
The Adult Tobacco Policy Survey: Understanding how smokers and ex-smokers respond to tobacco control policies in the UK

Funded by Cancer Research UK.

The Adult Tobacco Policy Survey (ATPS) is a longitudinal online survey administered by YouGov, with the sample weighted by age, gender, government office region, and tobacco consumption, to represent the national profile of smokers aged 16 and over across the UK. This project will involve a fourth wave of the ATPS to assess the response of smokers and ex-smokers to three tobacco control policies in the UK: 1) The ‘Tobacco and Related Products Regulations’, 2) The ‘Standardised Packaging of Tobacco Regulations’, and 3) the ‘Tobacco Products and Nicotine Inhaling Products (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations’.

Total award value £182,965.00

People (2)

Professor Crawford Moodie

Professor Crawford Moodie

Professor, ISM

Dr Catherine Best

Dr Catherine Best

Associate Professor, Health Sciences Stirling