Book Chapter

Services for homeless people in Europe: supporting pathways out of homelessness?



Anderson I (2010) Services for homeless people in Europe: supporting pathways out of homelessness?. In: O'Sullivan E, Busch-Geertsema V, Quilgars D & Pleace N (eds.) Homelessness Research in Europe. Brussels: FEANTSA, pp. 41-63.

This chapter adopts a dynamic, process approach to reviewing the evidence base on the effectiveness of services for homeless people in supporting pathways out of homelessness. The review considers the range of services which might be required, how they are provided and the evidence on effectiveness of different approaches. Key gaps in the research evidence base include the integration of services to maximise income/employability; better documentation of the impact of the empowerment of homeless people in service development; more robust evaluation of service outcomes; and improved understanding of the impact of partnership and inter-professional working. Despite these gaps, research evidence indicates significant progress in the provision of inclusive services for homeless people in the last 20 years, progress which may be at risk in the anticipated climate of austerity across many EU countries from 2010.

Housing Pathways; Homelessness; Support Services; Europe; Homelessness Europe; Homeless persons Europe Services for

Publication date31/12/2010
Place of publicationBrussels

People (1)

Professor Isobel Anderson

Professor Isobel Anderson

Professor, Housing Studies