Dr Liam Bell

Senior Lecturer

English Studies University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Dr Liam Bell

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About me

Novelist and Senior Lecturer in Creative Writing . Latest novel, Man at Sea (2022), published by Fly on the Wall Press.

First novel, So It Is (2012), shortlisted for SMIT Scottish Book of the Year 2013 and described in The Observer as a book which 'offers a fresh perspective on the Troubles'. Second novel, The Busker, published on 1st May 2014.

Born in Orkney and brought up in Glasgow, I studied for a BA (Hons) in English Literature and Creative Writing at Queen's University, Belfast; MLitt in Creative Writing at the University of Glasgow; and a PhD in Creative Writing at the University of Surrey.


Society of Authors, K Blundell Trust

Grant to enable travel and research relating to the writing of my third novel.

Arts Council England

Grant supporting the researching and writing of my second novel, The Busker.

SMIT Scottish Book of the Year Shortlisting

So It Is was shortlisted for the Scottish Book of the Year in the First Book category.

Event / Presentation

Paperback of the Week, The Herald

The Busker selected as 'paperback of the week' in the Herald during the first week of May 2014.

Scottish Book Trust Pick of 2014

The Busker was selected as a Scottish Book Trust 'Pick of 2014'

Other Project

Scottish Film Talent Network Write4Film Programme

A tailored series of professional, industry-led sessions run by Scottish Film Talent Network for published writers from other mediums seeking to move into screenwriting. Application and interview were required for selection. Led to application to Scottish Shorts 2019 funding for a short film, Awake, which was longlisted but unsuccessful.


Contemporary fiction and historical fiction, particularly prose that seeks to experiment with form and novels that explore the intersection between the personal and the political.

So It Is investigates the Troubles in Northern Ireland and, in particular, the role of women in the violence. The Busker is concerned with the Occupy movement and the functioning of 'protest' in contemporary British politics. Critical work has included articles on Creative Writing pedagogy, poststructuralist readings of the writing process, investigation of the link between form and content in Narrative Theory and exploration of the role of the Creative Writing PhD in modern academia. An upcoming article will also interrogate the links between creative writing and physical activity; co-written with Dr Gemma Ryde at University of Glasgow.

Outputs (27)


Authored Book

Bell L (2023) Rare Stories. Manchester: Bridge House Publishing. https://www.thebridgetowncafebooksshop.co.uk/search/label/Rare%20Stories

Authored Book

Bell L (2023) The Sleepless. Manchester: Fly on the Wall Press. https://www.flyonthewallpress.co.uk/product-page/the-sleepless-by-liam-bell

Authored Book

Bell L (2022) Man at Sea. Manchester: Fly on the Wall Press. https://www.flyonthewallpress.co.uk/product-page/man-at-sea-by-liam-bell

Website Content

Bell L (2022) Service Charge. The Honest Ulsterman [https://humag.co/prose/service-charge] 28.02.2022.

Website Content

Bell L (2021) Delivery. Fictive Dream - Short Stories Online, 28.03.2021. https://fictivedream.com/2021/03/28/delivery/

Website Content

Bell L (2018) flatter-blind. The Honest Ulsterman [https://humag.co/prose/flatter-blind-verb-to-flatter-so-as-to-make-blind-to-blind-with-flattery] 01.06.2018.

Book Chapter

Bell L (2017) The Graduation Cap. In: Fifty: The University of Stirling in 50 objects. Stirling: The University of Stirling, pp. 38-41.


Bell LM (2017) Overland to Malta. TEXT Journal of Writing and Writing Courses, 21 (2). http://www.textjournal.com.au/oct17/bell.htm

Authored Book

Bell LM (2014) The Busker. Brighton: Myriad Editions. http://www.myriadeditions.com/books/the-busker/


Bell LM (2014) Camel. Gutter, 11.

Newspaper Article

Bell LM (2014) The Watercooler. Litro Magazine Online. 05.2014. http://www.litro.co.uk/2014/05/augmented-reality-the-watercooler/

Book Chapter

Bell LM (2013) Publication and the PhD. In: Harper G (ed.) New Ideas in the Writing Arts. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press, pp. 1-16. http://www.cambridgescholars.com/new-ideas-in-the-writing-arts-14

Edited Book

Bell LM & Goodwin G (eds.) (2012) Writing Urban Space. Wiltshire: Zero Books. http://www.zero-books.net/books/writing-urban-space

Authored Book

Bell LM (2012) So It Is. Brighton: Myriad Editions. http://myriadeditions.com/So-It-Is

Book Chapter

Bell LM, Finelli A & Wynne-Davies M (2011) Sexual Violence in literature: a cultural heritage?. In: Brown J & Walklate S (eds.) Handbook on Sexual Violence. New York: Routledge, pp. 52-68. http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9780415670722/


Bell LM (2010) Quiver (Short story). Wordriver literary review, 2 (1), pp. 38-45. http://digitalscholarship.unlv.edu/word_river/1/

Book Chapter

Bell LM (2008) The Piano. In: Niven L & Whittingham B (eds.) Bucket of Frogs. New Writing Scotland, 26. Glasgow: Association for Scottish Literary Studies. http://asls.arts.gla.ac.uk/NWS26.html

Book Chapter

Bell LM (2004) The First Day of Christmas. In: Thornton V & Whyte H (eds.) Milking the Haggis. New Writing Scotland, 21. Glasgow: Association for Scottish Literary Studies. http://asls.arts.gla.ac.uk/NWS21.html