Depth constancy and the absolute vergence anomaly
Ranson RE, Scarfe P, van Dam LCJ & Hibbard PB (2025) Depth constancy and the absolute vergence anomaly. Vision Research, 226, Art. No.: 108501.
Lecturer in Psychology, Psychology
PhD Researcher, Psychology
Guest Lecturer, Psychology
PhD Researcher, Psychology
Honorary Lecturer, Psychology
Research Assistant, Psychology
Honorary Research Fellow, Psychology
Lecturer, Psychology
PhD Researcher, Psychology
Senior Lecturer, Psychology
PhD Researcher, Psychology
Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Psychology
Lecturer in Psychology, Psychology
Lecturer in Psychology, Psychology
Lecturer in Psychology, Psychology
Lecturer, Psychology
Lecturer in Psychology, Psychology
Learning and Teaching Coordinator
Lecturer in Psychology, Psychology
PhD Researcher, Psychology
Depth constancy and the absolute vergence anomaly
Ranson RE, Scarfe P, van Dam LCJ & Hibbard PB (2025) Depth constancy and the absolute vergence anomaly. Vision Research, 226, Art. No.: 108501.
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Jouanny C, Abhyankar P & Maxwell M (2024) A mixed methods systematic literature review of barriers and facilitators to help-seeking among women with stigmatised pelvic health symptoms. BMC Women's Health, 24, Art. No.: 217.
Selective deforestation and exposure of African wildlife to bat-borne viruses
Fedurek P, Asiimwe C, Rice GK, Akankwasa WJ, Reynolds V, Hobaiter C, Kityo R, Muhanguzi G, Zuberbühler K, Crockford C, Cer RZ, Bennett AJ, Rothman JM, Bishop-Lilly KA & Goldberg TL (2024) Selective deforestation and exposure of African wildlife to bat-borne viruses. Communications Biology, 7 (1), Art. No.: 470.
Social Judgments from Faces and Bodies
Bjornsdottir RT, Connor P & Rule NO (2024) Social Judgments from Faces and Bodies. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
An FPGA-based neuromorphic vision system accelerator
Ali T, Rainey J, Lau SY, Gheorghiu E, Maier P, Appiah K & Bhowmick D (2024) An FPGA-based neuromorphic vision system accelerator. In: Bouma H, Prabhu R, Yitzhaky Y & Kuijf HJ (eds.) volume 13206. SPIE "Artificial Intelligence for Security and Defence Applications II, Edinburgh, 16.09.2024-20.09.2024. SPIE.
Dering B, Wright D & Gheorghiu E (2024) The interaction between luminance polarity grouping and symmetry axes on the ERP responses to symmetry. Visual Neuroscience, 41, Art. No.: E005.
Schoenaker D, Hall J, Stewart C, Hanley SJ, Cassinelli EH, Benton M, Wynn-Jones AA, Chawla M & Currie S (2024) Tackling inequalities in preconception health and care: barriers, facilitators and recommendations for action from the 2023 UK preconception EMCR network conference. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, 15, Art. No.: e24.
The Collector Hypothesis: Who Benefits More from Art, the Artist or the Collector?
Sorokowski P, Luty J, Małecki W, Roberts CS, Kowal M & Davies S (2024) The Collector Hypothesis: Who Benefits More from Art, the Artist or the Collector?. Roberts CS (Researcher) Human Nature.
Support for the efficient coding account of visual discomfort
O'Hare L & Hibbard P (2024) Support for the efficient coding account of visual discomfort. Visual Neuroscience.
Bjornsdottir RT & Beacon E (2024) Stereotypes bias social class perception from faces: The roles of race, gender, affect, and attractiveness. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology.
The Basis of Cognitive and Behavioral Dysfunction in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Bampton A, McHutchison C, Talbot K, Benatar M, Thompson AG & Turner MR (2024) The Basis of Cognitive and Behavioral Dysfunction in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Brain and Behavior, 14 (11), Art. No.: e70115.
Data Article / Data Paper
Automated face recognition assists with low-prevalence face identity mismatches but can bias users
Mueller M, Hancock PJB, Bobak AK, Cunningham EK, Watt RJ & Carragher D (2024) Automated face recognition assists with low-prevalence face identity mismatches but can bias users.
Rhodes RE, Banik A, Szczuka Z, Aulbach MB, DeSmet A, Durand H, Gatting L, Green J, Hillison EZ, Masaryk R, Radtke T, Rigby BP, Schenkel K, Warner LM, Jones CM & Luszczynska A (2024) Extending Our Understanding of the Social Determinants of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviors in Families: A Systems Mapping Approach. Journal of Physical Activity and Health.
Optimizing intervention strategies via social prescribing as a means of encouraging and enabling healthy and sustainable dietary behaviours in individuals from low-income families
PI: Professor Julia Allan
Funded by: Scottish Government
3D interactive lineup identification
PI: Dr Anna Bobak
Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council
Expanding the Big Five: Achieving zero emissions by increasing seafood consumption diversity
PI: Dr Stephanie Horn
Funded by: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Agency, Rationality, and Epistemic Defeat
PI: Dr Giacomo Melis
Funded by: Medical Research Council
Digital Health: Optimuscle - Improving health outcomes through the optimisation of muscle function
PI: Dr Wendy Maltinsky
Funded by: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
The impact of age at school entry on cognitive and academic attainment
PI: Dr Eva Rafetseder
Funded by: The Leverhulme Trust
On-organ sensing for bowel monitoring - a bottom up approach
PI: Dr Wendy Maltinsky
Funded by: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Illustrating adventurous play
PI: Dr Lily FitzGibbon
Funded by: Froebel Trust
Co-production of an intervention promoting preconception health and reducing childhood obesity in deprived areas of Scotland
PI: Dr Sinead Currie
Funded by: Glasgow Children's Hospital Charity
Vaccines against AMR in Aquaculture
PI: Professor Margaret Crumlish
Funded by: International Development Research Centre
From fuel to pot: an interdisciplinary partnership to address the role of solid fuel use in food preparation in the household in Kenya and Malawi.
PI: Dr Isabelle Uny
Funded by: Arts and Humanities Research Council
A meta-ethnography of how children and young people with chronic non-cancer pain and their families experience and understand their condition, pain services and treatments
PI: Professor Emma France
Funded by: National Institute for Health Research
Community pharmacy: Highlighting Alcohol use in Medication aPpointments (CHAMP-1) research programme
PI: Professor Ronan O'Carroll
Funded by: National Institute for Health Research
Remembering to remember: What techniques can be used to improve prospective memory in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)?
Funded by: Academy of Medical Sciences
Identifying novel markers of concealed face recognition
PI: Dr Ailsa Millen
Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council
MAP Behaviour Change: Competency Based Training in Individual Level Support for Behaviour Change for Nurse-Leads in St Helena
PI: Professor Vivien Swanson
Funded by: The Burdett Trust for Nursing
The impact of COVID-19 Fear: evidence to inform social, health and economic recovery - a Healthy Ageing In Scotland (HAGIS) study
PI: Dr Elaine Douglas
Funded by: UK Research and Innovation
Individual Differences in Holistic processing
PI: Dr Stephen Langton
Funded by: Experimental Psychology Society
SCENIC: Surmounting COVID Challenges, Experiences of Nurses in Charge
PI: Dr Kathleen Stoddart
Funded by: NHS Lothian and NHS Grampian
Dissociating the Effects of Age and Schooling on Neurocognitive Development
PI: Dr Eva Rafetseder
Funded by: Jacobs Foundation