My research is in the area of neuropsychology and cognitive neuroscience. The research investigates how action is represented in the brain and how this knowledge can be applied clinically. Neurological patient research is at the heart of the work in my lab, but we use a further range of techniques including 7T MR multimodal neuroimaging, (mobile) EEG, brain stimulation, motion tracking kinematic analysis, eye-tracking, simple dexterity / cognitive testing, reaction time experiments, and an integrated multi-method approach to brain imaging with normal aged and brain injured participants.
Heading up the mobile cognition initiative, I work multidisciplinary using advanced multi-methods to investigate brain processes and brain changes in the real world. This includes integrated approaches to recording brain activity during everyday movements of, for example, Parkinson's patients.
I also lead on documenting brain changes following sport-related head impact, including football heading.
I have held/hold grants as Principal Investigator (PI) from a.o. the UK’s National Institute for Health Research, Medical Research Scotland, and Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Executive Health Department.
Football and Dementia: Understanding the brain health consequences of heading the ball (multimodal neuroimaging and experimental multi-method approaches to examining brain changes)
Project: Medical Research Scotland (PhD candidate Ali Muqtadir)
PI: M Ietswaart; co-I: L Wilson, Colin Moran, M Memarian (Magstim), D Porter (Glasgow), F Binkofski (Aachen, Germany), NJ Shah (Julich, Germany), S Mondelo (Messina, Italy)
Mobile Cognition Innovation
Project: SINAPSE/Scottish Funding Council endowment
PI: M Ietswaart
Football heading: Consequences for brain health and potential protection through shock-absorbing technology
Project: match-funded PhD studentship (PhD candidate Liivia-Marie Lember)
PI: M Ietswaart; co-I: T di Virgilio; S Mondelo (Messina, Italy)
Diagnosing and understanding brain health consequences of routine football heading
Project: match-funded PhD studentship (completed PhD Michail Ntikas)
PI: M Ietswaart; co-I: L Wilson, D Kourtis, DI Donaldson (St Andrews)
Neural correlates of action representations in real-world environments
Project: university funded PhD studentship (completed PhD Magda Mustile)
PI: M Ietswaart; co-I: D Kourtis, Martin Edwards (Louvain, Belgium), DI Donaldson (St Andrews)
Action observation, action understanding and Autism
Project: Wellcome Trust (researcher Ellie Ward)
PI: M Ietswaart
Neural markers of real-world successful sporting performance in elite athletes
Project: SINAPSE & Sportscotland PhD studentship (completed PhD Georgia Alexandrou)
PI: DI Donaldson; co-I: M Ietswaart, D Kourtis
Avian cognition and tool-use in the wild
2015- [leave of absence]
Project: self-funded PhD studentship (Bruce)
PI: M Ietswaart; co-I: C Caldwell
On the head: the true impact of routine head strikes in sport
Project: university funded PhD studentship (completed PhD Thomas Di Virgilio)
PI: M Ietswaart; co-I: A Hunter, L Wilson, W Stewart (Glasgow), DI Donaldson (St Andrews)
Development of a novel technology-based biomarker for identification of mild traumatic brain injury
Project: National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) project grant
PI: M Ietswaart; co-I: A Hunter, L Wilson, Howatson (Northumbria), DI Donaldson (St Andrews)
Neural correlates of human cognition in real-world environments
Project: university funded PhD studentship (completed PhD Simon Ladouce)
PI: M Ietswaart; co-I: DI Donaldson (St Andrews), P Dudchenko,
Action representations in stroke: the neural correlates of tool-use and object perception
Project: university funded PhD studentship (completed PhD Carys Evans)
PI: M Ietswaart; co-I: Martin Edwards (Louvain, Belgium)
Brain action representations
Project: Capacity Building grant held at Newcastle Magnetic Resonance Centre Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
PI: M Ietswaart
Hand meets tool: the neural correlates of hand-tool interaction
Project: university funded PhD studentship (completed PhD Stefania Bracci)
PI: M Ietswaart; co-I: Christiana Cavina Pratesi (Durham), Marius Peeling (Trento, Italy, at that time), Alfonso Caramazza (Harvard, USA)
Evaluation of functional redistribution following motor imagery training in stroke
Project: NHS Endowment research grant (researcher: Clare Cooper)
PI: M Ietswaart; co-I: G Waiter, M MonWilliams, M Johnston, S Hamilton
Can motor imagery enhance recovery of hand function after stroke? Evaluation of motor imagery training
Project: Chief Scientist Office, Scottish Government Health Department, project grant CZH/4/153 (researchers: multi-disciplinary team of postdocs and assistants)
PI: M Ietswaart; co-I: Chris Dijkerman (Utrecht, NL), Marie Johnston (Aberdeen)