
A housing regime unchanged: The rise and fall of foreign-currency loans in Hungary



Vonnak D (2019) A housing regime unchanged: The rise and fall of foreign-currency loans in Hungary. Corvinus Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 10 (2), pp. 3-33.

This paper analyses the expansion and crisis of the foreign-currency (FX) loan market and responding mortgage rescue programs in Hungary, assessing changes in the housing regime. We argue that the existing, malformed housing regime has not changed significantly and remains vulnerable to similar events. During the economic growth of the 2000s, mortgage based growth seemed feasible for both institutional actors and individuals; a shared narrative emerged. As FX loans became unaffordable after 2008, conflicting interests in placing blame and paying for losses lead to the fragmentation of this narrative. We argue that the coping strategies and broader behaviour of the participants reinforced the disproportionate elements of the housing regime. After 2015, housing policies again rely on economic stabilisation, now subsidised by the EU, incentivizing market solutions for private home ownership and disregarding the experiences of the past decades.

housing; FX loans; housing policy; Hungary

Corvinus Journal of Sociology and Social Policy: Volume 10, Issue 2

Publication date01/10/2019
Publication date online01/10/2019
Date accepted by journal01/04/2019

People (1)


Dr Diana Vonnak

Dr Diana Vonnak

Research Fellow, History

Research programmes