Dr Daniel Rhodes
Honorary Senior Research Fellow
History National Trust for Scotland Balnain House 40 Huntly Street Inverness IV35HR
Contact details
- Email daniel.rhodes@stir.ac.uk
About me
My role as a heritage professional has seen me lead projects in Ireland, Iceland, Tanzania, Kenya, Sudan and Scotland.
I work extensively in community heritage engagement and the application of heritage as a means of social and economic development. As Archaeologist for the National Trust for Scotland I carry out research on some of Scotland’s most significant buildings and landscapes.
My research in East Africa draws together the relationship between archaeology and history using techniques of artefact, building, spatial and historical analyses to study the contested spaces of East Africa’s urban centres. My work compares the German and British colonies in Tanzania, Kenya and Sudan (the key entry points into Africa for the nineteenth-century colonial regimes) to earlier Swahili urban design. In these I have focused on academic studies of contested heritages and the relationship between the global north and south. As well as contemporary expressions as experienced through tourism.
I carry out all my heritage practice with the express intention of sharing and opening up access to heritage to as wider audience as possible.
Patterson, N., …, Rhodes, D.T., et al. (2021) Large-scale migration into Britain during the Middle to Late Bronze Age. Nature. 601 pp588–594
Rhodes, D.T. (2021) Newhailes: an 18th-century Designed Landscape in Scotland and its role in Enlightenment Social Theatre. Post-Medieval Archaeology 55(1) pp15-38.
Rhodes, D.T. (2021) Upland habitation at Castle Campbell in the Ochils, Scotland: a multifunctional historic landscape at Dollar Glen. In P. Dixon, C, Theune (eds) Seasonal Settlement in the Medieval and Early Modern Countryside: Ruralia XIII. Sidestone Press. pp147-58.
Rhodes, D.T. (2019) History, Materialization, and Presentation of Slavery in Tanzania. Journal of African Diaspora Archaeology and Heritage. 7(2) pp165-91.
Rhodes, D., Uglow, N. & Addyman, T. (2017) Gladstone’s Land: The Archaeology and Conservation of a Medieval Townhouse on Edinburgh’s Royal Mile. Post-Medieval Archaeology 51(2) pp354-71
Rhodes, D. & Jones, E. (2017) Cist Behind the Binns: The Excavation of an Iron Age Cist Burial at the House of the Binns, West Lothian. Proc Soc Antiq Scot 146 (2017), pp1-10.
Forsythe, W., Breen, C. & Rhodes, D. (2016) A Maritime Archaeological Survey of Stone Town Zanzibar. International Journal of Nautical Archaeology. 45(1) pp,191-199
Breen, C. & Rhodes, D. (2015) The Suakin Dilemma, conservation and heritage management in Eastern Sudan. Journal of the Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites.17(2) pp107-119
Rhodes, D. (2014) Second Modernity and the Second Phase of European Colonialism. Encyclopaedia of Global Archaeology. Springer. pp6525-6533.
Rhodes, D. (2012) Hamilton’s Land: 42-44 High Street, Linlithgow: A Late Medieval Townhouse. Vernacular Building Vol. 35. The Scottish Vernacular Buildings Working Group.
Rhodes, D. (2011) The Nineteenth-Century Colonial Archaeology of Suakin, Sudan. International Journal of Historical Archaeology. 15(1) pp162-189.
Breen, C., Raven, J., Forsyth, W. & Rhodes, D. (2011) Survey and Excavation at Dunstaffnage Castle, Argyll. Proc Soc Antiq Scot. 140 . pp. 165-178.
Breen, C & Rhodes, D. (2010) International Development and African Archaeology. Duckworth Debates in Archaeology.
Rhodes, D. (2010) Historical Archaeologies of Nineteenth-Century Colonial Tanzania: A Comparative Study. BAR International Series 2075.
Cultural Heritage, Archaeology, Conservation and contemporary relationships with the past.