Miss Emily Bonsall


Biological and Environmental Sciences Stirling

Miss Emily Bonsall

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About me

About me

I am a planetary scientist interested in finding evidence of life on Mars. Currently, I am working towards my PhD at the University of Stirling, funded by the STFC. This involves me using several techniques to investigate the role reactive iron plays with preserving organic matter.

In 2020 I completed an MEarthSci(Hons) in Geology with Planetary Science at the University of Manchester. For my masters project, I modelled the energy availability for iron reducing bacteria from different iron oxides and organic molecules; with a relevance to martian environments.

In my free time I enjoy fossil hunting and learning more about the geology around Stirling.


Currently, my research is looking at the long term preservation of iron-organic matter complexes in sediment; with an application to Mars and the Mars Sample Return Mission.

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