
The mutualisation of public services in Britain: a critical commentary



Birchall J (2004) The mutualisation of public services in Britain: a critical commentary. Kurswechsel, 2004 (3), pp. 85-95.

First paragraph: The institutional origins of the British welfare state can be traced to three types of organisation: philanthropic societies, local government and friendly societies. In the founding of the welfare state in the period immediately after the Second World War the emphasis shifted to the provision of welfare services by central government, and these earlier forms became marginalized. The role of philanthropy became to add to basic state services and to provide a cutting edge of innovation in service development that, once a need was recognised, the state would eventually take over. Local government lost many of its former services such as health care and unemployment benefit, and, in return for receiving a support grant, became mainly a provider of welfare services required by central government legislation. Friendly societies had already lost their autonomy in provision of health care and sickness and death benefits. From the 1911 National Insurance Act onwards, they had been 'subject to a process of creeping nationalisation', becoming agents for the state's compulsory social insurance schemes. (see Mabbett 2001, 118)

Kurswechsel: Volume 2004, Issue 3

Publication date31/12/2004
PublisherZeit­schrift des Bei­rat für gesellschafts-​​, wirt­schafts– und umwelt­po­li­ti­sche Alter­na­ti­ven (BEIGEWUM)
Publisher URL…ton_birchall.pdf