Presentation / Talk
Tabner I (2010) Presentation. The 8th NTU International Conference on Economics, Finance and Accounting:
"Bank Regulation and Financial Development": National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 21-23 June 2010, Taipei, Taiwan, 21.06.2010-23.06.2010.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
A European Study of the Quality of Housing and its Impact on Subjective Wellbeing
Webb R, Winfield T & Watson D (2010) A European Study of the Quality of Housing and its Impact on Subjective Wellbeing. Comparative Housing Research: Approaches and Policy Challenges in a New International Era Conference, Delft, Netherlands, 24.03.2010-25.03.2010.
Female board appointments and firm valuation: short and long-term effects
Campbell K & Vera AM (2010) Female board appointments and firm valuation: short and long-term effects. Journal of Management and Governance, 14 (1), pp. 37-59.
Corporate Governanace Challenges in Poland: Evidence from "Comply or Explain" Disclosures
Campbell K, Jerzemowska M & Najman K (2009) Corporate Governanace Challenges in Poland: Evidence from "Comply or Explain" Disclosures. Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society, 9 (5), pp. 623-634.
The impact of macroeconomic indicators on Vietnamese stock prices
Hussainey K & Ngoc LK (2009) The impact of macroeconomic indicators on Vietnamese stock prices. Journal of Risk Finance, 10 (4), pp. 321-332.
Do dividends signal information about future earnings?
Hussainey K (2009) Do dividends signal information about future earnings?. Applied Economics Letters, 16 (12), pp. 1285-1288.
The background to the introduction of income tax on employee share options
Stopforth D (2009) The background to the introduction of income tax on employee share options. British Tax Review, 2009 (1), pp. 117-128.
The association between dividend payout and outside directorships
Al-Najjar B & Hussainey K (2009) The association between dividend payout and outside directorships. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 10 (1), pp. 4-19.
The impact of audit quality on earnings predictability
Hussainey K (2009) The impact of audit quality on earnings predictability. Managerial Auditing Journal, 24 (4), pp. 340-351.;
Corporate Governance in Japan and the UK: Codes, Theory and Practice
Mizuno M & Tabner I (2009) Corporate Governance in Japan and the UK: Codes, Theory and Practice. Pacific Economic Review, 14 (5), pp. 622-638.
Value creation through spin-offs: A review of the empirical evidence
Veld C & Veld-Merkoulova YV (2009) Value creation through spin-offs: A review of the empirical evidence. International Journal of Management Reviews, 11 (4), pp. 407-420.
The future of the external audit function
Fraser I & Pong C (2009) The future of the external audit function. Managerial Auditing Journal, 24 (2), pp. 104-113.
The Effects of Voluntary Disclosure and Dividend Propensity on Prices Leading Earnings
Hussainey K & Walker M (2009) The Effects of Voluntary Disclosure and Dividend Propensity on Prices Leading Earnings. Accounting and Business Research, 39 (1), pp. 37-55.;
Do the financial statements of intangible-intensive companies hold less information content for investors?
Fraser I, Tarbert H & Tee KH (2009) Do the financial statements of intangible-intensive companies hold less information content for investors?. Applied Financial Economics, 19 (17), pp. 1433-1438.
"A witches' dance of numbers". Fictional portrayals of business and accounting transactions at a time of crisis
Evans L (2009) "A witches' dance of numbers". Fictional portrayals of business and accounting transactions at a time of crisis. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 22 (2), pp. 169-199.
An Exploration of Managers' Reasons for Depreciation Method Choice in Egyptian Companies
Dey C, Grinyer J, Sinclair CD & El-Habashy H (2009) An Exploration of Managers' Reasons for Depreciation Method Choice in Egyptian Companies. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 10 (1), pp. 20-32.
Preprint / Working Paper
Corporate Governance in Japan and the UK: Codes, Theory and Practice
Mizuno M & Tabner I (2009) Corporate Governance in Japan and the UK: Codes, Theory and Practice. SSRN Working Paper Series, 1525078.
Disclosure and dividend signalling when sustained earnings growth declines
Hussainey K & Aal-Eisa J (2009) Disclosure and dividend signalling when sustained earnings growth declines. Managerial Auditing Journal, 24 (5), pp. 445-454.
Rule Britannia! British Stock market returns, 1825-1870
Acheson G, Hickson CR, Turner JD & Ye Q (2009) Rule Britannia! British Stock market returns, 1825-1870. Journal of Economic History, 69 (4), pp. 1107-1137.
Book Chapter
Oldroyd D & Dobie A (2009) Bookkeeping. In: Edwards J & Walker S (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Accounting History. First ed. Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Accounting. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 95-119.
Book Chapter
Risk Management
Campbell K (2009) Risk Management. In: Wankel C (ed.) Encyclopedia of Business in Today's World, Volume 3. First ed. London, UK: SAGE, pp. 1379-1381.
Book Chapter
Purchasing Power Parity
Campbell K (2009) Purchasing Power Parity. In: Wankel C (ed.) Encyclopedia of Business in Today's World, Volume 3. First ed. London, UK: SAGE, pp. 1329-1330.
Book Chapter
Foreign Exchange Market
Campbell K (2009) Foreign Exchange Market. In: Wankel C (ed.) Encyclopedia of Business in Today's World, Volume 1. First ed. London, UK: SAGE, pp. 698-699.
Book Chapter
Financial Hedge
Campbell K (2009) Financial Hedge. In: Wankel C (ed.) Encyclopedia of Business in Today's World, Volume 1. First ed. London, UK: SAGE, pp. 667-669.
Book Chapter
Exchange Rate Risk (or Currency Exposure)
Campbell K (2009) Exchange Rate Risk (or Currency Exposure). In: Wankel C (ed.) Encyclopedia of Business in Today's World, Volume 1. First ed. London, UK: SAGE, pp. 629-630.
Preprint / Working Paper
Earnings Management in IPOs: Determinants and Post-IPO Performance
Ahmad-Zaluki NA, Campbell K & Goodacre A (2009) Earnings Management in IPOs: Determinants and Post-IPO Performance.
Book Chapter
Internal Auditors and Enterprise Risk Management
Fraser I (2009) Internal Auditors and Enterprise Risk Management. In: QFinance: The Ultimate Resource. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 680-682.
Asymmetric return patterns: evidence from 33 international stock market indices
Evans T & McMillan D (2009) Asymmetric return patterns: evidence from 33 international stock market indices. Applied Economics Letters, 16 (8), pp. 775-779.
The confusing time-series behaviour of real exchange rates: Are asymmetries important?
McMillan D (2009) The confusing time-series behaviour of real exchange rates: Are asymmetries important?. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 19 (4), pp. 692-711.
Reverse convertible bonds analyzed
Szymanowska M, ter Horst J & Veld C (2009) Reverse convertible bonds analyzed. Journal of Futures Markets, 29 (10), pp. 895-919.
Ticking the commentary box
Fraser I & Henry W (2009) Ticking the commentary box. CA Magazine (Edinburgh), 113 (1239), pp. 58-59.
The rise and demise of the convertible arbitrage strategy
Loncarski I, ter Horst J & Veld C (2009) The rise and demise of the convertible arbitrage strategy. Financial Analysts Journal, 65 (5), pp. 35-50.
Preprint / Working Paper
Labor Market Pooling and Human Capital Investment Decisions
Amend E & Herbst P (2009) Labor Market Pooling and Human Capital Investment Decisions. SSRN Working Paper Series.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Does Poverty Risk Help Explain Tenure Choice? A Multinomial Probit Approach’
Webb R & Watson D (2009) Does Poverty Risk Help Explain Tenure Choice? A Multinomial Probit Approach’. ISA RC43 International Housing Conference 2009, Glasgow, 01.09.2009-04.09.2009.
Do Europeans view their Homes as Castles? Home Ownership and Poverty Perception throughout Europe
Watson D & Webb R (2009) Do Europeans view their Homes as Castles? Home Ownership and Poverty Perception throughout Europe. Urban Studies, 46 (9), pp. 1787-1805.
Are RiskMetrics forecasts good enough? Evidence from 31 stock markets
McMillan D & Kambouroudis DS (2009) Are RiskMetrics forecasts good enough? Evidence from 31 stock markets. International Review of Financial Analysis, 18 (3), pp. 117-124.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Tabner I (2009) Presentation. 7th International Conference on Corporate Governance: "Corporate Governance: Managing Risk in a Changing World", 29th June 2009, Birmingham Business School, Birmingham, UK, 29.06.2009-29.06.2009.
Non-linear predictability in stock and bond returns: When and where is it exploitable?
Guidolin M, Hyde S, McMillan D & Ono S (2009) Non-linear predictability in stock and bond returns: When and where is it exploitable?. International Journal of Forecasting, 25 (2), pp. 373-399.
Forward interest rate premium and asymmetric adjustment: Evidence from 16 countries
McMillan D (2009) Forward interest rate premium and asymmetric adjustment: Evidence from 16 countries. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 19 (2), pp. 258-273.
Non-linear interest rate dynamics and forecasting: evidence for US and Australian interest rates
McMillan D (2009) Non-linear interest rate dynamics and forecasting: evidence for US and Australian interest rates. International Journal of Finance and Economics, 14 (2), pp. 139-155.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Internal Loss Data Collection Implementation: Evidence from a Major UK Financial Institutions
Webb R, Bryce C & Adams J (2009) Internal Loss Data Collection Implementation: Evidence from a Major UK Financial Institutions. European Financial Management Symposium 2009: Risk Management in Financial Institutions, Nantes, 23.04.2009-25.04.2009.
Benchmark Concentration: Capitalization Weights Versus Equal Weights in the FTSE 100 Index
Tabner I (2009) Benchmark Concentration: Capitalization Weights Versus Equal Weights in the FTSE 100 Index. Multinational Finance Journal, 13 (3&4), pp. 209-228.
Persistent mispricing in a recently opened emerging index futures market: Arbitrageurs invited
McMillan D & Ulku N (2009) Persistent mispricing in a recently opened emerging index futures market: Arbitrageurs invited. Journal of Futures Markets, 29 (3), pp. 218-243.
Preprint / Working Paper
Choice, Confusion and Competition in the Market for Markets: Aiming for Aim in Three Junior Asian Stock Exchanges
Mizuno M & Tabner I (2009) Choice, Confusion and Competition in the Market for Markets: Aiming for Aim in Three Junior Asian Stock Exchanges. SSRN Working Paper Series, 1327449.
Are UK Share Prices Too High? Fundamental Value or New Era
McMillan D (2009) Are UK Share Prices Too High? Fundamental Value or New Era. Bulletin of Economic Research, 61 (1), pp. 1-20.
How Useful is Intraday Data for Evaluating Daily Value-at-Risk? Evidence from Three Euro Rates
McMillan D, Speight AEH & Evans K (2008) How Useful is Intraday Data for Evaluating Daily Value-at-Risk? Evidence from Three Euro Rates. Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 18 (5), pp. 488-503.
Dividends, prices and the present value model: firm-level evidence
Goddard J, McMillan D & Wilson JOS (2008) Dividends, prices and the present value model: firm-level evidence. European Journal of Finance, 14 (3), pp. 195-210.
Book Chapter
Risk neutrality
Veld-Merkoulova YV (2008) Risk neutrality. In: Darity W (ed.) International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, Volume 7. 2nd Revised edition ed. Detroit, USA: Macmillan Library Reference, pp. 253-254.
Comment on the IASB's Exposure Draft 'IFRS for Small and Medium-sized Entities'
Di Pietra R, Evans L, Chevy J, Cisi M, Eierle B & Jarvis R (2008) Comment on the IASB's Exposure Draft 'IFRS for Small and Medium-sized Entities'. Accounting in Europe, 5 (1), pp. 27-47.
An analysis of the bursars’ accounts at Durham Cathedral Priory 1278- 1398
Dobie A (2008) An analysis of the bursars’ accounts at Durham Cathedral Priory 1278- 1398. Accounting Historians Journal, 35 (2), pp. 181-208.
The development of financial management and control in monastic houses and estates in England c. 1200-1540
Dobie A (2008) The development of financial management and control in monastic houses and estates in England c. 1200-1540. Accounting, Business and Financial History, 18 (2), pp. 141-159.;
Book Chapter
Struggling with the Praxis of Social Accounting: Stakeholders, Accountability, Audits and Procedures
Gray R, Dey C, Owen D, Evans R & Zadek S (2008) Struggling with the Praxis of Social Accounting: Stakeholders, Accountability, Audits and Procedures. In: Crane A, Matten D & Spence L (eds.) Corporate Social Responsibility: Readings and Cases in a Global Context. First ed. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 358-400.
Gender Diversity in the Boardroom and Firm Financial Performance
Campbell K & Minguez-Vera A (2008) Gender Diversity in the Boardroom and Firm Financial Performance. Journal of Business Ethics, 83 (3), pp. 435-451.
Book Review
Financial reporting and global capital markets - A history of the International Accounting Standards Committee, 1973-2000
Evans L (2008) Financial reporting and global capital markets - A history of the International Accounting Standards Committee, 1973-2000. Review of:
Kees Camfferman, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2007, xxiii + 676 pp. ISBN: 978-0-19-929629-3.. International Journal of Accounting, 43 (2), pp. 208-211.
An empirical analysis of the stockholder-bondholder conflict in corporate spin-offs
Veld C & Veld-Merkoulova YV (2008) An empirical analysis of the stockholder-bondholder conflict in corporate spin-offs. Financial Management, 37 (1), pp. 103-124.
Choice, Confusion and Competition in the Market for Markets: Aiming for Aim in Three Junior Asian Stock Exchanges
Mizuno M & Tabner I (2008) Choice, Confusion and Competition in the Market for Markets: Aiming for Aim in Three Junior Asian Stock Exchanges. Pacific Economic Review, 13 (5), pp. 575-603.
Book Chapter
Corporate Governance Online Reporting by Saudi Listed Companies
Hussainey K (2008) Corporate Governance Online Reporting by Saudi Listed Companies. In: Tsamenyi M & Uddin S (eds.) Corporate Governance in Less Developed and Emerging Economies. Research in Accounting in Emerging Economies, volume 8. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 39-64.
Determinants of Accounting Choices in Egypt
Dey C, Grinyer J, Sinclair CD & El-Habashy H (2008) Determinants of Accounting Choices in Egypt. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 8 (3), pp. 48-92.
Good Practices in Corporate Governance Disclosure: Polish Corporate Governance and the UNCTAD Guidance
Campbell K, Fraser I, Henry W & Jerzemowska M (2008) Good Practices in Corporate Governance Disclosure: Polish Corporate Governance and the UNCTAD Guidance. Przeglad Corporate Governance, 16 (4), pp. 19-28.
Non-linear cointegration and adjustment: An asymmetric exponential smooth-transition model for US interest rates
McMillan D (2008) Non-linear cointegration and adjustment: An asymmetric exponential smooth-transition model for US interest rates. Empirical Economics, 35 (3), pp. 591-606.
The secondary market for bank shares in nineteenth-century Britain
Acheson G & Turner JD (2008) The secondary market for bank shares in nineteenth-century Britain. Financial History Review, 15 (2), pp. 123-151.
Preprint / Working Paper
Should I Buy or Should I Rent: And What is an Appropriate Discount Rate for Housing Consumption in Household Finance?
Tabner I (2008) Should I Buy or Should I Rent: And What is an Appropriate Discount Rate for Housing Consumption in Household Finance?. SSRN Working Paper Series, 963993.
Presentation / Talk
Tabner I (2008) Presentation. 2008 Academy of Financial Services Conference, 3rd October 2008 - Boston, Massachusetts, Boston, Massachusetts, 03.10.2008-03.10.2008.
Capital structure around the world: The roles of firm- and country-specific determinants
de Jong A, Kabir R & Nguyen TT (2008) Capital structure around the world: The roles of firm- and country-specific determinants. Journal of Banking and Finance, 32 (9), pp. 1954-1969.
Why do companies issue convertible bond loans? An empirical analysis for the Canadian market
Loncarski I, ter Horst J & Veld C (2008) Why do companies issue convertible bond loans? An empirical analysis for the Canadian market. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 25 (3), pp. 214-236.
Business groups and profit redistribution: A boon or bane for firms?
George R & Kabir R (2008) Business groups and profit redistribution: A boon or bane for firms?. Journal of Business Research, 61 (9), pp. 1004-1014.
Newspaper / Magazine
Financial and Business Reporting by Major Accounting and Financial Services Firms
Fraser I (2008) Financial and Business Reporting by Major Accounting and Financial Services Firms. Focus on Research. 09.2008, p. 9.
Presentation / Talk
Tabner I (2008) Presentation. British Accounting Association (BAA) Scottish Area Group Annual Conference; 11th September 2008, Glasgow, UK, Glasgow, UK, 11.09.2008-11.09.2008.
The death blow to unlimited liability in Victorian Britain: The City of Glasgow failure
Acheson G & Turner JD (2008) The death blow to unlimited liability in Victorian Britain: The City of Glasgow failure. Explorations in Economic History, 45 (3), pp. 235-253.
The Influence of Business Case Studies and Learning Styles in an Accounting Course: A Comment
Duff A, Dobie A & Guo X (2008) The Influence of Business Case Studies and Learning Styles in an Accounting Course: A Comment. Accounting Education, 17 (2), pp. 129-144.
Business risk auditing: A regressive evolution?-A research note
Flint C, Fraser I & Hatherly DJ (2008) Business risk auditing: A regressive evolution?-A research note. Accounting Forum, 32 (2), pp. 143-147.
Auditors' Ability to Resist Client Pressure and Culture: Perceptions in China and the United Kingdom
Lin KZ & Fraser I (2008) Auditors' Ability to Resist Client Pressure and Culture: Perceptions in China and the United Kingdom. Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting, 19 (2), pp. 161-183.
The risk perceptions of individual investors
Veld C & Veld-Merkoulova YV (2008) The risk perceptions of individual investors. Journal of Economic Psychology, 29 (2), pp. 226-252.;
Efficiency of the IBEX spot-futures basis: The impact of the mini-futures
McMillan D & Garcia RQ (2008) Efficiency of the IBEX spot-futures basis: The impact of the mini-futures. Journal of Futures Markets, 28 (4), pp. 398-415.
Long-memory in high-frequency exchange rate volatility under temporal aggregation
McMillan D & Speight AEH (2008) Long-memory in high-frequency exchange rate volatility under temporal aggregation. Quantitative Finance, 8 (3), pp. 251-261.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
The Effect of Building Society Demutualisation on Levels of Relative Efficiency at Large UK Commercial Banks
Webb R & Bryce C (2008) The Effect of Building Society Demutualisation on Levels of Relative Efficiency at Large UK Commercial Banks. Scottish Economic Society Annual Conference 2008, Perth, Scotland, 21.04.2008-23.04.2008.
An empirical analysis of the pricing of bank issued options versus options exchange options
ter Horst J & Veld C (2008) An empirical analysis of the pricing of bank issued options versus options exchange options. European Financial Management, 14 (2), pp. 288-314.
Is the Pay-Performance Relationship Always Positive? Evidence from the Netherlands
Duffhues P & Kabir R (2008) Is the Pay-Performance Relationship Always Positive? Evidence from the Netherlands. Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 18 (1), pp. 45-60.
International Perspectives on Executive Compensation
Kabir R (2008) International Perspectives on Executive Compensation. Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 18 (1), pp. 1-3.
Preprint / Working Paper
Audit Market Structure, Fees and Choice following the Andersen Break-up: Evidence from the UK
Abidin S, Beattie V & Goodacre A (2008) Audit Market Structure, Fees and Choice following the Andersen Break-up: Evidence from the UK. University of Stirling, Department of Accounting, Finance and Law Working Paper.
Book Chapter
Disclosure Law and the Market for Corporate Social Responsibility
Campbell K & Vick D (2007) Disclosure Law and the Market for Corporate Social Responsibility. In: McBarnet D, Voiculescu A, Campbell & T (eds.) The New Corporate Accountability: Corporate Social Responsibility and the Law. 1st ed. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 241-278.
Preprint / Working Paper
The Influence Of Gender On Spanish Boards Of Directors: An Empirical Analysis
Campbell K & Minguez-Vera A (2007) The Influence Of Gender On Spanish Boards Of Directors: An Empirical Analysis. IVIE Working paper, WP-EC 2007-08.
The determinants of forward-looking information in annual reports of UAE companies
Aljifri K & Hussainey K (2007) The determinants of forward-looking information in annual reports of UAE companies. Managerial Auditing Journal, 22 (9), pp. 881-889.
A Review of Concentration, Diversity or Entropy Metrics in Economics, Finance, Ecology and Communication Science
Tabner I (2007) A Review of Concentration, Diversity or Entropy Metrics in Economics, Finance, Ecology and Communication Science. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 2 (4), pp. 53-60.
Letter to the Editor: Can Share Buybacks be Better than Dividends?
Tabner I (2007) Letter to the Editor: Can Share Buybacks be Better than Dividends?. Private Investor, (116), pp. 5-5.
Portfolio diversification benefits of investing in stamps
Veld C & Veld-Merkoulova YV (2007) Portfolio diversification benefits of investing in stamps. The Journal of Alternative Investments, 10 (1), pp. 56-61.
Embedding risk management: Structures and approaches
Fraser I & Henry W (2007) Embedding risk management: Structures and approaches. Managerial Auditing Journal, 22 (4), pp. 392-409.;
Book Chapter
Developing Silent and Shadow Accounts
Dey C (2007) Developing Silent and Shadow Accounts. In: Unerman J, Bebbington J & O'Dwyer B (eds.) Sustainability Accounting and Accountability. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 307-326.
Conversations with CSEAR
Dey C (2007) Conversations with CSEAR. Social and Environmental Accountability Journal, 27 (1), pp. 23-24.
Social accounting at Traidcraft plc: A struggle for the meaning of fair trade
Dey C (2007) Social accounting at Traidcraft plc: A struggle for the meaning of fair trade. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 20 (3), pp. 423-445.
Book Chapter
Risk Takers
Tabner I (2007) Risk Takers. In: Darity W (ed.) International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. USA: Macmillan Reference USA / Gale, Cengage Learning, pp. 254-255.
Presentation / Talk
Tabner I (2007) Presentation. 2007 Property group at Aberdeen University Business School, 26th October 2007 - Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK, 26.10.2007-26.10.2007.
Presentation / Talk
Tabner I (2007) Presentation. British Accounting Association (BAA) Scottish Area Group Annual Conference; 11th September 2007, Aberdeen, UK, Aberdeen, UK, 11.09.2007-11.09.2007.
Lifting the lid on the use of content analysis to investigate intellectual capital disclosures
Beattie V & Smith SJ (2007) Lifting the lid on the use of content analysis to investigate intellectual capital disclosures. Accounting Forum, 31 (2), pp. 129-163.
Loss firms' annual report narratives and share price anticipation of earnings
Schleicher T, Hussainey K & Walker M (2007) Loss firms' annual report narratives and share price anticipation of earnings. British Accounting Review, 32 (9), pp. 153-171.
Income inequality and child mortality in wealthy nations
Collison D, Dey C, Hannah G & Stevenson L (2007) Income inequality and child mortality in wealthy nations. Journal of Public Health, 29 (2), pp. 114-117.
Research Review: Child Mortality and Income Inequality in Wealthy Nations
Collison D, Dey C, Hannah G & Stevenson L (2007) Research Review: Child Mortality and Income Inequality in Wealthy Nations. Poverty, (127), pp. 18-19.