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Henning A & Andreasson J (2022) “Oh my, the bigger and more fuller clit is amazing”: Reclaiming the female body through a women-only forum. Steroid Articles [Blog post] 13.01.2022.
First paragraph: Historically, muscles and muscular bodies have been connected to men and masculinity. As a consequence, women´s engagement in muscle building has often been considered a threat to the “natural” gender order (e.g., dominant men, deferential women) and met with resistance and attempts to curb their participation. This might be particularly true in relation to women’s pursuits of strengthening, building, and in other ways molding their bodies with the help of image and performance enhancing drugs (IPEDs). Although scholars agree that the majority of IPED users are still male and usually between the ages of 20 and 40 years old, there is also a growing consensus that women’s IPED consumption is increasing among a broader group of women with diverse motivations and bodily goals (Kotzé, et al., 2020). This is no longer the sole province of only bodybuilders. Yet this phenomenon remains relatively under-researched (Henning & Andreasson, 2019).
Type of media | Blog post |
Status | Published |
Publication date | 13/01/2022 |
Publisher | Meso-Rx Steroids |
Publisher URL |…omen-only-forum/ |