
Effect of a major QTL affecting IPN resistance on production traits in Atlantic salmon: Effect of IPN-QTL on production traits



Gheyas AA, Haley CS, Guy DR, Hamilton A, Tinch AE, Mota-Velasco JC & Woolliams JA (2010) Effect of a major QTL affecting IPN resistance on production traits in Atlantic salmon: Effect of IPN-QTL on production traits. Animal Genetics, 41 (6), pp. 666-668.

This study investigated the effect of a major QTL for resistance to IPN in salmon on performance and production traits. The traits studied were related to growth, fillet and gutted yields, and fat content. Two different analyses were performed: (1) regression of the phenotypic data of the production traits on the predicted number of resistant IPN-QTL alleles in individuals and (2) a variance component analysis using the (co)variance matrix calculated at the putative location of the QTL. No significant effect of the QTL was detected on any of the traits investigated by either method. The result has important practical implications in that it encourages the use of MAS to reduce the risks and impact of IPN mortality.

Atlantic salmon; infectious pancreatic necrosis; marker-assisted-selection; QTL

Animal Genetics: Volume 41, Issue 6

FundersUK Research and Innovation
Publication date31/12/2010
Publication date online10/11/2010
Date accepted by journal07/02/2010

People (1)

Dr Almas Gheyas

Dr Almas Gheyas

Lecturer in Aquaculture Production Scien, Institute of Aquaculture