
Implementation of an evidence based pelvic floor muscle training intervention for women with pelvic organ prolapse (PROlapse and PFMT: Implementing Evidence Locally - PROPEL)

Funded by National Institute for Health Research.

Collaboration with Glasgow Caledonian University, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust and University of Aberdeen.

Total award value £486,822.00

People (3)

Professor Margaret Maxwell

Professor Margaret Maxwell

Professor, NMAHP

Professor Edward Duncan

Professor Edward Duncan

Professor, NMAHP

Dr Joyce Wilkinson

Dr Joyce Wilkinson

Lecturer, Health Sciences Stirling

Outputs (5)


Abhyankar P, Wilkinson J, Berry K, Wane S, Uny I, Aitchison P, Duncan E, Calveley E, Mason H, Guerrero K, Tincello D, McClurg D, Elders A, Hagen S & Maxwell M (2020) Implementing pelvic floor muscle training for women with pelvic organ prolapse: a realist evaluation of different delivery models. BMC Health Services Research, 20 (1), Art. No.: 910.


Maxwell M, Semple K, Wane S, Elders A, Duncan E, Abhyankar P, Wilkinson JE, Tincello D, Calveley E, MacFarlane M, McClurg D, Guerrero K, Mason H & Hagen S (2017) PROPEL: implementation of an evidence based pelvic floor muscle training intervention for women with pelvic organ prolapse: a realist evaluation and outcomes study protocol. BMC Health Services Research, 17 (1), Art. No.: 843.