
A picture is worth a thousand words - an analysis of animal images posted on the internet by African ape sanctuaries



Brent L, Sherman J & Farmer KH (2016) A picture is worth a thousand words - an analysis of animal images posted on the internet by African ape sanctuaries. International Primatological Society Congress XXVI, Chicago, USA, 21.08.2016-27.08.2016.

Previous research has associated specific animal images with negative sequelae such as reduced conservation concern and increased demand as pets. This study catalogued 247 images of animal-human contact posted on Facebook by 16 African ape sanctuaries. Over 90% of the images were of staff, volunteers or other professionals interacting with the animal through hugging and holding, providing veterinary care or other types of bodily contact. They were using basic protective gear (gloves or masks) in less than 30% of the photos. There was explanation of the context for the interaction in 68% of images. Careful monitoring of how the general public might perceive an image and more explanation of sanctuary photos may help to reduce the interpretation of wild animals as tame or cuddly which could inadvertently result in negative welfare and conservation outcomes

Publication date31/08/2016
ConferenceInternational Primatological Society Congress XXVI
Conference locationChicago, USA

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