Research Report

An Evaluation of the Impact of Sight and Hearing Support Services: Western Isles Sensory Project



Smith A, Shepherd A & Jepson R (2013) An Evaluation of the Impact of Sight and Hearing Support Services: Western Isles Sensory Project. Smith A (Editor), Shepherd A (Editor) & Jepson R (Editor). University of Stirling.

This report presents an evaluation of the Western Isles Sensory Centre (WISC). The Centre provides advice, assessment, referrals and practical interventions to people with sensory impairments who live in the Western Isles. The report details the evaluation findings from a survey and in-depth interviews carried out with WISC clients and their carers. The views of clients and experience of the service offered by the WISC was explored initially by the use of a postal survey (n=49). Following this, a number of in-depth interviews (n=12) were conducted with clients that further explored the impact that attending the Centre had on their impairment. The views of WISC staff who support service provision for people with sensory impairments were also sought. Additionally, perspectives about the service were sought from health, social care and third sector professionals who are involved in the care and support of people with sensory impairments.

sensory impairment; service evaluation; Western Isles, sensory services

FundersThe Queen's Nursing Institute Scotland
Publication date31/01/2013
PublisherUniversity of Stirling

People (2)

Professor Ashley Shepherd

Professor Ashley Shepherd

Professor, Health Sciences Stirling

Dr Annetta Smith

Dr Annetta Smith

Senior Lecturer, Health Sciences (Highland & W.Isles)

Projects (1)