McNab E, Summers R, Harrison G & Park KJ (2019) How important are different non-native conifers in Britain to Common Crossbills Loxia curvirostra curvirostra?. Bird Study, 66 (1), pp. 64-72.
PhD topic: “How does large scale native woodland restoration affect biodiversity?”
Across the UK, considerable native woodland creation on open upland moorland is expected over the coming decades, through both governmental and non-governmental initiatives. This is predicted to benefit woodland birds of conservation importance, but impact negatively on moorland species, many of which are themselves also of conservation importance. Much of our knowledge of woodland planting is based upon non-native coniferous woodland, with limited ecological understanding of the impacts of native broadleaved planting. This project aims to answer a number of key questions relating to such native woodland expansion, including:
My main research interests are in ornithology; my Masters thesis was an investigation of feeding rates of common crossbill on key conifer species, and my honours project was a population study of the common buzzard Colonsay. Prior to starting my PhD I was a senior ecological consultant, specialising in protected species surveying and impact assessment.
McNab E, Summers R, Harrison G & Park KJ (2019) How important are different non-native conifers in Britain to Common Crossbills Loxia curvirostra curvirostra?. Bird Study, 66 (1), pp. 64-72.