Edited Book
Douthwaite J, Nehring H & Alberti SJMM (eds.) (2024) Cold War Museology. London. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781032690414
Chair in Contemporary European History
History University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA
I am a contemporary historian of Europe (including Britain) who believes that all good history is in some shape or form contemporary history. I also work a lot with theories and concepts from the social sciences, especially sociology and International Relations. I do research on two themes: the transnational history of social movements (especially peace movements), the history of the Cold War (in particular the history of military infrastructure), and the ways in which ideas and culture have influenced responses to cultural diplomacy and soft power.
Together with Dr Sam Alberti at National Museums Scotland (PI), I was Co-I on a large project on 'Materialising the Cold War', generously funded by the AHRC (AH/V001078/1). The project analysed museum collections and displays across the UK and Europe - covering everything from military and social history to technology, art and design - to understand how the Cold War materialised in a specific national context and ask exactly how it features in museums today (http://mcw.stir.ac.uk/). It has resulted in a toolkit for museum, a popular book on Cold War Scotland and an edited collection on Cold War Museology.
In 2023, I held a British Academy Innovation Fellowship (together with Wilton Park, the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office's executive agency) to work on sub-national diplomacy and regional development in the UK context (https://pare.stir.ac.uk/).
My biography has prepared me for this interdisciplinary journey. I received my training in contemporary history, political science, and philosophy. Before joining Stirling's Division of History and Politics in September 2013, I was based in various positions at the University of Sheffield. I hold a DPhil from Oxford which I had the pleasure to attend with very generous funding from a Rhodes scholarship.
I have held a number of visiting research fellowships at universities in Europe and north America: at the Forum for Contemporary History, Oslo and the Norwegian Nobel Institute (2007 and 2008); at the Mershon Center for International Security Studies, Columbus, OH, USA (2009); at the Hamburg Institute for Social Research (2009); at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris (as professeur invité in 2010); at the History Department at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA (2012); and at CISAC-TEC at Stanford (2019).
Associate Dean for Graduate Studies, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Co-Convenor, Research Programme in Human Security, Conflict and Co-Operation
Co-Director, Centre for Policy, Conflict and Co-Operation Research
Co-Editor, Palgrave Studies in the History of Social Movements
Co-Editor, Studies in Civil Society
Fellow, Higher Education Academy
Fellow, Royal Historical Society
Member of Academic Council
Member of University Court
I am a historian of post-1945 Western Europe, with special interests in the history of social movements, protests and political activism in Britain and West Germany, the history of violence and peace, the history of sub-national diplomacy as well as Cold Ware museology.
I have also worked on a project that examines the role of infrastructure for NATO in the Cold War, with special respect to the extreme environments in NATO's northern rim ('the High North') as well as transatlantic debates about burden sharing in the alliance.
Together with colleagues in Vienna and Berlin, I used to work on a platform that brings together colleagues working on the history of science diplomacy in the Cold War, and especially the Pugwash movement: https://www.writing-pugwash-histories.org/project-description/
Materialising the Cold War
PI: Professor Holger Nehring
Funded by: Arts and Humanities Research Council
The Scottish Privy Council, 1692-1708: government from Revolution to Union
Funded by: The Leverhulme Trust
Paradiplomacy and regional development (PARE): transnational agency in the making of regional social and cultural infrastructures since 1945
PI: Professor Holger Nehring
Funded by: The British Academy
Edited Book
Douthwaite J, Nehring H & Alberti SJMM (eds.) (2024) Cold War Museology. London. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781032690414
Authored Book
Nehring H, Douthwaite J, Alberti SJMM & Harper S (2024) Cold War Scotland. Edinburgh: NMS Enterprises Ltd - Publishing.
The Cold War in European museums - filling the 'empty battlefield'
Alberti SJMM & Nehring H (2022) The Cold War in European museums - filling the 'empty battlefield'. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 28 (2), pp. 180-199. https://doi.org/10.1080/13527258.2021.1954054
War Times: Layers of History in Russia's War against Ukraine
Nehring H (2022) War Times: Layers of History in Russia's War against Ukraine. Labour History Review, 87 (3), pp. 307-312. https://doi.org/10.3828/lhr.2022.11
Friedensbewegungen und Kriegserinnerungen: Deutschland im europäischen Kontext
Nehring H (2022) Friedensbewegungen und Kriegserinnerungen: Deutschland im europäischen Kontext. Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen, 35 (4), pp. 613-626. https://doi.org/10.1515/fjsb-2022-0052
Newspaper / Magazine
A short history of Ukraine's relationship with the European Union
Nehring H (2022) A short history of Ukraine's relationship with the European Union. The Conversation. 10.03.2022.
Book Chapter
April 1960: Aufbruch zum ersten Ostermarsch
Nehring H (2021) April 1960: Aufbruch zum ersten Ostermarsch. In: Langebach M (ed.) Protest: Deutschland 1949-2020. Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, pp. 158-163. https://www.bpb.de/shop/buecher/zeitbilder/342469/protest/
Nehring H (2020) Challenging the Myths of the Scottish Sixties: Student Protests in the Wake of '1968' at the University of Stirling. Moving the Social, 64, pp. 53-80. https://doi.org/10.46586/mts.64.2020.53-80
Book Chapter
Nehring H (2020) Remembering War, Forgetting Hiroshima: "Euroshima" and the West German Anti-Nuclear Weapons Movements in the Cold War. In: Ikenberry GJ & Gordin MD (eds.) The Age of Hiroshima. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, pp. 179-200. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctvkwnq1q.14
Book Chapter
Nehring H (2020) "Grenzen der Demokratie?" Bundesdeutsche Friedensbewegungen und die Westarbeit der SED im Übergang von den 1950er zu den 1960er Jahren ["Limits of Democracy?" West German peace movements and he SED's Western Department from the 1950s to te 1960s]. In: Berger S, Dietz B & Muller-Enbergs H (eds.) Das Ruhrgebiet im Fokus der Westarbeit der DDR. Stefan Berger et al ed. Schriftenreihe des Instituts für soziale Bewegungen, A65. Essen: Klartext Verlag, pp. 59-86. https://klartext-verlag.de/programm/fachbuch/schriftenreihen/veroeffentlichungen-des-instituts-fuer-soziale-bewegungen/3170/das-ruhrgebiet-im-fokus-der-westarbeit-der-ddr
Book Chapter
Failed Utopia? The University of Stirling from the 1960s to the early 1980s
Nehring H (2020) Failed Utopia? The University of Stirling from the 1960s to the early 1980s. In: Taylor M & Pellew J (eds.) Utopian Universities: A Global History of the New Campuses of the 1960s. Oxford: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 191-206. https://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/utopian-universities-9781350138636/
Energy and War. Debates about Nuclear Energy in early-Cold War West Germany
Nehring H (2020) Energy and War. Debates about Nuclear Energy in early-Cold War West Germany. Groniek, 52 (222), pp. 13-24. https://ugp.rug.nl/groniek/article/view/37222
Newspaper / Magazine
Nehring H & Dee M (2019) We war-gamed an escalation of the Ukraine-Russia crisis - here's what it taught us about the real world. The Conversation. 20.03.2019.
Newspaper / Magazine
Brexit: views from around Europe on future relationship between UK and EU
Tannam E, Lazowski A, Cento Bull A, Lozano Contreras F, Berrod F & Nehring H (2018) Brexit: views from around Europe on future relationship between UK and EU. The Conversation. 22.11.2018.
Kraft A (Editor), Nehring H (Editor) & Sachse C (Editor) (2018) The Pugwash Conferences and the Global Cold War: Scientists, Transnational Networks, and the Complexity of Nuclear Histories, Special Issue of Journal of Cold War Studies. Journal of Cold War Studies, 20 (1). https://www.mitpressjournals.org/toc/jcws/20/1
Kraft A, Nehring H & Sachse C (2018) Introduction: The Pugwash Conferences and the Global Cold War: Scientists, Transnational Networks, and the Complexity of Nuclear Histories. Journal of Cold War Studies, 20 (1), pp. 4-30. https://doi.org/10.1162/jcws_e_00799
和平运动与国际主义 [Peace movements and internationalism]
Nehring H (2017) 和平运动与国际主义 [Peace movements and internationalism]. History Research and Teaching, 6, pp. 10-20.
Book Chapter
Nehring H (2017) Europäische Friedensbewegungen seit dem 19. Jahrhundert [European peace movements since the nineteenth century]. In: Echternkamp J & Mack H (eds.) Geschichte ohne Grenzen? Europäische Dimensionen der Militärgeschichte vom 19. Jahrhundert bis heute [History without borders? European Dimensions of Military History from the nineteenth century to the present day]. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, pp. 99-110. https://www.degruyter.com/view/product/449809; https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110454864-010
Edited Book
The History of Social Movements in Global Perspective: A Survey
Berger S & Nehring H (eds.) (2017) The History of Social Movements in Global Perspective: A Survey. Palgrave Studies in the History of Social Movements. London: Palgrave Macmillan. https://www.palgrave.com/gb/book/9781137304254; https://doi.org/10.1057/978-1-137-30427-8
Book Chapter
Nehring H (2017) Peace Movements. In: Berger S & Nehring H (eds.) The History of Social Movements in Global Perspective. Palgrave Studies in the History of Social Movements. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 485-513. https://www.palgrave.com/gb/book/9781137304254
Book Chapter
Introduction: Towards a Global History of Social Movements
Berger S & Nehring H (2017) Introduction: Towards a Global History of Social Movements. In: Berger S & Nehring H (eds.) The History of Social Movements in Global Perspective: A Survey. Palgrave Studies in the History of Social Movements. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-35. https://www.palgrave.com/gb/book/9781137304254
Newspaper / Magazine
Handshakes or punches? What goes on behind closed diplomatic doors
Nehring H (2017) Handshakes or punches? What goes on behind closed diplomatic doors. The Conversation. 31.01.2017. https://theconversation.com/handshakes-or-punches-what-goes-on-behind-closed-diplomatic-doors-72017
Nehring H (2016) 안보의 정치: 냉전 초기 영국과 서독의 반핵운동 [The Politics of Security: Protests against nuclear weapons and the early Cold War]. Asia Review, 5 (2), pp. 307-322. http://snuac.snu.ac.kr/2015_snuac/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/12_%ED%99%80%EC%A0%80-%EB%84%A4%EB%A7%81_4%EA%B5%90.pdf
Book Chapter
Nehring H (2016) Friedensforschung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Entwicklung und Debatten von den 1960er bis in die 1980er Jahre [Peace Research in the Federal Republic of Germany. development and debates from the 1960s to the 1980s]. In: Defrance C C & Pfeil U (eds.) Verständigung und Versöhnung nach dem "Zivilisationsbruch"? Deutschland in Europa nach 1945. L'Allemagne dans les relations internationales, 9. Brussels: Peter Lang, pp. 711-734. https://www.peterlang.com/view/product/62134?format=EPDF
Book Chapter
Peace Movements and the Politics of Recognition in the Cold War
Nehring H (2016) Peace Movements and the Politics of Recognition in the Cold War. In: Gosewinkel D & Rucht D (eds.) Transnational Struggles for Recognition: New Perspectives on Civil Society since the Twentieth Century. Studies on Civil Society, 8. New York: Berghahn Books, pp. 231-251. http://www.berghahnbooks.com/title/GosewinkelTransnational
Newspaper / Magazine
Germany faces one of its greatest political challenges since World War II
Nehring H (2016) Germany faces one of its greatest political challenges since World War II. The Conversation. 26.07.2016. https://theconversation.com/germany-faces-one-of-its-greatest-political-challenges-since-world-war-ii-63005
Newspaper / Magazine
What Germany wants- as diplomacy over Brexit begins
Nehring H (2016) What Germany wants- as diplomacy over Brexit begins. The Conversation. 28.06.2016. https://theconversation.com/what-germany-wants-as-diplomacy-over-brexit-begins-61730
Book Chapter
The Last Battle of the Cold War: Peace Movements and German Politics in the 1980s
Nehring H (2015) The Last Battle of the Cold War: Peace Movements and German Politics in the 1980s. In: Nuti L, Bozo F, Rey M & Rother B (eds.) The Euromissile Crisis and the End of the Cold War. Cold War International History Project. Stanford, CA, USA: Stanford University Press, pp. 309-330. http://www.sup.org/books/title/?id=25241
Newspaper / Magazine
Fears of a new nuclear arms race are wildly overblown
Nehring H (2015) Fears of a new nuclear arms race are wildly overblown. The Conversation. 07.01.2015. https://theconversation.com/fears-of-a-new-nuclear-arms-race-are-wildly-overblown-35871
The politics of socialism and the West German “1968”
Nehring H (2014) The politics of socialism and the West German “1968”. Sixties, 7 (2), pp. 155-177. https://doi.org/10.1080/17541328.2015.1027609
Book Chapter
Nehring H (2014) Perspektiven: Friedenserziehung und Friedenspädagogil, Gewalt und Zivilität. Zur Historisierung einer “Praxeologie des Friedens. In: Koessler T & Schwitanski A (eds.) Frieden lernen: Friedenspädagogik und Erziehung im 20. Jahrhundert. Frieden und Krieg - Beiträge zur Historischen Friedensforschung. Essen: Klartext Verlag, pp. 275-286.
Book Chapter
Transnationale soziale Bewegungen
Nehring H (2014) Transnationale soziale Bewegungen. In: Dulffer J J & Loth W (eds.) Dimensionen internationaler Geschichte. Studien zur Internationalen Geschichte, 30. Munich: Oldenbourg, pp. 129-150. https://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/222498
Edited Book
Den Kalten Krieg denken: Beiträge zur sozialen Ideengeschichte seit 1945
Bernhard P & Nehring H (eds.) (2013) Den Kalten Krieg denken: Beiträge zur sozialen Ideengeschichte seit 1945 [Thinking the Cold War: Contributions to the social history of ideas since 1945]. Frieden und Krieg, Beiträge zur Historischen Friedensforschung. Essen: Klartext Verlag.
Book Chapter
Nehring H (2013) A Transatlantic Security Crisis? Transnational Relations between the West German and the U.S. Peace Movements, 1977-1985. In: Patel K & Weisbrode K (eds.) European Integration and the Atlantic Community in the 1980s. New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 177-200. http://www.cambridge.org/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=9781107287846&ss=toc
Authored Book
Politics of Security: British and West German Protest Movements and the Early Cold War, 1945-1970
Nehring H (2013) Politics of Security: British and West German Protest Movements and the Early Cold War, 1945-1970. Oxford Historical Monographs. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Book Chapter
Creating Security from Below: peace movements in East and West Germany in the 1980s
Nehring H (2013) Creating Security from Below: peace movements in East and West Germany in the 1980s. In: McDermott K & Stibbe M (eds.) The 1989 Revolutions in Central and Eastern Europe: From Communism to Pluralism. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 136-153.
Book Chapter
"Out of Apathy": Genealogies of the British "New Left" in a Transnational Context, 1956-1962
Nehring H (2013) "Out of Apathy": Genealogies of the British "New Left" in a Transnational Context, 1956-1962. In: Klimke M, Pekelder J & Scharloth J (eds.) Between Prague Spring and French May: Opposition and Revolt in Europe, 1960-1980. Paperback ed. Protest, Culture & Society, 7. New York: Berghahn Books, pp. 15-31.
Protestkultur und Bürgerlichkeit. Anti-Atomwaffenproteste und Nachkrieg in der frühen Bundesrepublik
Nehring H (2013) Protestkultur und Bürgerlichkeit. Anti-Atomwaffenproteste und Nachkrieg in der frühen Bundesrepublik. Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht, 64 (9/10), pp. 555-570. https://www.friedrich-verlag.de/shop/downloads/dl/file/id/34656/product/4545/inhaltsverzeichnis.pdf
Book Chapter
Transnationale soziale Bewegungen [Transnational social movements]
Nehring H (2012) Transnationale soziale Bewegungen [Transnational social movements]. In: Dülffer J & Loth W (eds.) Dimensionen internationaler Geschichte [Dimensions of International History]. Studien zur internationalen Geschichte, 30. Munich: Oldenbourg, pp. 129-150. https://www.degruyter.com/view/product/222498
Book Chapter
Nehring H (2012) Bausoldaten und die Friedlichkeit der Revolution von 1989 [Construction soldiers and the peacefulness of the Revolution of 1989]. In: Sabrow M (ed.) 1989 und die Rolle der Gewalt [1989 and the role of violence]. Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag, pp. 82-107. http://www.wallstein-verlag.de/9783835310599-1989-und-die-rolle-der-gewalt.html
Do all paths lead to Moscow? The NATO dual-track decision and the peace movement - a critique
Nehring H & Ziemann B (2012) Do all paths lead to Moscow? The NATO dual-track decision and the peace movement - a critique. Cold War History, 12 (1), pp. 1-24. https://doi.org/10.1080/14682745.2011.625160
Book Review
Nehring H (2012) The Price of Freedom. Review of: Der Preis Der Freihiet: Geschichte Europas in unserer Zeit by Andreas Wirsching, Munich: Beck, 2012, 487 pp. ISBN 9783406632525. TLS: The Times Literary Supplement, (5720), pp. 35-35. https://www.the-tls.co.uk/articles/private/history-22/
Nehring H (2012) What was the Cold War?. English Historical Review, 127 (527), pp. 920-949. https://doi.org/10.1093/ehr/ces176
La Guerra fredda e la storia del secolo XX
Nehring H, Engerman DC, Rupprecht T, Moro R, Fulbrook M, Gestwa K & Beige B (2012) La Guerra fredda e la storia del secolo XX [The Cold War and XX century history]. Contemporanea, 15 (1), pp. 119-176. https://doi.org/10.1409/36300
Book Chapter
Nehring H (2011) 'Generation', modernity and the making of contemporary history: responses in West European Protest Movements around ‘1968’. In: von der Goltz A (ed.) Talking ‘bout my generation: Conflicts of generation building and Europe' s '1968'. Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag, pp. 73-95. http://www.academia.edu/6048712/Generational_belonging_and_the_68ers_in_Europe
Book Chapter
Nehring H (2011) “The long, long night is over.” The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, “generation” and the politics of religion (1957-1964). In: Garnett J, Grimley M, Harris A, Whyte W & Williams S (eds.) Redefining Christian Britain: Post 1945 Perspectives. London: SCM Press, pp. 138-147.
Book Chapter
”Out of Apathy”: Genealogies of the British “New Left” in a Transnational Context, 1956-1962
Nehring H (2011) ”Out of Apathy”: Genealogies of the British “New Left” in a Transnational Context, 1956-1962. In: Klimke M & Scharloth J (eds.) Between Prague Spring and French May: Opposition and Revolt in Europe, 1960-1980. Hardback ed. New York: Berghahn Books, pp. 15-31.
Edited Book
Nehring H, Lipp K & Lutgemeier-Davin R (eds.) (2010) Frieden und Friedensbewegungen in Deutschland. Ein Lesebuch [Peace and Peace Movements in Germany. A Source Collection]. Frieden und Krieg, Beiträge zur historischen Friedensforschung, 16. Essen: Klartext. http://www.klartext-verlag.de/bookdetail.aspx?x=1&ISBN=978-3-8375-0382-1
Book Chapter
Nehring H (2010) Vtoraya mirovaya voijna v nemetskih i britanskih shkoljnih uchebnikah istoriji: mezhdu imperijej, Evropoi I gegemonijjej liberalizma. In: Guzenkova T & Filianova V (eds.) Vtoraya mirivaya I Velikaya Otechestvennaya vojny v uchebnikah istoriyi sstran SNH I ES: problem, podhodi, interpretaciyi. Materiali mezhdunarodnoy konferenciyi (Moskva, 8-9 aprelja 2010 goda). Moscow: Rossiskii institut strategicheskih issledovanii, pp. 95-109.
Book Chapter
Nehring H (2009) Genealogies of the Ecological Moment: Planning, Complexity and the Emergence of 'the Environment' as Politics in West Germany, 1949-1982. In: Sorlin S & Warde P (eds.) Nature’s End: History and the Environment. Paperback ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave p. 138.
Introduction: A Peaceful Europe? Negotiating Peace in the Twentieth Century
Nehring H & Pharo H (2008) Introduction: A Peaceful Europe? Negotiating Peace in the Twentieth Century. Contemporary European History, 17 (3), pp. 277-299. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0960777308004499
Book Chapter
'Generation' as political argument in West European Protest Movements in the 1960s
Nehring H (2007) 'Generation' as political argument in West European Protest Movements in the 1960s. In: Lovell S (ed.) Generations in Twentieth-Century Europe. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 57-78. https://www.palgrave.com/gb/book/9780230008915
Book Chapter
Demonstrating for 'Peace' in the Cold War: The British and West German Easter Marches, 1958-1964
Nehring H (2007) Demonstrating for 'Peace' in the Cold War: The British and West German Easter Marches, 1958-1964. In: Reiss M (ed.) The Street as Stage: Protest Marches and Public Rallies since the Nineteenth Century. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 275-293.
Book Chapter
Nehring H (2007) Americanized Protests? The British and West German Protests against Nuclear Weapons and the Pacifist Roots of the West German New Left, 1957-64. In: Gienow-Hecht J (ed.) Decentering America. Explorations in Culture and International History. New York: Berghahn Books, pp. 210-251.
The Era of Non-Violence: "Terrorism" in West German, Italian and French political culture, 1968-1982
Nehring H (2007) The Era of Non-Violence: "Terrorism" in West German, Italian and French political culture, 1968-1982. European Review of History / Revue Europeenne d'Histoire, 14 (3), pp. 343-371. https://doi.org/10.1080/13507480701611605
Book Chapter
Britain as the Cradle of German extra-parliamentary protests?
Nehring H (2006) Britain as the Cradle of German extra-parliamentary protests?. In: Bauerkamper A & Eisenberg C (eds.) Britain as a model of modern society? German views. Arbeitskreis Deutsche England-Forschung, 56. Augsburg: Wissner, pp. 111-132.
Politics and the Environment in Twentieth-Century Germany
Nehring H (2006) Politics and the Environment in Twentieth-Century Germany. Minerva, 44 (3), pp. 338-354. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11024-006-9005-z
Nehring H (2005) Politics, Symbols and the Public Sphere: The Protests against Nuclear Weapons in Britain and West Germany, 1958-1963. Zeithistorische Forschungen, 2 (2), pp. 180-202. http://www.zeithistorische-forschungen.de/2-2005/id%3D4614?language=en
Book Chapter
The British Response to SDI: Introductory Paper
Nehring H (2005) The British Response to SDI: Introductory Paper. In: Kandiah M & Staerck G (eds.) The British Response to SDI. Witness seminar held in the Chancellor's Hall, Senate House, University of London on 9 July 2003. CCBH Oral History Programme. London: Centre for Contemporary British History, pp. 17-24. https://keats.kcl.ac.uk/pluginfile.php/1402689/mod_resource/content/1/SDI%20Witness%20Seminar.pdf
Nehring H (2005) National internationalists: British and West German protests against nuclear weapons, the politics of transnational communications and the social history of the cold war, 1957-1964. Contemporary European History, 14 (4), pp. 559-582. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0960777305002766
The British and West German Protests against Nuclear Weapons and the Cultures of the Cold War
Nehring H (2005) The British and West German Protests against Nuclear Weapons and the Cultures of the Cold War. Contemporary British History, 19 (2), pp. 223-241. https://doi.org/10.1080/13619460500080314
Authored Book
Gewalt, Frieden und soziale Bewegungen
Nehring H (2004) Gewalt, Frieden und soziale Bewegungen [Violence, Peace and Social Movements]. Hagen: FernUniversität Hagen.
'Westernization': A New Paradigm for Interpreting West European History in a Cold War Context
Nehring H (2004) 'Westernization': A New Paradigm for Interpreting West European History in a Cold War Context. Cold War History, 4 (2), pp. 175-191. https://doi.org/10.1080/14682740412331391855
I teach post-1945 European (including British) history, with a special focus on the history of the Cold War. I also teach a Special Subject on the rebellions and revolutions around 1968. I also enjoy teaching first-year students in our introductory modules on British history and concepts of history.
In addition, I have a keen interest in the history and practice of diplomacy. I am a programme director for Stirling's professional doctorate of diplomacy. In that context I have developed a keen interest in the use of simulations to foster negotiations skills. Together with senior foreign and defence experts, I have run a series of crisis simulations as part of our diplomacy programmes. This has helped our students gain key professional skills through experiential learning.