RSE Workshop 3

Workshop 3: New thinking on Carved Stones in Scotland

26 August 2015, Royal Society of Edinburgh

This is the third of four workshops which took place as part of the Future Thinking on Carved Stones in Scotland project. The main outcome of this event was to be a research agenda for carved stones in Scotland, a thematic ScARF (Scottish Archaeology Research Framework). As this was the first ever gathering of the wider carved stone research community, of specialists and non-specialists, the emphasis was on networking – on identifying research ideas and possible synergies. To stimulate discussion of shared interests, all attendees were asked to bring an A3 poster concisely summarizing their ongoing and future research interests. A small number of invited collaborators, including representatives of Workshops 1 and 2, briefly presented their ideas to the wider group as a prompt to new thinking in carved stone research. Breakout groups, based on attendees’ research interests then met to explore specific topics and discussions were reported back and discussed in a final plenary session. The day closed with a complimentary wine reception to cement the networking. See RSE Workshop 3 Programme.

Image of RSE Workshop 3


Please contact Dr Sally Foster with further suggestions or for further information.