Appointment of Chair of University Court

Chair of Court Election

We are holding an election to appoint a Chair of our University Court and members of the University community who are eligible to vote can do so from Monday 3 February until Friday 7 February at 12 noon

After a thorough appointment process, two candidates – Susan Gordon Hardy and Hamish Grossart – have met the criteria to stand for election. Statements provided by both candidates in support of their candidature are published below. The candidate who wins the election will be appointed to the role of Chair for an initial period of four years. 

The online vote will be conducted independently by Civica Election Services, look out for the voting email you will receive from

The Chair of Court election is held in accordance with the Higher Education Governance (Scotland) Act 2016 and Ordinance 72 – Appointment of the Chair of Court, sets out the framework in which the election takes place. 

About Court

Court is the governing body of the University with responsibility for determining its strategic direction, institutional values and overall sustainability, and the welfare of the students and staff. The overarching purpose of governance in higher education is to promote the enduring success, integrity and probity of institutions, as set out in the Scottish Code of Good Higher Education Governance. 

Higher education institutions are legally independent corporate bodies that have a common purpose to provide teaching and research. They also have an important role in helping to drive economic growth through their world-class research, partnerships with business and industry, and provision of a skilled graduate workforce. Court has ultimate responsibility for all of the affairs of the institution. 

Chair of Court

The Chair will lead Court in ensuring the highest standards of corporate governance, as laid out in the Scottish Code for Higher Education Governance and in accordance with the Higher Education Governance (Scotland) Act 2016. 

The University has a Strategic Plan which sets out its direction through to 2030, and the Chair will work closely with the Principal and Vice-Chancellor and other University stakeholders in helping to ensure its implementation and delivery. The Chair is responsible for the leadership and effectiveness of Court and will ensure that the University is well connected with its stakeholders, including its staff and students. 



Susan Gordon Hardy

Susan Gordon Hardy portrait

Susan Gordon Hardy's Election Statement

My motivation

Stirling’s values of widening participation, valuing ability not background and sense of place, attracted me to join Court in 2019.
I have built strong and productive working relationships here and am passionate about our Strategic Plan which puts People at its heart.

The next few years will be very challenging for universities, but I truly believe our size, sense of purpose, inclusive community, and commitment to our values can ensure Stirling’s continued success.

As the governing body, Court’s role is to get the environment right and to set the tone for the University to thrive. Our top priorities are the staff and student experience and financial sustainability.

I would aim to enhance the visibility of what Court is doing and give Court members more meaningful opportunities to hear from students and staff.


About me

After studying at Glasgow University and in the US, I had an international business career as a lawyer. My experience of living, studying and working in multiple countries has made me a strong believer in the power of international learning and research collaboration.

As the daughter of an academic I grew up around universities. Now both of my children are students. I am collaborative, a listener and a leader who acts. I bring independence, objectivity and a strong commitment to equality.

I am aligned with Stirling’s values, an authentic champion for the University and am committed to working hard to deliver if I am elected as Chair of Court.

Hamish Grossart

Hamish Grossart portrait

Hamish Grossart's Election Statement

Stirling is already one of the most successful modern universities in the UK. It has ambitious plans to improve further by 2030, delivering powerful solutions to global challenges.

In pursuing its goals, Stirling must remain a great place to study and work. That requires:

  • a vibrant and well-funded Student Union
  • strong support services
  • outstanding staff; and
  • progressive employment policies

Continued excellent research output from its faculties, the commitment of its staff, and the energy and creativity of its students will underpin the University’s future.

There are challenges on the horizon - pressure on government finances will mean that Stirling will increasingly have to rely on generating its own resources. Competition will increase for students and staff, and as senior staff move on, effective renewal will be key.

The chair of the Court has a crucial role to play in ensuring that all parts of the university community are heard in decision-making, and listened to in setting strategy and policy to navigate what lies ahead.

I studied at Stirling as an undergraduate, represented the university at sport, and captained the University Challenge team on ITV.

After graduating, my career was in business. I was actively involved in creating and developing a series of successful groups, including Scottish Radio, Cairn Energy, and Artemis. I led several business turn-rounds, including Scottish Highland Hotels and Royal Doulton, and have 35 years of national and international board level experience, mostly as chairman or deputy chairman. In the voluntary sector, I have been a school governor, an architectural conservation charity trustee, and an industry body director. I live in Fife, and now focus my time on education, conservation, and supporting the arts in Scotland.

I have been a member of Stirling’s University Court since 2017. I chair the Joint Policy, Planning and Resources Committee, and sit on the Governance and Nominations Committee.

I would like to see:

  • greater focus on Stirling’s student experience
  • more support for students experiencing hardship
  • priority given to health, well-being and sport

I believe my background and experience equip me to lead the Court in addressing the opportunities and challenges that we will face. I therefore respectfully ask for your support in this election.