Stakeholder engagement-as-practice in public sector innovation
Knox S, Marin-Cadavid C & Oziri V (2024) Stakeholder engagement-as-practice in public sector innovation. International Public Management Journal, pp. 1-16.
Awareness of enterprise finance support programmes: the role of networks, gender and ethnicity
Mwaura S & Knox S (2024) Awareness of enterprise finance support programmes: the role of networks, gender and ethnicity. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research.
Research Report
Enabling the Forgotten Women of Scotland: Potential Entrepreneurs for the Future
Arshed N, Knox S & Martin G (2024) Enabling the Forgotten Women of Scotland: Potential Entrepreneurs for the Future. Scottish Government.
A practice approach to fostering employee engagement in innovation initiatives in public service organisations
Knox S & Marin-Cadavid C (2023) A practice approach to fostering employee engagement in innovation initiatives in public service organisations. Public Management Review, 25 (11), pp. 2027-2052.
Ties That Bind or Blind? The Role of Identity and Place in Understanding Women Entrepreneurs’ Support Needs
Arshed N, Martin G & Knox S (2023) Ties That Bind or Blind? The Role of Identity and Place in Understanding Women Entrepreneurs’ Support Needs. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 47 (6), pp. 2205-2232.
Exploring founder identity tension, resolution, and venture pursuit
Knox S & Casulli L (2023) Exploring founder identity tension, resolution, and venture pursuit. Journal of Small Business Management, 61 (6), pp. 2488-2518.
Street‐level discretion, personal motives, and social embeddedness within public service ecosystems
Knox S & Arshed N (2023) Street‐level discretion, personal motives, and social embeddedness within public service ecosystems. Public Administration Review.
Research Report
The effectiveness of creative enterprise policies: What programmes work?
Knox S (2023) The effectiveness of creative enterprise policies: What programmes work?. Scottish Parliament. Edinburgh.
Project Report
Understanding Stakeholder Engagement and Collaboration in Scotland’s City Region Deal
Knox S & Arshed N (2023) Understanding Stakeholder Engagement and Collaboration in Scotland’s City Region Deal. Innovation Caucus.
Fostering student engagement in virtual entrepreneurship education environments
Knox S (2022) Fostering student engagement in virtual entrepreneurship education environments. The International Journal of Management Education, 20 (3), Art. No.: 100705.
Fast breeder reactor technology and the entrepreneurial state in the UK
MacKenzie NG, Knox S & Hannon M (2022) Fast breeder reactor technology and the entrepreneurial state in the UK. Business History, 64 (8), pp. 1494-1509.
Network governance and coordination of a regional entrepreneurial ecosystem
Knox S & Arshed N (2022) Network governance and coordination of a regional entrepreneurial ecosystem. Regional Studies, 56 (7), pp. 1161-1175.
Research Report
Access to COVID-19 Financial Support: The Experiences of SMEs in Scotland
Arshed N & Knox S (2022) Access to COVID-19 Financial Support: The Experiences of SMEs in Scotland. Scottish Government.
Identity work in different entrepreneurial settings: dominant interpretive repertoires and divergent striving agendas
Knox S, Casulli L & MacLaren A (2021) Identity work in different entrepreneurial settings: dominant interpretive repertoires and divergent striving agendas. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 33 (9-10), pp. 717-740.
Art-identity founders, venturing processes, and entrepreneurship: Implications for policy
Casulli L, Knox S, MacLaren AC & Farrington T (2021) Art-identity founders, venturing processes, and entrepreneurship: Implications for policy. Journal of the International Council for Small Business, 2 (4), pp. 303-312.
The hidden price of free advice: Negotiating the paradoxes of public sector business advising
Arshed N, Knox S, Chalmers D & Matthews R (2021) The hidden price of free advice: Negotiating the paradoxes of public sector business advising. International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, 39 (3), pp. 289-311.
Research Report
The Lens: A Qualitative Programme Review 2015-19
Knox S & Marin-Cadavid C (2020) The Lens: A Qualitative Programme Review 2015-19. The Lens.
Research Report
Understanding the Needs of Women Entrepreneurs in Scotland: A Case for a Scottish Women's Business Centre
Arshed N & Knox S (2020) Understanding the Needs of Women Entrepreneurs in Scotland: A Case for a Scottish Women's Business Centre. Scottish Government.