
Do the outcomes of interventions for the treatment of obesity and overweight in children aged under ten years, delivered by a health care professional, vary by socio-demographic characteristics? A review of Cochrane reviews



Brown T, Ells L, Neveux M, Nowicka P & Lobstein T (2019) Do the outcomes of interventions for the treatment of obesity and overweight in children aged under ten years, delivered by a health care professional, vary by socio-demographic characteristics? A review of Cochrane reviews. PROSPERO. CRD42019128687. http://www.crd.york.ac.uk/PROSPERO/display_record.php?ID=CRD42019128687

To review the evidence from five Cochrane systematic reviews of interventions to treat overweight and obesity in children. Applying a social determinants of health perspective and focusing on interventions delivered by health care professionals, for children aged less than ten years, and the challenging phases of interventions including recruitment, adherence and follow-up. The analysis of the social determinants of health is based on the PROGRESS-Plus approach (place of residence, race/ethnicity, occupation, gender, religion, education, socioeconomic status, social capital, age, disability and sexual orientation). The aims are to improve our understanding of the barriers to successful obesity treatment for children, delivered by health care professionals in a setting linked to the provision of health care services, and to identify the characteristics of these children and highlight knowledge gaps. Overarching question: what are the barriers to successful treatment delivered by health care professionals in a setting linked to the provision of health care services for children aged less than ten years, and do these barriers vary by socio-demographic characteristics? Sub-questions: a. What are the best practices management strategies for recruitment to obesity treatments for children aged less than ten years and do these strategies vary by socio-demographic characteristics? b. What are the best practice management strategies for adherence to obesity treatments for children aged less than ten years and do these strategies vary by socio-demographic characteristics? c. What are the best practice management strategies for follow-up in obesity treatment for children aged less than ten years and do these strategies vary by socio-demographic characteristics?

This is a protocol for a systematic review.

FundersHorizon 2020
Number in seriesCRD42019128687
Publication date27/03/2019
Publisher URLhttp://www.crd.york.ac.uk/…D=CRD42019128687