
Economics of Mine Waste Reclamation



Oraee K (2005) Economics of Mine Waste Reclamation. Modares Technical and Engineering, 18, pp. 67-76.;ORAEE%20S.K.;MODARES%20TECHNICAL%20AND%20ENGINEERING;Winter%202005;-;18;67;76;

The damage caused to the environment by the by-products of the mining industry has been the subject of much attention in the developed world. In this paper, attempts have been made to introduce practical and economical methods for reclamation and rehabilitation of the mining waste. This begins by explaining the relationship between the mining industry and the surrounding environment. The nature of the damage caused to air, water and soil is also discussed. Land reclamation is then discussed and data regarding physical and chemical characteristics of the mining waste is explained. Amongst different methods for stabilization of the waste, revegetation has been adopted for further analysis. Revegetation has then been subject to economic feasibility study and the internal rate of return and the net present value for typical project in Iran is calculated. It is concluded that conversion of mining waste to forests is an economically feasible project. Such project, with an internal rate of return of 26.5% compares favorably with most other projects undertaken by the government of Iran.

Environment; Reclamation; Waste; Pollution; Vegetation; Coal mines and mining; Mineral industries Environmental aspects England

Modares Technical and Engineering: Volume 18

Publication date31/12/2005
PublisherTarbiat Modares University
Publisher URL…2005;-;18;67;76;