Dr Eileen Tisdall

Senior Lecturer

Biological and Environmental Sciences University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Dr Eileen Tisdall

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About me

I am a Senior Lecturer in Environmental Geography and I use palaeoenvironmental techniques to better understand the interactions between people and their environment in the past so that we can inform the future.

Biography • Lecturer/Senior lecturer in Environmental Geography (2007 onwards- University of Stirling) • Postdoctoral research assistant on Ben Lawers Historical Landscape Project. Part of a multi-disciplinary project examining change including peat spread and fluvial activity over the last 1000 years within a farming landscape funded by Heritage Lottery Fund, Scottish Natural Heritage, National Trust for Scotland and Carnegie Trust For Scottish Universities. 2005-2006. • Post doctoral research assistant (School of Biological and Environmental Sciences) and independent contract researcher (2000-2005). Research projects included: Literature review investigating the palaeoenvironmental setting of the Antonine wall, Central Scotland forming part of the proposal for UNESCO World Heritage Status for the Antonine Wall (Historic Environment Scotland); Medieval and Post Medieval environmental reconstruction for Old Caerlaverock Castle Dumfriesshire (Historic Environment Scotland); Later Mesolithic and Neolithic Landscape Reconstruction at Oliclette, near Wick, Caithness (Historic Environment Scotland and Caithness and Sutherland Enterprise). • PhD Holocene climate change in Glen Affric, Northern Scotland: A multi-proxy - University of Stirling (2000) • MSc Environmental Sciences, Trinity College Dublin (1996) • BSc (First Class Hons) Geology, University of Edinburgh (1993)

Research (11)

I am very much a generalist and an interdisciplinary researcher, combining earth and natural sciences with the arts and humanities. Current research interests are centred on investigating Holocene and Late Glacial climate change in particular defining the record in terms of single climatic variables. I am currently investigating the application of Chironomids as a proxy for temperature and environmental change in Tierra del Fuego, Chile. I actively promote the application of palaeoenvironmental techniques to landscape conservation issues such as biodiversity and changes in habitat as a response to human activity and climate change. Current research interests are also focused on the novel application of palaeoenvironmental techniques, here the presence of pollen and other organic remains on Medieval manuscripts.


Developing a skill-based pedagogical framework for sustainability
PI: Mr Neil McDonald
Funded by: The British Ecological Society

Measuring medieval users' responses to manuscripts: new technological responses
PI: Dr Eileen Tisdall
Funded by: The Leverhulme Trust

Dating, construction and function of cultivation terraces at Arthur's Seat, Edinburgh
PI: Dr Clare Wilson
Funded by: The British Academy

Long-term land use, archaeological and environmental changes in Holyrood Park, Edinburgh
PI: Dr Eileen Tisdall
Funded by: Historic Environment Scotland

Ben Lomond environmental study
PI: Dr Eileen Tisdall
Funded by: The National Trust for Scotland

Environmental Reconstruction of Moredun Top Iron Age Hill Fort
PI: Dr Eileen Tisdall
Funded by: Perth and Kinross Heritage Trust

SAGES Funding - ECR exchanges with Europe, North America, China, India
PI: Dr Eileen Tisdall
Funded by: Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society

The Flow Country Peatlands: Studying the past to shape the future
Funded by: The Carnegie Trust

Palaeoenvironmental Reconstruction of Mesolithic Orkney evidence from Stronsay
PI: Dr Eileen Tisdall
Funded by: Orkney College

The use of Chironomidae larvae to define Holocene environmental change
PI: Dr Eileen Tisdall
Funded by: The Carnegie Trust

Palaeoenvironmental study of early Holocene human settlement on Stronsay, Orkney
Funded by: Orkney College

Outputs (33)



McCulloch RD, Mansilla CA, Roberts SJ & Tisdall EW (2023) Late Quaternary climatic inferences from southern Patagonia (∼53°S): A holistic palaeoecological approach to tracking the behaviour of the southern westerly winds. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 631, Art. No.: 111822. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2023.111822


McCulloch RD, Mansilla CA, Martin F, Borrero L, Staff RA & Tisdall EW (2021) The nature and timing of landscape change at Cerro Benítez, Última Esperanza, southern Patagonia (52°S): New insights into the history of megafaunal extinctions and human occupation. Quaternary International, 601, pp. 116-129. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2021.07.018

Research Report

Tipping R, McCulloch R & Tisdall E (2008) Field by Field. Historic Period Environmental Change on a Hill Farming Landscape at Ben Lawers - Final Report to the National Trust for Scotland, Scottish Natural Heritage, Historic Scotland and the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland. The National Trust for Scotland; Scottish Natural Heritage; Historic Scotland; The Carnegie Trust. University of Stirling.

Conference Proceeding

Tipping R, Tisdall E, Davies A, Wilson C & Yendell S (2007) Living with peat in the flow country: prehistoric farming communities and blanket peat spread at Oliclett, Caithness, northern Scotland. In: Barber J, Clark C, Cressey M, Crone A, Hale A, Henderson J, Housley R, Sands R, Sheridan A & Scottish WAP( (eds.) Archaeology from the Wetlands: Recent Perspectives: Proceedings of the 11th WARP Conference, Edinburgh 2005. WARP Occasional Papers. 11th Annual WARP conference, Edinburgh. Edinburgh: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, pp. 165-173. http://www.socantscot.org/partnumber.asp?cid=&pnid=116854

Conference Proceeding

Tipping R, Ashmore P, Davies A, Haggart BA, Moir A, Newton A, Sands R, Skinner T & Tisdall E (2007) Peat, pine stumps and people: interactions behind climate, vegetation change and human activity in wetland archaeology at Loch Farlary, northern Scotland. In: Barber J, Clark C, Cressey M, Crone A, Hale A, Henderson J, Housley R, Sands R, Sheridan A & Scottish WAP( (eds.) Archaeology from the Wetlands: Recent Perspectives: Proceedings of the 11th WARP Conference, Edinburgh 2005. WARP Occasional Papers. 11th Annual WARP conference, Edinburgh. Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, pp. 157-164. http://www.socantscot.org/partnumber.asp?cid=&pnid=116854

Book Chapter

Tipping R & Tisdall E (2004) Continuity, crisis and climate change in the Neolithic and early Bronze Age periods of north-west Europe. In: Shepherd I & Barclay G (eds.) Scotland in Ancient Europe. The Neolithic and Early Bronze Age of Scotland in their European Context. Edinburgh: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, pp. 71-82. http://www.socantscot.org/partnumber.asp?pnid=116827

Book Chapter

Tipping R, Davies A, Dawson A, Smith D, Tisdall E & Tyler A (2004) Landscape development and the Medieval coastline. In: Brann M (ed.) Excavations at Caerlaverock Old Castle 1998-99. Dumfries: Dumfries and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society, pp. 9-15.

Book Chapter

Tipping R, Davies A, Dawson A, Dawson S, Kontrowitz M, Smith DE, Tisdall E & Tyler A (2004) Medieval coastal impacts on Caerlaverock Castle. In: Brann M (ed.) Excavations at Caerlaverock Old Castle 1998-99. Dumfries: Dumfries and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society, pp. 99-109.

Book Chapter

Tipping R, Davies A, Reid E & Tisdall E (2003) Late Quaternary landscape evolution of Glen Affric and Kintail. In: Tipping R (ed.) The Quaternary of Glen Affric and Kintail: Field Guide. Quaternary Research Association field guides. London: Quaternary Research Association, pp. 9-28. http://qra.org.uk/publications/field_guides

Book Chapter

Tipping R, Tisdall E & Davies A (2003) Peat development in West Glen Affric. In: Tipping R (ed.) The Quaternary of Glen Affric and Kintail: Field guide. Quaternary Research Association field guides. London: Quaternary Research Association, pp. 49-54. http://qra.org.uk/publications/field_guides

Book Chapter

Tipping R, Davies A & Tisdall E (1999) The West Affric Forest Restoration Initiative: Palaeoecological Approaches. In: Tipping R (ed.) Using the Past in the Future of Scotland’s New Native Woodlands. Scottish Woodland History Discussion Group Notes, 4. St Andrews: Scottish Woodland History Group, pp. 13-21. http://nwdg.org.uk/doc/SWHDG_Notes04_1999.pdf

Book Chapter

Davies A, Tipping R & Tisdall E (1997) Palaeoenvironmental perspectives on woodland sustainability. In: Smout T (ed.) Scottish Woodland History Discussion Group: 2nd Meeting. Notes, II. Lochgilphead: Scottish Woodland History Discussion Group, pp. 18-21. http://nwdg.org.uk/doc/SWHDG_Notes02_1997.pdf


I currently lead/teach on the following modules: • ENVU1BP – Building Planet Earth (module coordinator) • SCIU3FS – Field Skills for Sustainable Solutions (module coordinator) • GEOU3BE – Biogeography • GEOU9IC- Scotland Field Class • UNIU9A1- Wicked Problems, Sustainable Solutions • ENVU6SP – Sustainable Landscapes • SCIU9PS/SCIU9PS – Undergraduate Dissertation • ENMPG30/ENMPG18 – MSc Dissertation

I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy I am Deputy Programme Director for Environmental Geography I chair the University of Stirling Embedding Sustainability in Learning Teaching and Research working group.