Landscape Legacies of Coal: One Year Birthday Celebration

Following guidance regarding COVID-19 unfortunately we have had to postpone the event. Hopefully we will be able to celebrate later on in the year.
Help us celebrate Landscape Legacies of Coal App’s first year of live operation with a series of mining-related talks and coffee and cake on Thursday 2nd April 2020 4-7pm at Made in Stirling.
The ‘Coal App’ is a series of curated heritage walks that narrate the story of Scottish coal mining industry and the communities that depended on it through the medium of, and active engagement with, the landscape, utilising a mix of industrial archaeology, historic maps, plans, images and oral testimonies.
The key aims of the project are to provide a dynamic record of the rapidly disappearing landscape features and built environments and to increase local cultural understanding of mining heritage, and of the social and economic significance of the coal industry.
We currently have ten walking routes live on the app and ten currently in various stages of development.
Speaking on the night are:
‘Mining the Future: The Coal App, One Year on And What’s in Store’ - Catherine Mills, University of Stirling
‘On the Trail of Coal’ - David Bell, National Mining Museum Scotland
‘Colliery Waggonways - the Development that Shaped the Clackmannanshire Coal Industry’ - Murray Dickie, Clackmannanshire Field Studies Society
‘Miner Poets and their Landscape’ - Julieann McHale, University of Stirling
'Going Coal Mining: Exploring the Linn Mill Walk' - Kat Pruente, University of Stirling
‘Collieries, Canals and the Coal Baron: Twechar’s Mining History, Lisa Snedden, University of Stirling