Podcast: The next 100 years of peace in the greater Middle East – Beyond the 1923 peace settlement and the reconfiguration of the East-West relations
Gul Z (2024) Podcast: The next 100 years of peace in the greater Middle East – Beyond the 1923 peace settlement and the reconfiguration of the East-West relations. Scottish Council on Global Affairs series, Scotland, 06.11.2024. https://scga.scot/2024/11/06/podcast-the-next-100-years-of-peace-in-the-greater-middle-east/
Podcast: The next 100 years of peace in the greater Middle East – Beyond the 1923 peace settlement and the reconfiguration of the East-West relations
Gul Z (2024) Podcast: The next 100 years of peace in the greater Middle East – Beyond the 1923 peace settlement and the reconfiguration of the East-West relations. [https://scga.scot/2024/11/06/podcast-the-next-100-years-of-peace-in-the-greater-middle-east/]. Edinburgh. https://scga.scot/2024/11/06/podcast-the-next-100-years-of-peace-in-the-greater-middle-east/
Presentation / Talk
Podcast interview on my monograph "The Making of Foreign Policy in Iraq: Political Factions and the Ruling Elite" for New Books Network.
Gul Z (2024) Podcast interview on my monograph "The Making of Foreign Policy in Iraq: Political Factions and the Ruling Elite" for New Books Network.., 13.07.2024. https://newbooksnetwork.com/the-making-of-foreign-policy-in-iraq
Bilateral economic diplomacy between South Korea and Iraq
Gul Z (2024) Bilateral economic diplomacy between South Korea and Iraq. Asian Politics & Policy, 16 (1), Art. No.: 7–29. https://doi.org/10.1111/aspp.12724
Presentation / Talk
A lecture for the US Strategic Multilayer Assessment (SMA) on Wilayat Sinai
Gul Z (2023) A lecture for the US Strategic Multilayer Assessment (SMA) on Wilayat Sinai., 07.12.2023. https://nsiteam.com/smaspeakerseries_07december2023/
Project Report
Charting a New Path: The Kurdistan Region of Iraq and UK Relations
Ozcelik et al. (Gul, Zana - contributor) B (2023) Charting a New Path: The Kurdistan Region of Iraq and UK Relations. Cambridge Middle East and North Africa Forum & International Audere. The UK. https://cmenaf.org/research-charting-a-new-path-the-kurdistan-region-of-iraq-and-uk-relations/
Book Chapter
Non-violent Salafist Political Engagement: Comparing Egypt's Al-Nour Party with Kuwait's Islamic Salafi Alliance
Gul Z & Jumet K (2023) Non-violent Salafist Political Engagement: Comparing Egypt's Al-Nour Party with Kuwait's Islamic Salafi Alliance. In: pp. 166-178. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9781003032793-13/non-violent-salafist-political-engagement-zana-gulmohamad-kira-jumet; https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003032793-13
Book Chapter
Non-violent Salafist Political Engagement: Comparing Egypt's Al-Nour Party with Kuwait's Islamic Salafi Alliance
Gulmohamad Z & Jumet K (2023) Non-violent Salafist Political Engagement: Comparing Egypt's Al-Nour Party with Kuwait's Islamic Salafi Alliance. In: Routledge Handbook of Non-Violent Extremism Groups, Perspectives and New Debates. Routledge, pp. 166-178. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9781003032793-13/non-violent-salafist-political-engagement-zana-gulmohamad-kira-jumet; https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003032793-13
The new era in the continuum of China and Iraq's relationship
Gul Z (2022) The new era in the continuum of China and Iraq's relationship. Asian Journal of Comparative Politics, 8 (1), pp. 348-363. https://doi.org/10.1177/20578911221140690
The Survival and Political Participation of a Kuwaiti Shia Movement: The National Islamic Alliance
Gulmohamad Z (2021) The Survival and Political Participation of a Kuwaiti Shia Movement: The National Islamic Alliance. Asian Affairs, 52 (4), pp. 958-983. https://doi.org/10.1080/03068374.2021.2011122
The Making of Foreign Policy in Iraq: Political Factions and the Ruling Elite
Gulmohamad Z (2021) The Making of Foreign Policy in Iraq: Political Factions and the Ruling Elite. London: I.B. Tauris an imprint of Bloomsbury. https://doi.org/10.5040/9781838605001
Munathamat Badr, from an armed wing to a ruling actor
Gulmohamad Z (2021) Munathamat Badr, from an armed wing to a ruling actor. Small Wars & Insurgencies. https://doi.org/10.1080/09592318.2021.1875310
Reframing the Campaign: From Egypt’s Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis to Wilayat Sinai, Islamic State’s Sinai Province
Jumet K & Gulmohamad Z (2020) Reframing the Campaign: From Egypt’s Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis to Wilayat Sinai, Islamic State’s Sinai Province. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism. https://doi.org/10.1080/1057610x.2020.1862737
Book Chapter
The Evolution of Iraq’s Hashd al-Sha’abi (Popular Mobilization Forces)
Gulmohamad Z (2020) The Evolution of Iraq’s Hashd al-Sha’abi (Popular Mobilization Forces). In: Amour PO (ed.) The Regional Order in the Gulf Region and the Middle East: Regional Rivalries and Security Alliances. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, pp. 259-301. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-45465-4_9
Newspaper / Magazine
What will Iraqi-US bilateral relations look like under Biden’s administration?
Gul Z (2020) What will Iraqi-US bilateral relations look like under Biden’s administration?. 16.11.2020.
Newspaper / Magazine
Iraq protests one year on: Demands, Iran’s role, al-Kadhimi and the future
Gul Z (2020) Iraq protests one year on: Demands, Iran’s role, al-Kadhimi and the future. 11.10.2020.
Consultancy Report
Messaging: Strategic Multilayer Assessment (SMA) reach back cell report
Gul Z, Astorino-Courtois (NSI) A, Logan M, Olidort J, Abbas H & Everington A (2017) Messaging: Strategic Multilayer Assessment (SMA) reach back cell report. NSI Team. http://nsiteam.com/social/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Messaging_Final.pdf. http://nsiteam.com/social/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Messaging_Final.pdf
Policy Document
SMA CENTCOM Reach-back Reports: ISIL Support and Recruitment
Canna S, Abbas H, Gul Z, Aguero S, Cragin K & Dagher M (2017) SMA CENTCOM Reach-back Reports: ISIL Support and Recruitment. NSI & The United States Central Command. http://nsiteam.com/social/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/ISIL-Recruitment-part-6.pdf. http://nsiteam.com/social/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/ISIL-Recruitment-part-6.pdf
Unseating the Caliphate: Contrasting the Challenges of Liberating Fallujah and Mosul
Gulmohamad Z (2016) Unseating the Caliphate: Contrasting the Challenges of Liberating Fallujah and Mosul [Unseating the Caliphate: Contrasting the Challenges of Liberating Fallujah and Mosul]. [https://ctc.westpoint.edu/unseating-the-caliphate-contrasting-the-challenges-of-liberating-fallujah-and-mosul/]. VOLUME 9, ISSUE 10. The United States, pp. 16-24.
Research Report
Iraq’s Shia Militias: Helping or Hindering the Fight Against Islamic State?
Gulmohamad Z (2016) Iraq’s Shia Militias: Helping or Hindering the Fight Against Islamic State?. The Jamestown Foundation. Terrorism Monitor, Volume 13, Issue 9. Washington, DC. https://jamestown.org/program/iraqs-shia-militias-helping-or-hindering-the-fight-against-islamic-state/#.VzVwxIR96Uk
Policy Document
ISIL Propaganda effect
Astorino-Courtois A, Scott Ligon G, Derrick D, Church and Michael Logan S, Olidort J, Abbas H & Gul Z (2016) ISIL Propaganda effect. NSI Team & The United States Central Command. http://nsiteam.com/social/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/QL-5_-response-_-how-audiences-reveive-info_10-4-2016FinalDraftV2.pdf
Newspaper / Magazine
The heat of protests in Iraq forces government reforms
Gul Z (2015) The heat of protests in Iraq forces government reforms. The heat of protests in Iraq forces government reforms. 17.10.2015.
Newspaper / Magazine
Iraq's game of thrones
Gul Z (2015) Iraq's game of thrones. The New Arab. 22.09.2015. https://www.newarab.com/opinion/iraqs-game-thrones
Newspaper / Magazine
A Short Profile of Iraq’s Shi’a Militias
Gul Z (2015) A Short Profile of Iraq’s Shi’a Militias. 17.04.2015, p. Volume: 13 Issue: 8.
Newspaper / Magazine
Report: Iraqi Kurdistan’s rise on the international scene amid the expansion of the Islamic State
Gul Z (2014) Report: Iraqi Kurdistan’s rise on the international scene amid the expansion of the Islamic State. 27.11.2014.
Newspaper / Magazine
Who is in control of Mosul?
Gul Z (2014) Who is in control of Mosul?. 07.07.2014.
Newspaper / Magazine
Who is in control of Mosul?
Gul Z (2014) Who is in control of Mosul?. 07.07.2014.
The Rise and Fall of the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (Levant) ISIS
Gul Z (2014) The Rise and Fall of the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (Levant) ISIS. [https://makhaterltakfir.com/File/Article/The%20Rise%20and%20Fall%20of%20the%20Islamic%20State.pdf] Global Security Studies, pp. p.10-21.
Newspaper / Magazine
The Washington and Baghdad relationship: Are the allies in the same orbit?
Gulmohamad Z (2014) The Washington and Baghdad relationship: Are the allies in the same orbit?. E-International Relations. 04.2014.
Newspaper / Magazine
The new phase in the Turkish-Iraqi relationship: fluctuating between friendly and inimical
Gul Z (2013) The new phase in the Turkish-Iraqi relationship: fluctuating between friendly and inimical. 20.08.2013.
Newspaper / Magazine
Where are the Syrian Kurds heading amidst the civil war in Syria?
Gul Z (2013) Where are the Syrian Kurds heading amidst the civil war in Syria?. 22.07.2013.