Dr Lorele Mackie


Education 3T13 RG Bomont Building University of Stirling Stirling FK9 4LA

Dr Lorele Mackie

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About me

Dr Lorele Mackie is a Lecturer in Education in the Faculty of Social Sciences. She is Programme Co-ordinator for the BA (Hons) Professional Education Primary (with specialism in Modern Languages) and works across all Initial Teacher Education programmes. She is Senior Advisor of Studies and Director of Placements for the ITE programme, and is the external examiner for the MA (Hons) Primary Education degree programme, University of Dundee.  As a Primary Education teacher, she taught all stages and has experience of both mainstream and ASN. Prior to commencing her post at the University of Stirling, she was a Teaching Fellow at Moray House School of Education where she developed and ran a range of courses on both the PGDE (Primary) and B.Ed (Primary) programmes. She has particular interests in mentoring beginner teachers, learning and teaching in second and subsequent languages, language and literacy, and learning and teaching. 


My Doctoral thesis is entitled ‘Mentoring Student Primary Education Teachers: an exploration of how mentors and mentees understand and perceive the use of formative assessment principles and practices within the mentoring process’.  My research interests include professional learning and innovative pedagogies. I am currently undertaking research in two areas: the use of formative assessment in the mentoring of primary student teachers; learning and teaching in second and subsequent languages.

Outputs (21)


Book Chapter

Mackie L (2022) Mentoring Through Dialogue. In: Eady S, Essex J, Livingston K & McColl M (eds.) Mentoring Teachers in Scotland: A Practical Guide. 1 ed. Abingdon: Routledge.

Book Chapter

Mackie L (2021) Making Accurate Assessments. In: Howells K, Lawrence J & Roden J (eds.) Mentoring Teachers in the Primary School: A Practical Guide. 1 ed. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 101-111.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Mackie L (2017) Understandings of mentoring in school placement settings within the context of Initial Teacher Education in Scotland: dimensions of collaboration and power. European Educational Research Association (EERA) Conference 2017, Copenhagen, 22.08.2017-25.08.2017. http://www.eera-ecer.de/ecer-programmes/conference/22/contribution/42074/

Website Content

Mackie L, Coyle D, Crichton H, Easton R, Foley Y, Lynch M, McLellan C, Milligan L & McPake J (2017) National Framework for Languages: Plurilingualism and Pluriliteracies. The National Framework for Languages: Plurilingualism and Pluriliteracies [Website] 02.01.2017. http://www.nffl.education.ed.ac.uk/national-framework-for-languages/

Working Paper

Mackie L, Coyle D, Crichton H, Easton R, Foley Y, Lynch M, McLellan C, McPake J & Milligan L (2015) STEC 1+2 sub-group background briefing paper. Briefing Paper.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Mackie L & Drew V (2013) Active Learning: an exploration of teachers’ perceptions and practices. European Educational Research Association (EERA) Conference 2013, Istanbul, 10.09.2013-13.09.2013. http://www.eera-ecer.de/ecer-programmes/conference/8/contribution/21492/

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Mackie L & Drew V (2010) Active Learning: who is saying what and why?. BERA Annual Conference 2010, University of Warwick, 04.09.2010-04.09.2010. http://www.beraconference.co.uk/2010/downloads/abstracts/pdf/BERA2010_0540.pdf

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Mackie L & Hardcastle J (2010) Active learning: who is saying what and why?. British Educational Research Association (BERA) Conference 2010, Warwick, 01.09.2010-04.09.2010.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Drew V & Mackie L (2010) Active Learning: who is saying what and why?. European Conference on Educational Research, Helsinki, 25.08.2010-27.08.2010.