Preprint / Working Paper
On the Up: Voluntary Sector Wages in the UK 1998 - 2007
Rutherford AC (2010) On the Up: Voluntary Sector Wages in the UK 1998 - 2007. Stirling Economics Discussion Paper, 2010-06.
Preprint / Working Paper
On the Up: Voluntary Sector Wages in the UK 1998 - 2007
Rutherford AC (2010) On the Up: Voluntary Sector Wages in the UK 1998 - 2007. Stirling Economics Discussion Paper, 2010-06.
Preprint / Working Paper
Panos G & Theodossiou I (2010) Unionism and Peer-Referencing McCausland W (Editor) University of Aberdeen Business School Working Paper Series, 2010-03.
The time-series properties of UK inflation: evidence from aggregate and disaggregate data
Byrne J, Kontonikas A & Montagnoli A (2010) The time-series properties of UK inflation: evidence from aggregate and disaggregate data. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 57 (1), pp. 33-47.
Redpath N, Osgathorpe L, Park K & Goulson D (2010) Crofting and bumblebee conservation: the impact of land management practices on bumblebee populations in northwest Scotland. Biological Conservation, 143 (2), pp. 492-500.
Preprint / Working Paper
Causal Relationship between Stock Prices and Exchange Rates
Alagidede P, Panagiotidis T & Zhang X (2010) Causal Relationship between Stock Prices and Exchange Rates. Stirling Economics Discussion Paper, 2010-05.
Understanding fixed effects in human well-being
Boyce CJ (2010) Understanding fixed effects in human well-being. Journal of Economic Psychology, 31 (1), pp. 1-16.
Book Chapter
Was there a (Methodological) Keynesian Revolution?
Dow S (2010) Was there a (Methodological) Keynesian Revolution?. In: Dimand B B, Mundell R & Vercelli A (eds.) Keynes’s General Theory After Seventy Years. IEA Conference Volume, 147. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan for the International Economic Association, pp. 268-286.
Equity fund ownership and the cross-regional diversification of household risk
Becker S & Hoffmann M (2010) Equity fund ownership and the cross-regional diversification of household risk. Journal of Banking and Finance, 34 (1), pp. 90-102.
The wage impact of trade unions in the UK public and private sectors
Blanchflower D & Bryson A (2010) The wage impact of trade unions in the UK public and private sectors. Economica, 77 (305), pp. 92-109.
Wage-hours contracts, overtime working and premium pay
Hart RA & Ma Y (2010) Wage-hours contracts, overtime working and premium pay. Labour Economics, 17 (1), pp. 170-179.
Preprint / Working Paper
The effects of rent seeking over tradable pollution permits
Hanley N & Mackenzie IA (2010) The effects of rent seeking over tradable pollution permits. Stirling Economics Discussion Paper, 2010-02.
Preprint / Working Paper
The Effect of Protestantism on Education before the Industrialization: Evidence from 1816 Prussia
Becker S & Woessmann L (2010) The Effect of Protestantism on Education before the Industrialization: Evidence from 1816 Prussia. Stirling Economics Discussion Paper, 2010-01.
Preprint / Working Paper
Bell D & Blanchflower D (2010) Youth Unemployment: Deja Vu?. Stirling Economics Discussion Paper, 2010-04.
Preprint / Working Paper
Bell D & Hart RA (2010) Retire Later or Work Harder?. Stirling Economics Discussion Paper, 2010-03.
Tyler A, Hunter P, Carvalho L, Codd G, Elliott JA, Ferguson CA, Hanley N, Hopkins D, Maberly SC, Mearns KJ & Scott EM (2009) Strategies for monitoring and managing mass populations of toxic cyanobacteria in recreational waters: a multi-interdisciplinary approach. Environmental Health, 8 (Suppl 1), p. S11.;
Preprint / Working Paper
Contract Renegotiation and Rent Re-Redistribution: Who Gets Raked Over the Coals?
Kosnik L & Lange I (2009) Contract Renegotiation and Rent Re-Redistribution: Who Gets Raked Over the Coals?. Stirling Economics Discussion Paper, 2009-25.
Book Chapter
Tactical Responses of Producers to Innovation Policy: Transitions in Need of Governance
de Vries F, Grevers W & Woerdman E (2009) Tactical Responses of Producers to Innovation Policy: Transitions in Need of Governance. In: Prinz A, Steenge A & Isegrei N (eds.) New Technologies, Networks and Governance Structures. First ed. Wirtschaft: Forschung und Wissenschaft, 24. Lit Verlag.
Book Chapter
Trade union decline and the economics of the workplace
Blanchflower D & Bryson A (2009) Trade union decline and the economics of the workplace. In: Brown W, Bryson A, Forth J & Whitfield K (eds.) The Evolution of the Modern Workplace. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 48-73.
Book Chapter
The impact of the recent expansion of the EU on the UK labor market
Blanchflower D & Lawton H (2009) The impact of the recent expansion of the EU on the UK labor market. In: Kahanec M & Zimmermann K (eds.) EU Labor Markets After Post-Enlargement Migration. Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 181-218.
Book Chapter
What makes a Young Entrepreneur?
Blanchflower D & Oswald AJ (2009) What makes a Young Entrepreneur?. In: Furlong A (ed.) Handbook of Youth and Young Adulthood: New Perspectives and Agendas. Routledge International Handbooks. Abingdon, UK: Taylor & Francis (Routledge), pp. 188-200.
Book Chapter
Are There Policy Tunnels for China to Follow?
Kunnas J & Myllyntaus T (2009) Are There Policy Tunnels for China to Follow?. In: Harris P (ed.) China and Global Climate Change: Proceedings of the conference held at Lingnan University, Hong Kong, 18-19 June 2009. First ed. Hong Kong: Lingnan University, Hong Kong, pp. 401-412.
Book Chapter
Kunnas J & Myllyntaus T (2009) Anxiety and technological change - Explaining the decline of sulphur dioxide emissions in Finland since 1950. In: Bleischwitz R, Welfens P & Zhang Z (eds.) Sustainable Growth and Resource Productivity: Economic and Global Policy Issues. First ed. Sheffield, UK: Greenleaf Publishing, pp. 194-210.
Using labels to investigate scope effects in stated preference methods
Czajkowski M & Hanley N (2009) Using labels to investigate scope effects in stated preference methods. Environmental and Resource Economics, 44 (4), pp. 521-535.
Kunnas J & Myllyntaus T (2009) Postponed Leap in Carbon Dioxide Emissions: The Impact of Energy Efficiency, Fuel Choices and Industrial Structure on the Finnish Energy Economy, 1800-2005. Global Environment: Journal of History and Natural and Social Sciences, (3), pp. 154-189.
Campbell D, Hutchinson WG & Scarpa R (2009) Using choice experiments to explore the spatial distribution of willingness to pay for rural landscape improvements. Environment and Planning A, 41 (1), pp. 97-111.
Edited Book
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Audretsch DB, Falck O & Heblich S (eds.) (2009) Innovation and Entrepreneurship, First ed. The International Library of Entrepreneurship. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bauernschuster S, Falck O & Heblich S (2009) Training and Innovation. Journal of Human Capital, 3 (4), pp. 323-353.
Book Chapter
Economics of energy efficiency
Allan G, Gilmartin M, McGregor PG, Swales JK & Turner K (2009) Economics of energy efficiency. In: Evans J & Hunt L (eds.) International Handbook on the Economics of Energy. First ed. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 144-163.
Hume and the Scottish Enlightenment: Two Cultures
Dow S (2009) Hume and the Scottish Enlightenment: Two Cultures. Revista de Economia, 35 (3), pp. 7-20.
History of Thought and Methodology in Pluralist Economics Education
Dow S (2009) History of Thought and Methodology in Pluralist Economics Education. International Review of Economics Education, 8 (2), pp. 41-57.
Knowledge, Communication and the Scottish Enlightenment
Dow S (2009) Knowledge, Communication and the Scottish Enlightenment. Revue de Philosophie Economique / Review of Economic Philosophy, 10 (2), pp. 3-23.
The Disability Discrimination Act in the UK: Helping or hindering employment among the disabled?
Bell D & Heitmueller A (2009) The Disability Discrimination Act in the UK: Helping or hindering employment among the disabled?. Journal of Health Economics, 28 (2), pp. 465-480.
Research Report
Analysis of the Costs of Domiciliary and Personal Care in Wales: Some Direct Evidence
Bell D & Dawson A (2009) Analysis of the Costs of Domiciliary and Personal Care in Wales: Some Direct Evidence. Welsh Government. Welsh Assembly Government.
Monetary Policy Shocks and Stock Returns: Evidence from the British Market
Gregoriou A, Kontonikas A, MacDonald R & Montagnoli A (2009) Monetary Policy Shocks and Stock Returns: Evidence from the British Market. Financial Markets and Portfolio Management, 23 (4), pp. 401-410.
Assessing the impact of the ECB's monetary policy on the stock markets: A sectoral view
Kholodilin K, Montagnoli A, Napolitano O & Siliverstovs B (2009) Assessing the impact of the ECB's monetary policy on the stock markets: A sectoral view. Economics Letters, 105 (3), pp. 211-213.
Experimental tests of survey responses to expenditure questions
Comerford DA, Delaney L & Harmon C (2009) Experimental tests of survey responses to expenditure questions. Fiscal Studies, 30 (3-4), pp. 419-433.
Well-Being Under Conditions of Abundance: Ireland 1990-2007
Delaney L (2009) Well-Being Under Conditions of Abundance: Ireland 1990-2007. Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 38 (1), pp. 205-219.
Colombo S, Hanley N & Bush G (2009) Analisis de la metodologia de los puntos de corte para la identificacion de las respuestas 'inconsistentes' en los modelos de eleccion discreta (with English summary) [The Use of the Cut-Offs Methodology to Identify Inconsistent Answers in Discrete Choice Models]. Economia Agraria y Recursos Naturales, 9 (1), pp. 3-24.
Technology Diffusion, Product Differentiation and Environmental Subsidies
McGinty M & de Vries F (2009) Technology Diffusion, Product Differentiation and Environmental Subsidies. BE Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 9 (1), pp. 1-25.;;
Book Chapter
Variety of economic judgement and monetary policy-making by committee
Dow S, Klaes M & Montagnoli A (2009) Variety of economic judgement and monetary policy-making by committee. In: Hein E, Niechoj T & Stockhammer E (eds.) Macroeconomic Policies on Shaky Foundations: Whither Mainstream Economics?. Series of studies of the Research Network Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM), 12. Marburg, Germany: Metropolis-Verlag, pp. 331-349.
Book Chapter
Monetary Policy Shifts and Stock Returns: Evidence from UK Panel Data
Gregoriou A, Kontonikas A, MacDonald R & Montagnoli A (2009) Monetary Policy Shifts and Stock Returns: Evidence from UK Panel Data. In: Ellison G (ed.) Stock Returns: Cyclicity, Prediction and Economic Consequences. First ed. Financial Institutions and Services Series. New York: Nova Science Publishers Inc, pp. 201-210.
Research Report
King DN (2009) Memorandum, pages 47 to 53 in The Barnett Formula: Report with Evidence: House of Lords Select Committee on the Barnett Formula, 1st Report of Session 2008-09. HL Paper, 139. The Stationery Office, London.
Santos FCA & Jabbour CJC (2009) Developing undergraduate and graduate production engineering programmes in Brazil: stimuli for a proactive investigation. International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life Long Learning, 19 (1), pp. 34-58.
Integrating environmental management and manufacturing strategy: An emerging competitive priority
Da Silva EM, Jabbour CJC & Santos FCA (2009) Integrating environmental management and manufacturing strategy: An emerging competitive priority. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management, 10 (3-4), pp. 397-411.
Are supplier selection criteria going green? Case studies of companies in Brazil
Jabbour CJC & Jabbour ABLdS (2009) Are supplier selection criteria going green? Case studies of companies in Brazil. Industrial Management and Data Systems, 109 (4), pp. 477-495.
Problems associated with voluntary work in a small not-for-profit organization: A case from Brazil
Jabbour CJC & Santos FCA (2009) Problems associated with voluntary work in a small not-for-profit organization: A case from Brazil. Management Research News, 32 (10), pp. 921-931.;
Presentation / Talk
Peredo-Alvarez V, Telfer T & Ross L (2009) Aquaculture of native fish species at catchment level in central Mexico: GIS-based decision support for the culture of Ictalurus balsanus and Ictalurus dugessi. 2nd Latin American Conference on Culture of Native Fish, Chascomus, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 3-6 November 2009, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 03.11.2009-06.11.2009.
Risk and uncertainty in central bank signals: an analysis of monetary policy committee minutes
Dow S, Klaes M & Montagnoli A (2009) Risk and uncertainty in central bank signals: an analysis of monetary policy committee minutes. Metroeconomica, 60 (4), pp. 584-618.
Should all choices count? Using the cut-offs approach to edit responses in a choice experiment
Bush G, Colombo S & Hanley N (2009) Should all choices count? Using the cut-offs approach to edit responses in a choice experiment. Environmental and Resource Economics, 44 (3), pp. 397-414.;
Preprint / Working Paper
Zhao T & Murinde V (2009) Bank competition, risk taking and productive efficiency: Evidence from Nigeria’s banking reform experiments. Stirling Economics Discussion Paper, 2009-23.
Birol E, Hanley N, Koundouri P & Kountouris Y (2009) Optimal management of wetlands: Quantifying trade-offs between flood risks, recreation, and biodiversity conservation. Water Resources Research, 45 (11).;
Presentation / Talk
Peredo-Alvarez V, Telfer T & Ross L (2009) A predictive model for selection of native species with aquaculture potential in central Mexico: a catchment level assessment. 2nd Latin American Conference on Culture of Native Fish, Chascomus, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 3-6 November 2009, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 03.11.2009-06.11.2009.
Valuing changes in forest biodiversity
Czajkowski M, Buszko-Briggs M & Hanley N (2009) Valuing changes in forest biodiversity. Ecological Economics, 68 (12), pp. 2910-2917.
Common political culture: Evidence on regional corruption contagion
Becker S, Egger PH & Seidel T (2009) Common political culture: Evidence on regional corruption contagion. European Journal of Political Economy, 25 (3), pp. 300-310.;
Lange I (2009) Evaluating Voluntary Measures with Treatment Spillovers: The Case of Coal Combustion Products Partnership. BE Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 9 (1).
Real earnings and business cycles: new evidence
Hart RA, Malley JR & Woitek U (2009) Real earnings and business cycles: new evidence. Empirical Economics, 37 (1), pp. 51-71.
The distribution of wellbeing in Ireland
Delaney L, Doyle OM, McKenzie KD & Wall P (2009) The distribution of wellbeing in Ireland. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 26 (3), pp. 119-126.
Is there a role for suicide research in modern Ireland?
Sweeney L, Quinlivan L, McGuinness S, O'Loughlin EC, Delaney L & Malone KM (2009) Is there a role for suicide research in modern Ireland?. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 26 (3), pp. 104-106.
Anson S & Turner K (2009) Rebound and disinvestment effects in refined oil consumption and supply resulting from an increase in energy efficiency in the Scottish commercial transport sector. Energy Policy, 37 (9), pp. 3608-3620.
Turner K (2009) Negative rebound and disinvestment effects in response to an improvement in energy efficiency in the UK economy. Energy Economics, 31 (5), pp. 648-666.
Preprint / Working Paper
Rutherford AC (2009) Where is the Warm Glow? Donated Labour and Nonprofit Wage Differentials in the Health and Social Work Industries. Stirling Economics Discussion Paper, 2009-20.
Preprint / Working Paper
Catch Me If You Can: Education and Catch-up in the Industrial Revolution
Becker S, Hornung E & Woessmann L (2009) Catch Me If You Can: Education and Catch-up in the Industrial Revolution. Stirling Economics Discussion Paper, 2009-19.
Preprint / Working Paper
The Trade-off between Fertility and Education: Evidence from before the Demographic Transition
Becker S, Francesco C & Woessmann L (2009) The Trade-off between Fertility and Education: Evidence from before the Demographic Transition. Stirling Economics Discussion Paper, 2009-17.
Preprint / Working Paper
Offshoring and the Onshore Composition of Tasks and Skills
Becker S, Ekholm K & Muendler M (2009) Offshoring and the Onshore Composition of Tasks and Skills. Stirling Economics Discussion Paper, 2009-18.
Environmental taxes and industry monopolization
Schoonbeek L & de Vries F (2009) Environmental taxes and industry monopolization. Journal of Regulatory Economics, 36 (1), pp. 94-106.
The U-shape without controls: A response to Glenn
Blanchflower D & Oswald AJ (2009) The U-shape without controls: A response to Glenn. Commentary on: Glenn, N. (2009). Is the apparent U-shape of well-being over the life course a results of inappropriate use of control variables? A commentary on Blanchflower and Oswald (66:8, 2008, 1733–1749). Social Science & Medicine, 69(4), 481–485.. Social Science and Medicine, 69 (4), pp. 486-488.
Exchange Rate Volatility and Output Volatility: A Theoretical Approach
Grydaki M & Fountas S (2009) Exchange Rate Volatility and Output Volatility: A Theoretical Approach. Review of International Economics, 17 (3), pp. 552-569.
Book Chapter
History of Thought, Methodology and Pluralism
Dow S (2009) History of Thought, Methodology and Pluralism. In: Reardon J (ed.) A Pluralist Handbook for Economics Education. Routledge Advances in Heterodox Economics. London: Routledge, pp. 43-53.
The Impact of Regional Age Structure on Entrepreneurship
Bonte W, Falck O & Heblich S (2009) The Impact of Regional Age Structure on Entrepreneurship. Economic Geography, 85 (3), pp. 269-287.
Using contests to allocate pollution rights
MacKenzie IA, Hanley N & Kornienko T (2009) Using contests to allocate pollution rights. Energy Policy, 37 (7), pp. 2798-2806.;
What explains property-level variation in avian diversity? An inter-disciplinary approach
Dallimer M, Acs S, Hanley N, Wilson P, Gaston KJ & Armsworth PR (2009) What explains property-level variation in avian diversity? An inter-disciplinary approach. Journal of Applied Ecology, 46 (3), pp. 647-656.
Banking Sector Development in Uzbekistan: A Case of Mixed Blessings?
Ghosh D & Ruziev K (2009) Banking Sector Development in Uzbekistan: A Case of Mixed Blessings?. Problems of Economic Transition, 52 (2), pp. 3-41.
Are There Income Effects on Global Willingness to Pay for Biodiversity Conservation?
Jacobsen JB & Hanley N (2009) Are There Income Effects on Global Willingness to Pay for Biodiversity Conservation?. Environmental and Resource Economics, 43 (2), pp. 137-160.
Modelling attribute non-attendance in choice experiments for rural landscape valuation
Scarpa R, Gilbride TJ, Campbell D & Hensher DA (2009) Modelling attribute non-attendance in choice experiments for rural landscape valuation. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 36 (2), pp. 151-174.
Minority self-employment in the United States and the impact of affirmative action programs
Blanchflower D (2009) Minority self-employment in the United States and the impact of affirmative action programs. Annals of Finance, 5 (3-4), pp. 361-396.
Jabbour CJC (2009) Managing quality for environmental excellence: Strategies, outcomes, and challenges in Brazilian companies. Environmental Quality Management, 18 (4), pp. 65-71.
Preprint / Working Paper
Workers Made Idle by Company Strikes and the ‘British Disease’
Hart RA (2009) Workers Made Idle by Company Strikes and the ‘British Disease’. Stirling Economics Discussion Paper, 2009-14.
Research Report
Report on the City of Chicago's MWBE Program
Blanchflower D (2009) Report on the City of Chicago's MWBE Program. City of Chicago.
Session 5: Nutrition communication: The challenge of effective food risk communication
McGloin A, Delaney L, Hudson E & Wall P (2009) Session 5: Nutrition communication: The challenge of effective food risk communication. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 68 (2), pp. 135-141.
Determinants of Contract Duration: Further Evidence from Coal-Fired Power Plants
Kozhevnikova M & Lange I (2009) Determinants of Contract Duration: Further Evidence from Coal-Fired Power Plants. Review of Industrial Organization, 34 (3), pp. 217-229.
Was Weber Wrong? A Human Capital Theory of Protestant Economic History
Becker S & Woessmann L (2009) Was Weber Wrong? A Human Capital Theory of Protestant Economic History. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 124 (2), pp. 531-596.
Colombo S, Hanley N & Louviere J (2009) Modeling preference heterogeneity in stated choice data: an analysis for public goods generated by agriculture. Agricultural Economics, 40 (3), pp. 307-322.;
Preprint / Working Paper
Instability in a Market Economy and the Harrod Growth Model
Ghosh D (2009) Instability in a Market Economy and the Harrod Growth Model. Stirling Economics Discussion Paper, 2009-11.
Preprint / Working Paper
Interest rates and convergence across Italian regions
Dow S, Montagnoli A & Napolitano O (2009) Interest rates and convergence across Italian regions. Stirling Economics Discussion Paper, 2009-13.
Preprint / Working Paper
The effects of rent seeking over tradable pollution permits
Hanley N & Mackenzie IA (2009) The effects of rent seeking over tradable pollution permits. Stirling Economics Discussion Paper, 2009-12.
Preprint / Working Paper
Hart RA (2009) Above and beyond the call. Long-term real earnings effects of British male military conscription during WWII and the post-war years. Stirling Economics Discussion Paper, 2009-09.
Dallimer M, Tinch D, Acs S, Hanley N, Southall HR, Gaston KJ & Armsworth PR (2009) 100 years of change: examining agricultural trends, habitat change and stakeholder perceptions through the 20th century. Journal of Applied Ecology, 46 (2), pp. 334-343.
Contrasting approaches to statistical regression in ecology and economics
Armsworth PR, Gaston KJ, Hanley N & Ruffell R (2009) Contrasting approaches to statistical regression in ecology and economics. Journal of Applied Ecology, 46 (2), pp. 265-268.
Willingness to pay for reducing crowding effect damages in marine parks in Malaysia
Ahmad SA & Hanley N (2009) Willingness to pay for reducing crowding effect damages in marine parks in Malaysia. Singapore Economic Review, 54 (1), pp. 21-39.
Psychological and Biological Foundations of Time Preference
Daly M, Harmon C & Delaney L (2009) Psychological and Biological Foundations of Time Preference. Journal of the European Economic Association, 7 (2-3), pp. 659-669.