Dr Reuben Nowell

Lecturer in Animal Evolutionary Biology

Biological and Environmental Sciences Stirling

Dr Reuben Nowell

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About me

About me

I am an evolutionary biologist with broad interests in the interaction between genome structure and the processes of adaptation, diversification and speciation in non-model eukaryotes. I work with whole-genome sequence data in conjunction with population genomic and comparative phylogenetic methods to provide insights into how these mechanisms contribute to the evolutionary process. I am particularly interested in the interaction between ecology, life-history and genome structure, the impact of extraordinary molecular mechanisms such as horizontal gene transfer, and the insights to be gained from the genomic peculiarities of non-model organisms.


I have a hat-trick of degrees from the University of Edinburgh, with a BSc (Hons) in Evolutionary Biology (2008), then an MSc in Quantitative Genetics and Genome Analysis (2010) before getting my PhD in 2015. I then completed 2 postdocs with Prof Tim Barraclough and Dr Chris Wilson at Imperial College London (and later Oxford) working on a group of enigmatic and unusual animals called bdelloid rotifers, before moving to Stirling in early 2024. Happily, I am still scratching my head trying to understand bdelloid genomes.


Comparative and Evolutionary Genomics; Horizontal Gene Transfer; Adaptation; Speciation; Phylogenetics

Outputs (17)


Book Chapter

Yoshida Y, Nowell RW, Arakawa K & Blaxter M (2019) Horizontal Gene Transfer in Metazoa: Examples and Methods. In: Villa TG & Vinas M (eds.) Horizontal Gene Transfer: Breaking Borders Between Living Kingdoms. Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 203-226. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-21862-1_7