Conference Paper (unpublished)

Interprofessionalism and the Collective Dimensions of Professional Practice



Boreham N (2007) Interprofessionalism and the Collective Dimensions of Professional Practice. Second Professional Lifelong Learning Conference (Professional lifelong learning: critical debates about professionalism), University of Leeds, 09.07.2007-09.07.2007.

In recent years, most professions have come under increasing pressure to work more collaboratively than before. In particular, they have been encouraged to participate in various kinds of interprofessional collaboration which entail relinquishing some of their professional autonomy. This paper discusses the collective competence that underpins interprofessionalism in these situations, and the kinds of professional education and training that help to develop it.

lifelong learning; professions; continuing professional education; interprofessionalism; multiprofessionalism; collective competence; crew resource management; intensive care; collaborative practice; Employees Training of; Organizational learning; Interprofessional relations; Professional education; Business and education

Publication date31/12/2007
Publication date online01/01/2007
Related URLs…73/past_papers/6
Publisher URL
ConferenceSecond Professional Lifelong Learning Conference (Professional lifelong learning: critical debates about professionalism)
Conference locationUniversity of Leeds

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