Management School
The logo is the most visible element of our sub-brand. Logo downloads are available for internal members of staff only. If you are an agency or third party, please contact the Marketing Team with your requirements Always use the master logo for reproduction.
The logo can be used in white if producing a publication or document were other versions won’t work. The example above shows how the white logo should be used on a solid colour background.
Logo exclusion zone
We measure the exclusion zone by taking the height of the crest and using it to mark out the surrounding area. No other elements should encroach on this clear space.
Minimum size
It’s also important to keep our logo legible, so we have provided a minimum size for reproduction.
You must always use master artwork when reproducing the logo.
Teams Backgrounds
Signature Guidelines
In order to ensure the best formatting and best usage of your email signature:
- Do not resize the logo image generated for your signature in your email client.
- Do not add any graphics or images to the signature file.
- It is possible to include one line of text underneath the signature with a key ranking/accolade you’d like to highlight. It is important that only the latest rankings and accolades are used – please refer to the facts and figures.
Simply copy the signature from the link below and paste into your email signature box in Microsoft Outlook remembering to update with your own personal contact details, including your name, position, phone number etc.