Professor Alison Green

Professorial Fellow

Law University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Professor Alison Green

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About me

I am Institutional Dean for Teaching Quality Enhancement and Associate Dean for Learning and Teaching for the Faculty of Arts & Humanities and sit on both the Court of the University and the Academic Council- the governing bodies of the University. I am also a professor in law. Prior to joining University of Stirling in 2005, I was a practising solicitor and partner of Pagan Osborne, a medium sized Scottish law firm, where I was Head of the Corporate Law Division of the firm and on the Management Board. I practised law for over 15 years, working in corporate law, employment law, intellectual property law and banking. My clients were located all over the UK and abroad. I am a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Bankers and hold Chartered Banker status. In addition to my University post, I sat on the Quality & Standards committee of Institute of Chartered Bankers until 2017. I also sat on a committee of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Scotland for a number of years. I am a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Community Contribution

Member of the Investigations Committee of The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Scotland

Chairing and participating in investigation panels and adjudication committees investigating complaints against chartered accountant on a worldwide basis

Member of Law Society of Scotland Accreditation Panel

Assessed the course provision of LLB studies at a Scottish University on behalf of the Law Society education committee

Aurora mentor and role model
I am a reole model and mentor for women undertaking the Aurora programme which develops women in Higher Education to undertake senior roles

Member of Quality Committee of the Institute of Chartered Bankers in Scotland
Overseeing quality and standard of education provision by the Institute worldwide

reviewer for submissions to QAA Enhancement Themes Conferences
I review papers submitted to this conference and recommend acceptance as appropriate.

Divisional / Faculty Contribution

Deputy Director of Teaching & Learning

Responsible for employability in the School of Arts & Humanities and support the director in managing teaching and learning throughout the school

Associate Dean for Learning & Teaching
I provide strategic leadership for learning & teaching in Faculty of Arts & Humanities. I chair the Learning & Teaching Committee and take part in University level teaching initiatives.

Chair of Graduate Skills and Employability Committee
Chair of Committee guiding policy in the School of Arts & Humanities

member of Faculty Executive
Providing strategic oversight of all business related to the Faculty of Arts & Humanities

Member of Marketing Action Forum Faculty of Arts & Humanities
Directing marketing of Undergraduate and Taught Post Graduate teaching in teh Faculty of Arts & Huamities

Event / Presentation

The Final Year Conference and beyond. QAA International Enhancement Themes Conference
QAA for Higher Education…une-2015-glasgow
This presentation discussed the experience of running a conference for final year students focussed on employability and transitions


BS2153 and BS2287
Robert Gordon University

Professional membership

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Retained on the Roll of Solicitors in Scotland

Professional qualification

Associate of the Chartered Institute of Bankers and Chartered Banker

Postgraduate Certificate in Counselling Skills

Member of the Chartered Institute of Bankers and Chartered Banker
I am a member of the Institute by exam.

Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Higher Education Academy

University Contribution

Member of Academic Council
Co-opted member to Academic Council

Member of Education & Student Experience Committee
Member of the strategic oversight board for all matters relating to student experience

Member of Employability Working Group
Developing and implementing policy of employability for the University

Member of the Academic Advisory Group
member of the group which provides strategic guidance to the Academic Development team

Member of University Court
Co-opted member to Court

Member of University Learning & Teaching Committee
member of the committee which provides strategic oversight and innovation in the area of leanring & teaching for the University

Member of University Quality Assurance Committee
member of the strategic oversight committee for all quality assurance matters for the University and interim Chair 1/4/2017 -


My current role does not include research except to support my teaching in law and to inform my teaching and learning role within the University.



LAW9WP Law Work Placement Module

LAWP10 Law of Banking & Finance

LAW9L6 The law of banking & Finance

LAWU9IP Intellectual Property law