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Native American Women’s Transatlantic Activism for Sovereignty

Alternative title Guest Blog: Native American Women’s Transatlantic Activism for Sovereignty, Gyorgy “George” Toth (University of Stirling)



Toth G (2018) Native American Women’s Transatlantic Activism for Sovereignty [Guest Blog: Native American Women’s Transatlantic Activism for Sovereignty, Gyorgy “George” Toth (University of Stirling)]. [Internet blog (Wordpress)] 14.11.2018.

This guest post on the blog of the Transatlantic Literary Women project (by Glasgow academic and community entities) recovers the history of indigenous American female campaigners for sovereignty who toured Europe in the late Cold War. The key members of this generation of Native women travelled to Europe as part of a transatlantic alliance for causes related to Native American sovereignty. These included campaigns for indigenous reproductive rights, environmentalism and resource sovereignty, anti-nuclear and peace causes, and even Marxist revolutionary projects. The post also recounts some of the more recent (late 20th - early 21st century) activism of the same members of this generation of Native American women's activism.

Native Americans, feminism, sovereignty, Marxism, environmentalism, nuclear disarmament, Cold War, women

Type of mediaInternet blog (Wordpress)
FundersAA Enviro
Publication date14/11/2018
Publisher URL…womens-activism/

People (1)

Dr Gyorgy Toth

Dr Gyorgy Toth

Lecturer, History