Authored Book

Social work with older people



Ray M & Phillips J (2012) Social work with older people. 5th ed. Practical Social Work Series. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Revised to emphasise the current policy drive towards personalisation and service user participation in care management, the new edition of Social Work with Older People remains an insightful introductory text.  Deliberately taking a critical approach to guide readers to consider stereotypes of aging and work with older people, the new edition presents fundamental knowledge alongside thought-provoking and challenging debates. It offers a new chapter on safeguarding and has been updated to reflect current course requirements:  Part I introduces the theory, policy and legislation which influences social work contexts  Part II identifies core elements of practice, for effective interviewing, assessment, planning and intervention  Written by experienced and respected authors, this book will help readers understand the diverse experiences of later life, leading to positive and informed students and practitioners of social work.

Older people -- Services for -- Great Britain

Title of seriesPractical Social Work Series
Publication date31/12/2012
PublisherPalgrave Macmillan
Publisher URL…?K=9780230300477
Place of publicationBasingstoke

People (1)

Professor Judith Phillips

Professor Judith Phillips

Professor, Dementia and Ageing