Dr Arthur Broadbent

Research Fellow (NERC)

Biological and Environmental Sciences Stirling

Dr Arthur Broadbent

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About me

I'm a NERC Independent Research Fellow investigating global change impacts on belowground biodiversity and functioning in mountain ecosystems.

My expertise centers on plant and soil communities, their interactions, and how they regulate biogeochemical cycles. I'm a field ecologist at heart but also dabble in controlled environment studies for mechanistic questions. Currently setting up field experiments in the Swiss Alps and Northern Scandes, along with a globally coordinated study on soil carbon in mountain ecosystems. Please get in touch if you are interested in collaborating!

Brief CV: 2018-2023: Postdoc and Researcher Co-Investigator positions at The University of Manchester. Investigating soil microbial community responses to climate change in the Austrian Alps. PI: Prof. Richard Bardgett.

2017-2018: Endeavour Research Fellowship at the Queensland University of Technology (Brisbane, Australia). Supervisor: Prof. Jennifer Firn

2013-2017: PhD Environmental Science at Lancaster University. Thesis title: Exploring the Impacts and Mechanisms of Plant Invasions in Grasslands. Supervsiors: Prof. Carly Stevens, Prof. Nick Ostle and Dr. Kate Orwin (Landcare Research, New Zealand).

2012-2013: Research technician investiagting Nutrient cycles in Ecuadorian Cloudforest (University of Bern, Switzerland).

2007-2011: BSc. Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia (with a year at the University of Victoria, BC, Canada).

Research (1)


Synergistic global change impacts on belowground biodiversity and carbon stocks in mountain ecosystems.
PI: Dr Arthur Broadbent
Funded by: Natural Environment Research Council