Your mental health and wellbeing

We want you to feel like you can 'just ask' whenever you’re facing questions or challenges at university. This is especially true where your mental health and wellbeing are concerned, so if the pressures of studying lead you to feel anxious or in need of a helping hand at any point, we’d encourage you to simply reach out for the support we can offer.

Undergraduate management school student, BSc Management

Dedicated support

Student Support Services operates a Mental Health, Wellbeing and Counselling service. Our qualified Mental Health Advisers, Counsellors and Mental Health and Wellbeing Officer are here for you throughout your time at Stirling. Whatever you’re going through, we’re here to help.

Mental health

If you would like to know about the kind of support you can get during your studies, please contact the Student Services Hub so they can direct you to the most appropriate service. We want to make sure all our students get the most out of university life and we provide a range of assistance services that you can benefit from after starting at Stirling.

Watch our video to see how you can access the different mental health services.

Meet the team

A Mental Health Adviser will provide a comfortable and confidential space in which to explore your mental health and support options. We aim to enhance your student experience whilst supporting you to reach your potential.  We will support students to manage the impact of mental health on their academic journey. And offer advice on reasonable adjustments (in line with the Equality Act) and consider the most appropriate ongoing support. We deliver comprehensive, specialist support to students with a wide range of mental health conditions.

A Mental Health and Wellbeing Officer will provide students with guidance, information and support to enhance your wellbeing and mental health. We deliver a range of proactive wellbeing services for prospective and current students. We host wellbeing drop ins, individual and group interventions assisting you to maintain wellness on your university journey.

Alternatively, if you are a current student and have a diagnosed mental health condition you can start the process of connecting with our Mental Health Student Advisers by filling out our Initial Identification of Needs form.

One at a Time therapy

A counselling session to support you to develop strategies or ideas to help you with your greatest concerns. We are now offering face to face and online appointments. Please read the following information to allow you to make an informed decision regarding how you will attend a counselling appointment.

What is One at a Time Counselling?

Counselling is a talking therapy which gives you the opportunity to explore issues which are causing you concern or distress. Your counsellor will give you the space to find a new perspective on a problem or think about options for change. The counsellor won’t tell you what to do but they will listen to you and help you find a way forward.

At the University of Stirling, we offer One at a Time Counselling, which means we focus on the most significant issue for you at the time of your session. We offer you one appointment at a time, then encourage you to reflect on what you and your counsellor have discussed. This may include taking some action regarding your situation and trying to manage it by putting into practice the ideas, techniques or action plans discussed in counselling. If it is more appropriate to refer you on to other services, either within or out with the University, we will do this with your permission.

If you feel after this process you need further support, you can make another appointment. About 70% of students find a single appointment helps them to move in the right direction.

For what issues can One at a Time Therapy be helpful?

One at a Time Therapy can be used for a wide range of issues, from anxiety to improving relationships, grief and loss, mental health issues, life changes and managing stress. In a One at a Time session, we can offer a contained and immediate response to your most pressing concern. While the session will focus on your greatest concern, this therapy can still be suitable for students with multiple or complex issues. So you may have a lot going on in your life, but still find a One at a Time session helpful.

What can I expect to happen during my One at a Time session?

When you register for the service, you will be sent a pre-session questionnaire to fill in. This will help you and your Counsellor to find out more about your main concerns and goals for your session. Please complete this before your session; if this is not complete before the session you will need to spend time during the session completing this.

If you feel the session was enough to meet your needs then you will not have another session booked, with the understanding that you are welcome to re-contact us at any point in the future.


Making an appointment

If you're a current University of Stirling student and would like to access our service, please complete our Counselling registration form. We'll ensure you receive the most appropriate support for your needs. We will treat you with dignity and respect, uphold the highest standards of confidentiality and offer you non-judgemental support to help you better understand your feelings and emotions.

Limits of support available to students based overseas

For legal and regulatory reasons counselling cannot be provided by University of Stirling Counsellors to students overseas. However, we can provide counselling with our partner organisation Spectrum Life.

Online appointments

Online "One at Time therapy" counselling sessions are delivered via MS Teams. We have been providing this option since March 2020 in response to COVID-19 restrictions and student feedback since then has highlighted that, for many students, this method of delivering counselling works well and is preferable, in some cases, to face-to-face. As a result, we'll continue to offer students this option.

Pease read this information, along with our standard Counsellor Student Contract Information Sheet.

Some advantages to online counselling

  • Online counselling is flexible, effective and accessible
  • You can remain in a safe, familiar and comfortable space – this can encourage relaxation and openness
  • Online counselling allows access to support without having to travel, this can reduce stress – it will continue to be at an agreed time
  • Support will continue to be compassionate, professional and respectful

How to get the most out of remote counselling sessions

  • Implement a normal routine before therapy such as washing and dressing appropriately – this can help with motivation and focus
  • Leave some time before the session to give yourself a moment to get set-up and prepared - this can help you feel ready for the session
  • Be aware of the potential to share more online – this can lead to heightened emotional responses during and after the session
  • If possible, avoid having another meeting straight after your session- give yourself time to wind down
  • Technical problems can arise - check your digital device is fully charged, with a stable internet connection
  • Think about where you will be at the time of the appointment - you will need somewhere quiet, where you feel safe and won't be interrupted
  • Sit in a comfortable chair and where the counsellor can see you clearly
  • Pour yourself a glass of water or a cup of tea/coffee before the session, but avoid consuming recreational drugs or alcohol before or during the session

How does online counselling work?

  • Appointments are delivered using Microsoft Teams - MS Teams is part of Office 365 and is available to all students. Find out more about how to use MS Teams.
  • You will be sent a confirmation email for your appointment - it will contain a link to the MS Teams appointment.
  • When you are ready to join the appointment at the arranged time, click on the link and you will be taken through to the MS teams appointment.
  • You can agree with your counsellor if you prefer the remote session to be video or just audio.

If, due to personal circumstances, you are unable to engage with on-line support please contact our Student Services Hub.

Limits of support available to students based overseas

Counselling cannot be provided to students based overseas for legal and regulatory reasons. We can provide a support session (not counselling) to help you to identify local support in the country you are living in.

Face to face appointments

Face to face appointments are held in the 4Y corridor in the Cottrell Building.

Arrive as close to the appointment time as possible as there are no waiting areas. If your counsellors door is closed, please do not wait outside the door, instead we would ask you to return in two minutes.

Spectrum.Life logo with '24/7 Student Support'

24/7 Student Support helpline

In addition to the wide range of wellbeing services available at the University, students also have 24/7 access to Spectrum.Life's free confidential helpline that provides in-the-moment emotional wellbeing support.

More about Spectrum.Life


We want you to thrive at Stirling and make the most of the opportunities and support available to you. When you’re thriving, you feel more resilient, confident, powerful and in control in your life. You’re less prone to stress, anxiety or depression – and more likely to feel happy and content in your life. Explore below how the 5 ways to wellbeing and other sources of support can help you get the most out of University life.

See support available

Wellbeing on Wheels

Wellbeing is important and unique to everyone of us. We can all benefit from a check-in on our wellbeing and a listening ear.

Our Mental Health and Wellbeing Officer, Fiona Glashan, is now offering Wellbeing on Wheels. Come along to these drop-ins where you can ask 'quick' questions about your wellbeing or services that may support you.

Locations include; Student Accommodation (Willow Court), the Student Hub and The Sports Centre. For dates and times, please check Be Connected.

Water Feature in Loch View Wellbeing Suite

Loch View Wellbeing Suite

Chill out, press pause and visit our tranquil and inviting wellbeing space. Decompress and relax with a book, art supplies, comfortable beanbag chairs, weighted blankets, sensory toys and much more.

Drop-in anytime from 9:30 to 16:30, Monday to Friday.

Loch View Wellbeing Suite

More information for staff

Staff can find further information on supporting our students within our dedicated pages.

Confidentiality and Data Sharing

We respect the privacy of everyone who uses our University Support Services. Take a closer look at our full documentation on Confidentiality and Data Sharing.

Out of hours support

The Student Support Services team are available 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday (except on public holidays and University closure days).

Outside of these hours, you are not alone – there is a lot of support available to you.

Contact us

Students can connect with us at the Student Services Hub in Campus Central or by calling + 44 (0) 1786 466022 or emailing