Innovation and diversity in public health team engagement in local alcohol premises licensing: qualitative interview findings from the ExILEnS study
Purves R, Mohan A, O'Donnell R, Egan M, Maani N & Fitzgerald N (2025) Innovation and diversity in public health team engagement in local alcohol premises licensing: qualitative interview findings from the ExILEnS study. NIHR Open Research.
Identifying barriers and facilitators to increase fibre intakes in UK Primary school children and exploring the acceptability of intervention components: a UK qualitative study
Donin AS, Goldsmith LP, Sharp C, Wahlich C, Whincup PH & Ussher MH (2024) Identifying barriers and facilitators to increase fibre intakes in UK Primary school children and exploring the acceptability of intervention components: a UK qualitative study. Public Health Nutrition, 27 (1).
Policy Document
Alcohol availability at Scottish Football Stadia - Insights from the ‘Football and Alcohol Scoping Study (FASST)’ project
Purves R & Martin J (2024) Alcohol availability at Scottish Football Stadia - Insights from the ‘Football and Alcohol Scoping Study (FASST)’ project. Scottish Football Association.
Systems thinking in, and for, public health: a call for a broader path
Gadsby EW & Wilding H (2024) Systems thinking in, and for, public health: a call for a broader path. Health Promotion International, 39 (4), Art. No.: daae086.
Reducing alcohol harms whilst minimising impact on hospitality businesses: ‘Sweetspot’ policy options
Fitzgerald N, O'Donnell R, Uny I, Martin JG, Cook M, Graham K, Stockwell T, Hughes K, Wilkinson C, McGill E, Miller PG, Reynolds J, Quigg Z & Angus C (2024) Reducing alcohol harms whilst minimising impact on hospitality businesses: ‘Sweetspot’ policy options. International Journal of Drug Policy, 129 (July 2024), Art. No.: 104465.
Restricting the content of alcohol advertising and including text health warnings: A between-group online experiment with a non-probability adult sample in the United Kingdom
Critchlow N, Moodie C & Gallopel-Morvan K (2024) Restricting the content of alcohol advertising and including text health warnings: A between-group online experiment with a non-probability adult sample in the United Kingdom [Restricting the content of alcohol advertising]. Alcohol: Clinical & Experimental Research.
Household carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations in a large African city: An unquantified public health burden?
Orina F, Amukoye E, Bowyer C, Chakaya J, Das D, Devereux G, Dobson R, Dragosits U, Gray C, Kiplimo R, Lesosky M, Loh M, Meme H, Price H & Semple S (2024) Household carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations in a large African city: An unquantified public health burden?. Environmental Pollution, 351, Art. No.: 124054.
Smoking, nicotine and pregnancy 2 (SNAP2) trial: protocol for a randomised controlled trial of an intervention to improve adherence to nicotine replacement therapy in pregnancy
Clark M, Cooper S, Naughton F, Ussher M, Emery J, McDaid L, Thomson R, Phillips L, Bauld L, Aveyard P, Torgerson D, Berlin I, Lewis S, Parrott S & Hewitt C (2024) Smoking, nicotine and pregnancy 2 (SNAP2) trial: protocol for a randomised controlled trial of an intervention to improve adherence to nicotine replacement therapy in pregnancy. BMJ Open, 14, Art. No.: e087175.
Text messages with financial incentives for men with obesity. A randomized clinical trial
Hoddinott P, O'Dolan C, Macaulay L, Dombrowski S, Swingler J, Cotton S, Avenell A, Getaneh A, Gray C, Hunt K, Kee F, MacLean A, McKinley M, Torrens C, Turner K, van der Pol M & MacLennan G (2024) Text messages with financial incentives for men with obesity. A randomized clinical trial. Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).
Tobacco, e-cigarette and alcohol content in popular UK soap operas: a content analysis to explore changes in social norms and scene location
Scott NJ, Murray RL, Barker AB, Critchlow N, Best C & Semple S (2024) Tobacco, e-cigarette and alcohol content in popular UK soap operas: a content analysis to explore changes in social norms and scene location. Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy.
When is the best time to screen for perinatal anxiety? A longitudinal cohort study
Ayers S, Sinesi A, Coates R, Cheyne H, Maxwell M, Best C, McNicol S, Williams LR, Uddin N, Shakespeare J & Alderdice F (2024) When is the best time to screen for perinatal anxiety? A longitudinal cohort study. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 103, Art. No.: 102841.
A scoping review of academic and grey literature on migrant health research conducted in Scotland
Petrie G, Angus K & O’Donnell R (2024) A scoping review of academic and grey literature on migrant health research conducted in Scotland. BMC Public Health, 24 (1), Art. No.: 24:1156.
Pharmacological treatments for alcohol dependence: Evidence on uptake, inequalities and comparative effectiveness from a UK population‐based cohort
Manca F, Zhang L, Fitzgerald N, Ho F, Innes H, Jani B, Katikireddi SV, McAuley A, Sharp C & Lewsey J (2024) Pharmacological treatments for alcohol dependence: Evidence on uptake, inequalities and comparative effectiveness from a UK population‐based cohort. Drug and Alcohol Review.
Facilitators and Barriers to Vaccination Uptake in Pregnancy: A Qualitative Systematic Review
Razai MS, Mansour R, Ravindran P, Freeman S, Mason-Apps C, Morris J, Majeed A, Hargreaves S, Ussher M & Oakeshott P (2024) Facilitators and Barriers to Vaccination Uptake in Pregnancy: A Qualitative Systematic Review. PLoS ONE.
Policy Document
E-cigarettes and harm reduction: An evidence review
Agrawal S, Angus K, Arnott D, Ashcroft R, Aveyard P, Barry R, Bauld L, Beard E, Benowitz N, Bogdanovica I, Braznell S, Brennan A, Britton J, Brown J & Ford A (2024) E-cigarettes and harm reduction: An evidence review. Royal College of Physicians (RCP). London.
Alibi marketing? Surrogate marketing? Brand sharing? What is the correct terminology to discuss marketing for alcohol-free and low-alcohol products which share branding with regular strength alcohol products?
Critchlow N, Holmes J & Fitzgerald N (2024) Alibi marketing? Surrogate marketing? Brand sharing? What is the correct terminology to discuss marketing for alcohol-free and low-alcohol products which share branding with regular strength alcohol products?. Addiction.
Effect of 3 months and 12 months of financial incentives on 12-month postpartum smoking cessation maintenance: a randomised controlled trial
Ussher M, Best C, Lewis S, McKell J, Coleman T, Cooper S, Orton S & Bauld L (2024) Effect of 3 months and 12 months of financial incentives on 12-month postpartum smoking cessation maintenance: a randomised controlled trial. Addiction.
Piloting co-developed behaviour change interventions to reduce exposure to air pollution and improve self-reported asthma-related health
McCarron A, Semple S, Swanson V, Gillespie C, Braban C & Price HD (2024) Piloting co-developed behaviour change interventions to reduce exposure to air pollution and improve self-reported asthma-related health. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology.
Young adults’ experiences of biographical retrogression whilst living with Long Covid
Hunt K, Maclean A, Locock L, O'Dwyer C, Nettleton S, Ziebland S & Wild C (2024) Young adults’ experiences of biographical retrogression whilst living with Long Covid. Brown (Other) Sociology of Health and Illness.
Evaluating the impact of minimum unit pricing for alcohol on road traffic accidents in Scotland after 20 months: An interrupted time series study
Manca F, Parab R, Mackay D, Fitzgerald N & Lewsey J (2024) Evaluating the impact of minimum unit pricing for alcohol on road traffic accidents in Scotland after 20 months: An interrupted time series study. Addiction, 119 (3), pp. 509-517.
Participatory development of an mHealth intervention delivered in general practice to increase physical activity and reduce sedentary behaviour of patients with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes (ENERGISED)
Novak J, Jurkova K, Lojkaskova A, Jaklova A, Kuhnova J, Pfeiferova M, Kral N, Janek M, Omcirk D, Malisova K, Maes I, Van Dyck D, Wahlich C, Ussher M & Elavsky S (2024) Participatory development of an mHealth intervention delivered in general practice to increase physical activity and reduce sedentary behaviour of patients with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes (ENERGISED). BMC Public Health, 24, Art. No.: 927.
Episodic disability and adjustments for work: the ‘rehabilitative work’ of returning to employment with Long Covid
Anderson E, Hunt K, Wild C, Nettleton S, Ziebland S & MacLean A (2024) Episodic disability and adjustments for work: the ‘rehabilitative work’ of returning to employment with Long Covid. Disability & Society, pp. 1-23.
Understanding the impact of COVID-19 on women’s access to and experiences of contraceptive services in England: a qualitative study
McMillan L, Gadsby E, Howell R, Ussher M, Hunt K & Ford A (2024) Understanding the impact of COVID-19 on women’s access to and experiences of contraceptive services in England: a qualitative study. BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health.
Association between benzodiazepine coprescription and mortality in people on opioid replacement therapy: a population-based cohort study
Best CS, Matheson C, Robertson J, Ritchie T, Cowden F, Dumbrell J, Duncan C, Kessavalou K, Woolston C & Schofield J (2024) Association between benzodiazepine coprescription and mortality in people on opioid replacement therapy: a population-based cohort study. BMJ Open, 14.
Cost-effectiveness of two models of pessary care for pelvic organ prolapse: Findings from the TOPSY randomised controlled trial.
Manoukian S, Mason H, Hagen S, Kearney R, Goodman K, Best C, Elders A, Melone L, Dwyer L, Dembinsky M, Khunda A, Guerrero KL, McClurg D, Norrie J & Bugge C (2024) Cost-effectiveness of two models of pessary care for pelvic organ prolapse: Findings from the TOPSY randomised controlled trial.. Value in Health.
BabyBathe study protocol: A randomised controlled feasibility trial to change baby bathing practice during the first months of life
Perkin M, Ussher M, Goldsmith LP, Flohr C, Roberts A, Cornelius V, Wahlich C, Willis K & Boyle RJ (2024) BabyBathe study protocol: A randomised controlled feasibility trial to change baby bathing practice during the first months of life. Clinical and Experimental Allergy.
Commentary on Manthey et al.: No more missed opportunities—We need to address the absence of robust and comprehensive evaluations about the real-world impact of statutory restrictions on alcohol marketing
Critchlow N (2024) Commentary on Manthey et al.: No more missed opportunities—We need to address the absence of robust and comprehensive evaluations about the real-world impact of statutory restrictions on alcohol marketing. Addiction.
Assessment of patients with head and neck cancer using the MD Anderson Dysphagia Inventory: Results of a study into its comprehensiveness, comprehensibility and relevance to clinical practice
Toft K, Best C & Donaldson J (2024) Assessment of patients with head and neck cancer using the MD Anderson Dysphagia Inventory: Results of a study into its comprehensiveness, comprehensibility and relevance to clinical practice. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorder.
Alcohol-related emergency department presentations and hospital admissions around the time of minimum unit pricing in Ireland
Maharaj T, Fitzgerald N, Gilligan E, Quirke M, MacHale S & Ryan JD (2024) Alcohol-related emergency department presentations and hospital admissions around the time of minimum unit pricing in Ireland. Public Health, 227, pp. 38-41.
Factors influencing public health engagement in alcohol licensing in England and Scotland including legal and structural differences: comparative interview analysis
Fitzgerald N, Mohan A, Purves R, O’Donnell R, Egan M, Nicholls J, Maani N, Smolar M, Fraser A, Briton T & Mahon L (2024) Factors influencing public health engagement in alcohol licensing in England and Scotland including legal and structural differences: comparative interview analysis. Public Health Research.
Public health engagement in alcohol licensing in England and Scotland: the ExILEnS mixed-method, natural experiment evaluation
Fitzgerald N, Egan M, O’Donnell R, Nicholls J, Mahon L, de Vocht F, McQuire C, Angus C, Purves R, Henney M, Mohan A, Maani N, Shortt N & Bauld L (2024) Public health engagement in alcohol licensing in England and Scotland: the ExILEnS mixed-method, natural experiment evaluation. Public Health Research.
Alcohol’s contribution to climate change and other environmental degradation: a call for research
Cook M, Critchlow N, O’Donnell R & MacLean S (2024) Alcohol’s contribution to climate change and other environmental degradation: a call for research. Health Promotion International, 39 (1), Art. No.: daae004.
Development of an intervention for reducing infant bathing frequency
Ussher M, Goldsmith L, Perkin M, Wahlich C, Chandrasekaran L, Cornelius V, Boyle R, Flohr C, Roberts R, Willis K & Ussher M (2024) Development of an intervention for reducing infant bathing frequency. Goldsmith L (Research Group), Perkin M (Research Group), Wahlich C (Research Group), Chandrasekaran L (Research Group), Cornelius V (Research Group), Boyle R (Research Group), Flohr C (Research Group), Roberts A (Research Group), Willis K (Research Group) & Ussher M (Research Group) PLoS ONE.
“I have to stay inside …”: Experiences of air pollution for people with asthma
McCarron A, Semple S, Swanson V, Braban CF, Gillespie C & Price HD (2024) “I have to stay inside …”: Experiences of air pollution for people with asthma. Health & Place, 85, Art. No.: 103150.
The effect of a minimum price per unit of alcohol in Scotland on alcohol-related ambulance call-outs: A controlled interrupted time−series analysis
Manca F, Lewsey J, Mackay D, Angus C, Fitzpatrick D & Fitzgerald N (2024) The effect of a minimum price per unit of alcohol in Scotland on alcohol-related ambulance call-outs: A controlled interrupted time−series analysis. Addiction.
Assessment of perinatal anxiety: diagnostic accuracy of five measures
Ayers S, Coates R, Sinesi A, Cheyne H, Maxwell M, Best C, McNicol S, Williams LR, Uddin N, Hutton U, Howard G, Shakespeare J, Walker JJ, Alderdice F & Jomeen J (2024) Assessment of perinatal anxiety: diagnostic accuracy of five measures. The British Journal of Psychiatry.
The commercial promotion of electronic cigarettes on social media and its influence on positive perceptions of vaping and vaping behaviours in Anglophone countries: A scoping review
Chacon L, Mitchell G & Golder S (2024) The commercial promotion of electronic cigarettes on social media and its influence on positive perceptions of vaping and vaping behaviours in Anglophone countries: A scoping review. Sriram V (Editor) PLOS Global Public Health, 4 (1), Art. No.: e0002736.
How European Fans in Training (EuroFIT), a lifestyle change program for men delivered in football clubs, achieved its effect: a mixed methods process evaluation embedded in a randomised controlled trial
Bunn C, Palmer V, Rui Chng N, Andersen E, Gray CM, Hunt K, Jelsma JGM, Morgan H, Nijhuis-van der Sanden M, Pereira HV, Philpott M, Roberts GC, Rooksby J, Røynesdal ØB & Silva MN (2023) How European Fans in Training (EuroFIT), a lifestyle change program for men delivered in football clubs, achieved its effect: a mixed methods process evaluation embedded in a randomised controlled trial. BMC Public Health, 23, Art. No.: 526.
How Do Young Adult Drinkers React to Varied Alcohol Warning Formats and Contents? An Exploratory Study in France
Dossou GT, Guillou-Landreat M, Lemain L, Lacoste-Badie S, Critchlow N & Gallopel-Morvan K (2023) How Do Young Adult Drinkers React to Varied Alcohol Warning Formats and Contents? An Exploratory Study in France. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20 (15), Art. No.: 6541.
The Quality of Life of Patients Living with a Urinary Catheter and Its Associated Factors: A Cross-Sectional Study in Egypt
Youssef N, Shepherd A, Best C, Hagen S, Mackay W, Waddell D & El Sebaee H (2023) The Quality of Life of Patients Living with a Urinary Catheter and Its Associated Factors: A Cross-Sectional Study in Egypt. Healthcare, 11 (16), Art. No.: 2266.
Interventions to increase vaccination against COVID-19, influenza and pertussis during pregnancy: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Razai MS, Mansour R, Goldsmith L, Freeman S, Mason-Apps C, Ravindran P, Kooner P, Berendes S, Morris J, Majeed A, Ussher M, Hargreaves S & Oakeshott P (2023) Interventions to increase vaccination against COVID-19, influenza and pertussis during pregnancy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Travel Medicine, 30 (8), Art. No.: taad138.
Clinical effectiveness of vaginal pessary self-management vs clinic-based care for pelvic organ prolapse (TOPSY): a randomised controlled superiority trial
Hagen S, Kearney R, Goodman K, Best C, Elders A, Melone L, Dwyer L, Dembinsky M, Graham M, Agur W, Breeman S, Culverhouse J, Forrest A, Forrest M & Bugge C (2023) Clinical effectiveness of vaginal pessary self-management vs clinic-based care for pelvic organ prolapse (TOPSY): a randomised controlled superiority trial. eClinicalMedicine, 66, p. 102326.
Use of nicotine replacement therapy to reduce children’s exposure to second-hand smoke in the home: a qualitative pilot study involving local community pharmacies
Howell R, McBurney S, Di Tano G, Boags A, Rowa-Dewar N, Dobson R & O’Donnell R (2023) Use of nicotine replacement therapy to reduce children’s exposure to second-hand smoke in the home: a qualitative pilot study involving local community pharmacies. BMC Public Health, 23, Art. No.: 2545.
Personal exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and self-reported asthma-related health
McCarron A, Semple S, Braban CF, Gillespie C, Swanson V & Price HD (2023) Personal exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and self-reported asthma-related health. Social Science & Medicine, 337, Art. No.: 116293.
Peer support for discharge from inpatient to community mental health care: the ENRICH research programme
Gillard S, Foster R, White S, Healey A, Bremner S, Gibson S, Goldsmith L, Lucock M, Marks J, Morshead R, Patel A, Patel S, Repper J, Rinaldi M & Ussher M (2023) Peer support for discharge from inpatient to community mental health care: the ENRICH research programme. Programme Grants for Applied Research, 11 (8).
Barriers and facilitators to physical activity for people with persistent musculoskeletal pain: systematic review and synthesis using the Theoretical Domains Framework
Booth G, D’Lima D, Gilbert A, Greenwood J, Sharma N, Howarth A, Hurley M & Ussher M (2023) Barriers and facilitators to physical activity for people with persistent musculoskeletal pain: systematic review and synthesis using the Theoretical Domains Framework. European Journal of Physiotherapy.
Alcohol industry involvement in research: exploring current norms and policies around in-kind contributions using a recent case study
Mitchell G, Boniface S, Carters-White L, Fabbri A, van Schalkwyk M, Martin JG & Fitzgerald N (2023) Alcohol industry involvement in research: exploring current norms and policies around in-kind contributions using a recent case study. UK Prevention Research Conference, Edinburgh, 14.11.2023-15.11.2023.
The Fuel to Pot Project: An interdisciplinary partnership to address the role of solid fuel use in food preparation in the household in Kenya and Malawi
Uny I, Chamba M, Chasima T, Caes L, Kalumbi L, Orina F, Kambalame L, Semple S, Price H, Lucas S & Meme H (2023) The Fuel to Pot Project: An interdisciplinary partnership to address the role of solid fuel use in food preparation in the household in Kenya and Malawi., Edinburgh, 13.11.2023.
Presentation / Talk
How children and young people with chronic pain and their families experience and perceive pain services and treatments and living with pain: a meta-ethnography
France E, Caes L, Uny I, Forbat L, Silveira Bianchim M, Noyes J, Jordan A, Turley R & Thomson K (2023) How children and young people with chronic pain and their families experience and perceive pain services and treatments and living with pain: a meta-ethnography. Lothian Health and Care Professions Research Conference 2023, Edinburgh, Scotland, 07.11.2023.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
The rationale behind the ban of alcohol sachets: results from a documentary analysis and qualitative study in Malawi and Uganda
Uny I, Mbona Tumwesigye N, Namanda C, Kaneka B, Malagasi D, Parry C, Orgill M, Fitzgerald N & Bauld L (2023) The rationale behind the ban of alcohol sachets: results from a documentary analysis and qualitative study in Malawi and Uganda., 24.10.2023-26.10.2023.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Balancing emotion, transparency and accountability: how to have constructive conversations about COIs
Mitchell G, Carters-White L, Martin JG & Fitzgerald N (2023) Balancing emotion, transparency and accountability: how to have constructive conversations about COIs. World Health Organization Europe People Before Profits side event at Global Alcohol Policy Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 23.10.2023.
Routine infant skincare advice in the UK: a cross-sectional survey
Goldsmith LP, Roberts A, Flohr C, Boyle RJ, Ussher M & Perkin MR (2023) Routine infant skincare advice in the UK: a cross-sectional survey. Clinical and Experimental Allergy.
Reflections of an MSc health psychology mentoring pilot
Henton S, Campbell C, Wilson A, McMillan L, Maltinsky W & Rackow P (2023) Reflections of an MSc health psychology mentoring pilot. Health Psychology Update, 32 (1), pp. 54-58.
A meta-ethnography of how children and young people with chronic non-cancer pain and their families experience and understand their condition, pain services, and treatments
France E, Uny I, Turley R, Thomson K, Noyes J, Jordan A, Forbat L, Caes L & Silveira Bianchim M (2023) A meta-ethnography of how children and young people with chronic non-cancer pain and their families experience and understand their condition, pain services, and treatments. Cochrane Pain, Palliative and Supportive Care Group (Editor) Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2023 (10), Art. No.: CD014873.
Research Report
Improving our understanding of e-cigarette and refill packaging in the UK: How is it used for product promotion and perceived by consumers, to what extent does it comply with product regulations, and could it be used to better protect consumers?
Moodie C, Jones D, Angus K, MacKintosh AM, Ford A, O’Donnell R, Hunt K, Mitchell D, Alexandrou G, Stead M, Neve K, Champion T, Froguel A & Davies A (2023) Improving our understanding of e-cigarette and refill packaging in the UK: How is it used for product promotion and perceived by consumers, to what extent does it comply with product regulations, and could it be used to better protect consumers?. Cancer Research UK. London.