Dr Wendy Maltinsky

Senior Lecturer

Psychology Stirling

Dr Wendy Maltinsky

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About me

My work involves the application of behaviour change principles and theories to long term condition management by individuals and by health professionals to use in their communication and practice settings. I frequently work in the area of digital health, incorporating digital technology into facilitating behaviour change to the benefit of health outcomes. In teaching and research, I frequently use interactive approaches in which I have developed through many years as a trainer working with industry, Higher Education, and third sector organisations.

Professional membership

Advance HE Principal Fellow
Awarded Principal Fellow of Advance HE (previously HEA - Higher Education Academy).

Research (3)

I have an extensive background in teaching and training using interactive approaches as appropriate. I have developed training, teaching and a health behaviour change intervention using digital technology and am interested in the use of digital as a vehicle for each of these activities and the mechanisms by which digital may support change.
My work for the Scottish Diabetes Group has led onto other projects. This has included work in Uganda with the Royal College of Midwives and the Ugandan Private Midwives Association. Facilitated through the Change Exchange of Manchester University we looked into the factors that could increase self efficacy in a student midwifery mentoring project. I have also been interested in how behaviour change training of health professionals can be made more culturally sensitive in work with Health Extension Workers in Ethiopia (again through the Change Exchange) and will shortly be extending this focus in a co-development project with health professionals in St Helena (University of Stirling Escalator and Burdett Trust funded project). The training I develop is informed by the Health Behaviour Change Competency Framework (Dixon and Johnston, 2010) which considers behaviour change competencies through motivation, action and prompt pathways. I am also interested in how the form of delivery of training may influence the development of knowledge, skills and implementation to practice.


Digital Health: Optimuscle - Improving health outcomes through the optimisation of muscle function
PI: Dr Wendy Maltinsky
Funded by: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

On-organ sensing for bowel monitoring - a bottom up approach
PI: Dr Wendy Maltinsky
Funded by: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

MAP Behaviour Change: Competency Based Training in Individual Level Support for Behaviour Change for Nurse-Leads in St Helena
PI: Professor Vivien Swanson
Funded by: The Burdett Trust for Nursing

Outputs (13)



Hubbard G, Campbell A, Fisher A, Harvie M, Maltinsky W, Mullen R, Banks E, Gracey J, Gorely T, Munro J & Ozakinci G (2018) Physical activity referral to cardiac rehabilitation, leisure centre or telephone-delivered consultations in post-surgical people with breast cancer: a mixed methods process evaluation. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 4 (1), Art. No.: 108. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40814-018-0297-1