Dr Timothy Jones

Lecturer in Gothic Studies

English Studies University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Dr Timothy Jones

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I research the Gothic; I'm particularly interested in the American Gothic, and the British Gothic in the twentieth century. I also work on twentieth century New Zealand literature. Recent work has treated carnivalesque writing, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Frank Sargeson, Alan Garner, Robert Aickman, Aleister Crowley and folk horror.

I'm very happy to receive enquiries for PhD topics in Gothic studies, and associated areas of twentieth century and contemporary literature.

Outputs (21)


Book Chapter

Jones T (2018) The Weird Tale. In: Delaney P & Hunter A (eds.) The Edinburgh Companion to the Short Story in English. Edinburgh Companions to Literature. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 160-174. https://edinburghuniversitypress.com/book-the-edinburgh-companion-to-the-short-story-in-english-hb.html

Book Chapter

Jones T (2018) Entering the Darkness: Robert Aickman and the Regions. In: Heholt R & Hughes W (eds.) Gothic Britain: Dark Places in the Provinces and Margins of the British Isles. Gothic Literary Studies. Cardiff: University of Wales Press. http://www.uwp.co.uk/book/gothic-britain-ebook-pdf/

Book Chapter

Jones T (2017) "This Hill is Still Dangerous": Alan Garner's Weirdstone Trilogy - A Hauntology. In: Jackson A (ed.) New Directions in Children's Gothic: Debatable Lands. Children's Literature and Culture. London: Routledge, pp. 176-188. https://www.routledge.com/New-Directions-in-Gothic-Childrens-Literature/Coats-Jackson/p/book/9781138905474

Book Chapter

Jones T (2017) "German has a word for the total effect": Robert Aickman’s Strange Stories. In: Brewster S & Thurston L (eds.) The Routledge Handbook to the Ghost Story. Routledge Literature Handbooks. London: Routledge, pp. 168-176. https://www.routledge.com/The-Routledge-Handbook-to-the-Ghost-Story/Thurston-Brewster/p/book/9781138184763

Book Chapter

Jones T (2016) Against the Social Pattern: New Zealand Fiction 1950-1970. In: Williams M (ed.) A History of New Zealand Literature. New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 153-166. http://www.cambridge.org/us/academic/subjects/literature/english-literature-general-interest/history-new-zealand-literature?format=HB

Book Chapter

Jones T (2013) New Zealand Gothic. In: Hughes W, Punter D & Smith A (eds.) The Encyclopedia of the Gothic. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 468-471. http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-1405182903.html


Jones T (2013) Book Review: The Mijo Tree by Janet Frame. New Zealand Listener, (3840). http://www.listener.co.nz/culture/books/book-review-the-mijo-tree-by-janet-frame/#print

Book Review

Jones T (2012) The Lonely and the Alone: The Poetics of Isolation in New Zealand Fiction. Review of: 'The Lonely and the Alone: The Poetics of Isolation in New Zealand Fiction' by Doreen D'Cruz and John C Ross, Rodopi 2011, 428 pp, ISBN 9789042034747. New Zealand Books: A Quarterly Review, 24/4 (100). http://nzbooks.org.nz/2012/literature/only-the-lonely-timothy-g-jones/

Book Review

Jones T (2011) The Frame Function: An Inside-out Guide to the Novels of Janet Frame. Review of:
Jan Cronin, Auckland University Press, 2011, ISBN 9781869404864. New Zealand Books: A Quarterly Review, 21 (96). http://nzbooks.org.nz/2011/literature/reframing-timothy-g-jones/

Book Review

Jones T (2010) Reading Pakeha? Fiction and Identity in Aotearoa New Zealand. Review of:
Christina Stachurski, New Zealand, Rodopi, 2010, 256 pp, ISBN 9789042026445. New Zealand Books: A Quarterly Review, 20 (91). http://nzbooks.org.nz/2010/contents/issue-91-contents/

Book Review

Jones T (2009) Lighted Windows: Critical Essays on Robin Hyde. Review of:
Mary Edmond-Paul (ed.), Otago University Press, New Zealand, 2008, 226 pp, ISBN 978877372582. New Zealand Books: A Quarterly Review, 19 (86). http://nzbooks.org.nz/2009/non-fiction/hyde-and-seek-timothy-g-jones/


Jones T (2009) The Canniness of the Gothic: Genre as Practice. Gothic Studies, 11 (1), pp. 124-133. https://www.manchesterhive.com/abstract/journals/gs/11/1/article-p124.xml

Book Review

Jones T (2008) Joe Hill, Heart-Shaped Box. Irish Journal of Gothic and Horror Studies, (4), pp. 87-88. https://irishgothichorror.files.wordpress.com/2016/04/ijghsissue4.pdf

Book Review

Jones T (2007) Gothic NZ: The Darker Side of Kiwi Culture. Review of:
Misha Kavka, Jennifer Lawn, Mary Paul (eds.), Dunedin, Otago University Press, 2006, 176 pp, ISBN 9781877372230. Irish Journal of Gothic and Horror Studies, - (3), pp. 93-95. https://irishgothichorror.files.wordpress.com/2016/04/ijghsissue3.pdf