
Corrigendum to 'Incentives for breastfeeding and for smoking cessation in pregnancy: An exploration of types and meanings' [Soc. Sci. Med. 128 (2015) 10-17]



Crossland N, Thomson G, Morgan H, Dombrowski SU & Hoddinott P (2015) Corrigendum to 'Incentives for breastfeeding and for smoking cessation in pregnancy: An exploration of types and meanings' [Soc. Sci. Med. 128 (2015) 10-17]. Commentary on: Nicola Crossland, Gill Thomson, Heather Morgan, Stephan U. Dombrowski, Pat Hoddinott, ‘BIBS’ study team, Incentives for breastfeeding and for smoking cessation in pregnancy: An exploration of types and meanings, Social Science & Medicine, Volume 128, March 2015, Pages 10-17. Social Science and Medicine, 128, p. 272.

Social Science and Medicine: Volume 128

Publication date31/03/2015
Item discussedNicola Crossland, Gill Thomson, Heather Morgan, Stephan U. Dombrowski, Pat Hoddinott, ‘BIBS’ study team, Incentives for breastfeeding and for smoking cessation in pregnancy: An exploration of types and meanings, Social Science & Medicine, Volume 128, March 2015, Pages 10-17

People (2)

Dr Stephan Dombrowski

Dr Stephan Dombrowski

Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Psychology

Professor Pat Hoddinott

Professor Pat Hoddinott

Chair in Primary Care, NMAHP