Legislative requirements

The University of Stirling aims to integrate the promotion of equality and diversity into all its activities, from key decisions on its mission and strategic objectives through to day-to-day operations.

The University does not tolerate harassment, victimisation or unjustified discrimination on the grounds of gender, race/ethnic origin, disability, age, religion or belief, sexual orientation, pregnancy, marital or civil partnership status, caring responsibility or other irrelevant characteristics, and is committed to working with diversity in a wholly positive way to promote fairness, inclusiveness, and good relations.

All staff and students (whether existing or potential) and visitors to the University's campuses should receive fair treatment whatever their relationship with the University.

The University is committed to embedding the principles of equality and fairness in all its policies, functions and decisions.

All communications produced should reflect the Single Equality Scheme, which can be found at: www.diversityandequality.stir.ac.uk

Charity Number

The OSCR (Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator) has produced new guidance for all registered charities to display their charity status on their literature. The following wording must be used: The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC 011159.

Further guidance is available here.

Copyright statement

View our copyright statement for the web

Copyright statements for paper publications may vary depending on the content of the publication.

An example of how this might be applied to the University prospectus is:

DISCLAIMER: The publisher acknowledges the right of all copyright holders.  University courses, services and procedures are continually reviewed and revised and there may be some changes between the time of publication and the date when the student enters the University. The University reserves the right to make changes to its courses, services and procedures whenever it sees fit. Students and others should enquire about the up-to-date position when they need to know this.

For further advice, please email: marketingtools@stir.ac.uk

Terms and conditions

Use of the University of Stirling Brand Bank website

By using this Brand Bank website, you signify your agreement to the terms of use contained in this statement. If you do not agree to these terms, you should not use the site.

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Unless otherwise stated, the copyright and other intellectual property rights in all material on this site (including, but not limited to, information, logos, photographs and graphical images) is owned by the University of Stirling.

© 2020 The University of Stirling, Stirling, Scotland, UK, FK9 4LA

University of Stirling (word and logo) is a registered trademark.

You may print or download material from this site only if:

  • it is in direct support of university marketing activity and not used for third party endorsement without the University of Stirling’s prior written permission.
  • it is not reproduced, modified, adapted or processed.
  • the University of Stirling copyright notice appears in all marketing material produced on behalf of the University of Stirling.

No part of this site may be reproduced or stored in any other website or included in any public or private electronic retrieval system or service without the University of Stirling’s prior written permission.

Further legal notices can be found in our policy, legal, and cookies information.