with chronic pain and their families experience and perceive pain services and treatments and living with pain. Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, Liverpool. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 107 (Supplement 2), pp. A514-A515.


France E, Turley R, Uny I, Forbat L, Caes L, Jordan A, Noyes J & Silveira Bianchim M (2022) A synthesis investigating how young people with chronic pain from sickle cell disease and their families experience and understand their condition, pain services and treatments. Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference 2022, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 07.04.2022-09.04.2022.


France E, Turley R, Uny I, Forbat L, Caes L, Jordan A, Noyes J & Silveria Bianchim M (2022) A synthesis investigating how young people with chronic pain from sickle cell disease and their families experience and understand their condition, pain services and treatments. 13th International Symposium on Pediatric Pain, Auckland New Zealand & online, 24.03.2022-27.03.2022.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

France E, Hoskins G, Main E, Cunningham S, Glasscoe C, Williams B, Dhouieb E, Hoddinott P, Treweek S, Hagen S & Berry K (2019) Feasibility study of an intervention to increase treatment adherence in children with cystic fibrosis (CF). European Respiratory Society International Congress, Madrid, Spain, 28.09.2019-02.10.2019.


France E, Ring N, Cunningham M, Uny I, Duncan E, Robertson R, Jepson R, Maxwell M, Turley R & Noyes J (2019) Enhancing the impact of qualitative research findings: development of evidence-based reporting guidance for meta-ethnography. RCN International Nursing Research Conference, Sheffield, UK, 03.09.2019-05.09.2019.


France E, maxwell m, duncan e, uny i & ring n (2019) What’s meta-ethnography and how do you do it? (workshop). The Annual Conference of the Academic Departments of General Practice in Scotland (ADEGS), Carnoustie, Scotland, 24.01.2019-25.01.2019.

Presentation / Talk

Uny I & France E (2018) Can we apply CERQual to ‘higher order’ findings? [Meta-ethnography as an example]. GRADE-CERQual workshop: "Strengthening the use of qualitative evidence in decision making’", Brocher Foundation, Geneva, 07.11.2018-09.11.2018.

Book Chapter

Uny I, France E & Noblit GW (2018) Steady and delayed: explaining the different development of meta-ethnography in health care and education. In: Kakos M & Fritzsche B (eds.) Meta-Ethnographic Synthesis in Education - Challenges, Aims and Possibilities. London: Routledge.

Presentation / Talk

France E, Uny I, Ring N, Jepson R, Noyes J, Maxwell M, Duncan E, Turley R, Cunningham M & Roberts R (2018) What's a meta-ethnography and how do you do it?. International Institute for Qualitative Methods 16th Conference, Banff, Canada, 29.04.2018-03.05.2018.

Presentation / Talk

France E, Hoskins G, Hagen S, Dhouieb E, Cunningham S, Main E, Rowland C, Treweek S, McGhee J, Glasscoe C, Allen JM, Hoddinott P, Williams B, Semple K, Grindle M & Duncan K (2018) The SCooP Project: development of an intervention to increase physiotherapy adherence among young children with Cystic Fibrosis.. NHS Lothian Nursing, Midwifery, Allied Health Professions, Psychology, Pharmacy and Health Care Science Research Conference, 16.03.2018-16.03.2018.

Conference Paper (published)

France E, Ring N & Jepson R (2016) Developing a meta-ethnography reporting guideline for research (eMERGe). In: International Journal of Qualitative Methods, volume 15. IIQM 15th Annual Qualitative Methods Conference, Glasgow, 03.05.2016-05.05.2016. SAGE Publications.


France E, Farquharson B, Hoskins G, Wells M & Duncan E (2016) Symposium: Developing effective complex interventions. Royal College of Nursing (RCN) international nursing research conference, 08.04.2016-08.04.2016.


France E, Wyke S, Ziebland SB, Entwistle VA & Hunt K (2011) How personal experiences feature in women’s accounts of use of information for decisions about antenatal diagnostic testing for foetal abnormality. Social Science and Medicine, 72 (5), pp. 755-762.;

Research Report

Wyke S, Entwistle V, France E, Hunt K, Jepson R, Thompson A & Ziebland SB (2011) Information for choice: what people need, prefer and use - Report for the National Institute for Health Research Service Delivery and Organisation programme. National Institute for Health Research. SDO Project, 08/1710/153. NIHR Service Delivery and Organisation (SDO), Southampton.

Research Report

Wyke S, Entwistle V, France E, Hunt K, Jepson R, Thompson A & Ziebland SB (2011) Information for choice: what people need, prefer and use - Executive summary for the National Institute for Health Research Service Delivery and Organisation programme. National Institute for Health Research. SDO Project, 08/1710/153. NETSCC (NIHR Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre)/Queen's Printer and Controller of HMSO.

Conference Abstract

France E, Entwistle V, Jepson R & Wyke S (2010) "Knowing People Are Coping With What You Have to Cope With Is Reassuring": Why People Use and Value Experiential Health Information. 16th International Interdisciplinary Conference on Qualitative Health Research, Vancouver, Canada, 03/10/2010 - 05/10/2010. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 9 (4), pp. 351-352.

Conference Abstract

France E, Dow C & Hunt K (2010) Self-Identity, Gender, and Experiences of Coping After Stroke: A Narrative Analysis of Stroke Survivors' Perspectives. The 16th International Interdisciplinary Conference on Qualitative Health Research, Vancouver, Canada, 03/10/2010 - 05/10/2010. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 9 (4), pp. 352-352.


France E, Hunt K, Ziebland SB, Field K & Wyke S (2009) 'My brain couldn’t move from planning a birth to planning a funeral': A qualitative study of parents’ experiences of decisions after ending a pregnancy for fetal abnormality. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 46 (8), pp. 1111-1121.


Programme director for the Masters in Health Research (MRes) Module co-ordinator of the MRes dissertation module