
Removing the marketing power of cigarettes: A multi-method study aimed at protecting the health of adolescents in Latin America

Funded by Medical Research Council.

Collaboration with Centro de estudios de estado y sociedad, Fundacian Ana¡as, Fundacion Aldo Castañeda, Information and Education Center for the Prevention of Drug Abuse (Centro de Información y Educación para la Prevención del Abuso de Drogas), Instituto Nacional de Salud Publica (National Institute of Public Health), National University of Colombia and University of South Carolina.

A multi-method study in several Latin American countries to explore the types of cigarettes available and, using qualitative and quantitative research, youth perceptions of flavoured cigarettes and dissuasive cigarettes.

Total award value £1,337,690.64

People (5)

Professor Crawford Moodie

Professor Crawford Moodie

Professor, ISM

Dr Catherine Best

Dr Catherine Best

Associate Professor, Health Sciences Stirling

Dr Isabelle Uny

Dr Isabelle Uny

Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Social Marketing

Dr Georgia Alexandrou

Dr Georgia Alexandrou

Research Fellow, Institute for Social Marketing

Dr Georgia Alexandrou

Dr Georgia Alexandrou

Research Fellow, Institute for Social Marketing

Outputs (3)